Contributed by Kim, Nutrition Management
Showing posts with label Citron Campus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Citron Campus. Show all posts
Friday, April 1
LUNCHBOX april menu, citron campus
Happy Spring! Check out our April Lunch Menu to see all the yummy options Nutrition Management is offering this month.
Contributed by Kim, Nutrition Management
Contributed by Kim, Nutrition Management
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus april 1
Photo of the Week: Thank you teachers for all your hard work! We appreciate you!
Thank You!
The Teachers and staff of the Citron Campus would like to say “THANK YOU” to the FPA, room parents, and volunteers that made Teacher Appreciation Week a success. We appreciate the time that was spent planning the wonderful week and the love that was given through notes and kind gestures. It could not have happened without your support. Thank you!
After School Fun
Per popular demand we are adding another class ofCooking and other concoctions to our extracurricular schedule. The class will start Thursday, April 7th from 3:15pm to 4:00pm and run through June 2nd. Enroll your little chef on this hands-on experience before it’s too late! Registration forms are located in the lobby or contact Ms. Luz for more info.
Menu Change
Starting the month of April Nutrition Management has made a change to their substitute entrĂ©e. Grilled cheese sandwiches will no longer be available as an option and will be replaced with an American cheese sandwich. If you have any question pertaining the menu or your child’s account you may contact NMSC at 714-234-2777.
Chalk Talk – Robert Cohen
Thursday, April 7 • 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Fairmont Edgewood Campus
12421 Newport Avenue
Santa Ana, CA
iPhones, iPads, Blackberries, Droids...I'm Lost
Today, cell phones do so much more than make phone calls and send text messages, but how do we know which of the thousands of apps are actually worth downloading? And once they’re downloaded, how do we use them? Join Bob Cohen, Smartphone expert and esteemed technology coach, for an interactive workshop to learn how to make the most of these new technologies.
Multicultural Day
Multicultural Day is a special opportunity for students to learn about different cultures around the world. We would like to invite all parents to join us on Friday, April 8th for fashion show and potluck.
Fashion Show- children can wear their cultural attire all day or wear free dress. The fashion show will begin at 10:15am. Please complete the portion of the flyer that was sent home to participate. List the description as you would like it announced during the fashion show.
Potluck – 11:30am for preschool & Jr. Kindergarten / 12:10pm for Kindergarten. Students may still order a school lunch or bring a home lunch. Students can only participate in the international potluck if a parent is on campus to accompany them. We encourage parents to share one of their favorite food dishes and participate in our potluck. Food must be able to feed about 10 – 15 people. Please complete the portion of the flyer that was sent home to participate.
Any questions? Please contact Sheryl Santiago at 562-233-1468
SNACK TIME eat right with color
Friday, April 8th
Multicultural Day Celebration
10:15am: Fashion Show
11:30am: Pre & Jr. K potluck
12:10am: Kdg potluck
Monday, April 11th
Week of the Young Child
Tuesday, April 12th
Career Day:
Come dressed as something you would like to be when you grow up. If any parent would like to share their career with your child’s class please contact the teacher.
Wednesday, April 13th
Pajama Day
5:00pm - Family Reading Night
Thursday, April 14th
Candy Gram Day
Friday, April 15th
Classroom Egg Hunt – More information on schedule to follow
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Friday, March 25
SNACK TIME eat right with color
March is National Nutrition Month! This year's theme, "Eat Right with Color," provides an easy way to focus on improving eating habits — simply include plenty of color on your plate!
National Nutrition Month is an annual campaign sponsored by the American Dietetic Association ( to promote nutrition awareness and education. This month the American Dietetic Association wants you to make healthy choices by incorporating a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables into your meals every day.
A rainbow of foods contributes a variety of nutrients, each with different potential benefits. A varied diet supplies different nutrients, so maximize the nutritional value of your meal, by including healthful choices in a variety of colors."
Green. These foods contain special compounds called indoles, that help the liver and intestinal tract get rid of harmful compounds and may help reduce cancer risks.
Examples include broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, bok choy, spinach and kale.
Orange and deep yellow fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, and alpha and beta-carotenes which protect cell membranes, improve night vision, and may reduce the risk of cancer. Examples include oranges, tangerines, papayas, apricot, cantaloupe, grapefruit, mango, papaya, pineapple, carrots, yellow pepper, yellow corn, squash and sweet potatoes.
Purple and blue fruits and vegetables contain anthocyanins that may have antioxidant and anti-aging benefits and may help with memory, urinary tract health and reduced cancer risks.
Examples include blackberries, blueberries, plums, raisins, eggplant, and purple cabbage.
Red produce contain compounds that are rich in lycopene, which reduces cancer risk by ridding the body of free radicals that can damage genes. They may help to maintain a healthy heart, vision, immunity and may reduce cancer risks.
Examples include cherries, cranberries, pomegranate, red/pink grape fruit, red grapes, watermelon, beets, red onions, red peppers, red potatoes, rhubarb and tomatoes.
White, tan and brown foods contain flavonoids that protect cell membranes which may then support heart health and reduce cancer risks.
Examples include banana, pears, dates, cauliflower, mushrooms, garlic, onions, parsnips, turnips, white-fleshed potato and white corn.
Earlier this month, Fairmont’s Mabel campus participated in open house and children and parents helped themselves to red delicious apples loaded with phyto nutrients!
For more tips visit the National Nutrition Month section. Plenty of resources are available, including recipes, interactive games, nutrition education resources and the NNM blog.
Contributed by Leslie, Nutrition Management Services
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus march 25
Your Participation Requested for Fairmont's Annual Parent Survey
By now, you should have received an e-mail with our Annual Parent Survey. To keep the survey anonymous the link was emailed to you from Options Marketing Research. The anonymous opinions and thoughts of all Fairmont parents in the survey are critical to our schools and highly valued. Last year we instituted a number of changes due to parent feedback-including this weekly eNewsletter! Please take a couple minutes to let us know what is working for you and what is not.
Thank you!
Important Information About Uniforms
It has come to our attention that students are wearing articles of clothing that are non-compliant with Fairmont’s uniform code. If the weather is cool enough to require outerwear, students must wear one of the Fairmont sweatshirts or the navy jacket purchased through “True Grits.” ANY OTHER OUTERWEAR IS NOT PERMITTED. White turtlenecks may be worn under the uniform shirt or blouse if extra warmth is required. Girls may wear white or navy tights under their jumpers. Girls may also wear khaki or navy blue slacks from “True Grits.” Boys and girls may wear white or navy crew socks. Girls may also wear knee socks if they are conservative in color and design. All Fairmont students are required to wear school uniforms which are clean, pressed and in good repair.
We appreciate your attention to this matter.
Thank You,
Mrs. Rae Douglas,
After School Fun
The spring session of extracurricular classes will start Monday, March 28th. Registration forms were sent home last week and extra forms can be found in the lobby. Please take the time to take a look and take advantage of the after school fun your child will have without leaving the campus. Most classes fill up quickly and have a class limit, make sure you turn in your enrollment before Friday, April 8th. Don’t miss out! You can contact Ms. Luz for more information at
Citron Appreciates Teachers!
The Citron Campus will celebrate Teacher Appreciation March 28th – March 31st. During this week the Citron administration along with the parent association have organized special activities to help make our wonderful teachers feel that they are number one. A letter has bee sent home with the FPA activities for the week. We ask for your help by having your child participate. The FPA has also put together a board with wish list items for all the teachers. Stop by the Citron lobby and take a “wish” and you’ll have a gift idea to give for the week. We thank all the parents and students for participating! If you are interested in helping with any activities please contact Mrs. Santamaria or Amber Jackson at
BOOK REPORT citron's read is an optical illusion
Monday, March 28th
Extracurricular classes begin
Jk&Kdg fieldtrip – Wizard of Oz
Depart: 9:30am and Return: 11:30am
(All students must return the permission slip and have an emergency card on file)
Teacher Appreciation Week Begins:
Check out the wish board in the lobby
Tuesday, March 29th
Teacher Appreciation: Have your child bring a piece of fruit to school. Preschool students bring two.
Wednesday, March 30th
Teacher Appreciation: Have your child bring a flower to school. Flowers do not need to be store bought they can be picked from your garden.
Thursday, March 31st
Teacher Appreciation: Student free dress, students are encouraged to wear their teacher’s favorite color.
Friday, April 1st
School Closed – No child care will be available
This is a non-student day. Teachers will be at an off site training.
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Tuesday, March 22
BOOK REPORT citron's read is an optical illusion
Duck! Rabbitt!
by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Tom Lichtenheld
all ages
Looking for a fun read-aloud for the younger set that is just as amusing for mom and dad? This clever take on an age-old optical illusion will really get your little ones engaged and will have them passionately defending what they think they see. Is it a duck or is it a rabbit? This book is a chance for opinionated preschoolers and kindergartners to express themselves and, in the end, to discover it's okay to agree to disagree. Oh, and it's a great gift to fill a certain Bunny's basket this spring!
Contributed by Danyelle, Marketing
Friday, March 18
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus march 18
Citron Book Fair
Please visit a Barnes & Noble location starting Friday, March 18th – March 20th and a percentage of your Barnes & Noble purchase will benefit our school. If you can’t make it out to a Barnes & Noble location you can visit to support us online from March 18th– March 23rd. Simply provide our bookfair ID (10443240) at checkout. Feel free to pass our bookfair ID to family and friends!
Your Participation Requested for Fairmont's Annual Parent Survey
Early next week parents of Fairmont Pre-8th graders will be emailed our annual parent survey. To keep the survey anonymous the link will be emailed to you from Options Marketing Research. The anonymous opinions and thoughts of all Fairmont parents in the survey are critical to our schools and highly valued. Last year we instituted a number of changes due to parent feedback-including this weekly eNewsletter! Please take a couple minutes to let us know what is working for you and what is not. Look for the email from Options Marketing Research by Wednesday.
Thank you!
Chalk Talk: Mouse Tales from a Disney Legend
As former Disneyland President, Jack Lindquist played an integral role in making Walt Disney's dream a reality. Join us to hear the captivating story of Disneyland's humble beginnings from this beloved Disney Legend. His many mouse tales are sure to entertain and evoke your own childhood memories from the Happiest Place on Earth. First 5 RSVPs will receive a copy of Jack’s new book In Service to the Mouse.RSVP at
Wednesday, March 23 • 6:00pm - 7:30p
Fairmont Mable Campus
1557 West Mable Street
Anaheim, CA
Kindergarten Readiness
In today’s educational system parents and educators work to prepare students for Kindergarten through teaching children their ABCs, numbers, shapes and colors which are the foundational pieces to build upon during the kindergarten year. While teachers agree that the mastery of these basic knowledge skills are important, they are also looking for their students to be good listeners, to follow directions, to play well with others, to cut and paste, and to be eager learners. The balance of academic knowledge, development growth, and supportive parents are the keys to a successful student.
We would like to extend a personal invitation for you and your family to join us on March 24, 2011 from 5:00-6:00pm for a introduction to the Citron Kindergarten experience. We will have a brief presentation by Mrs. Douglas, as well as a conversation with our panel of teachers, at the end there will be a Q & A session.
Please RSVP to Ms. Rafat at your earliest convenience . We look forward to seeing you there!
SUMMER your morning coffee is on us
Friday, March 18th
Citron Campus Closed – No School
Citron Open House and Auction
5:30 pm – 7:30pm
Barnes & Noble Bookfair begins (any location)
Saturday, March 19th& Sunday, March 20th
Barnes & Noble Bookfair (any location)
Monday, March 21st – March 23rd
Barnes & Noble online Bookfair
Use ID# 10443240 at checkout
Monday, March 21st – Thursday, March 24th
Citron Ruby’s Night –FPA Fundraiser
Dine at Ruby’s and 20% of your total will be donated to our campus
Thursday, March 24th
Kindergarten Readiness
Citron Campus
5:00pm – 6:00pm
Monday, March 28th
Extracurricular Classes Begin
Wizard of Oz Theater Trip – JK & K field trip
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Monday, March 14
SUMMER your morning coffee is on us
Your Morning Coffee is on Us!
Join us at a local coffee shop from 8-10am to help plan your family's summer experience with Fairmont!
Today's families are busier than ever, that's why Fairmont Private Schools has developed a summer program with plenty of variety and flexibility. For your convenience, we will be stopping by the following locations from 8am-10am to answer your questions and help customize an unforgettable summer experience for your child. We'd be delighted to treat you to a cup of coffee while we share more about our fun, educational program.
Tuesday, March 15
Starbucks by Cinema City, Anaheim Hills
5655 E. La Palma, Anaheim Hills
Thursday, March 31
Peet's Coffee & Tea, Tustin
12932 Newport Avenue, Tustin
Tuesday, April 5
Coffee Bean, Oak Creek Plaza, Irvine
5653 Alton Pkwy, Irvine
Thursday, April 14
Starbucks, Cerritos Plaza, Cerritos
11401 E. South Street, Cerritos
Wednesday, April 27
Starbucks, Orange Circle, Orange
44 Plaza Square, Orange
Contributed by Jamie, Summer Programs
TEACHER'S PET mia and macy
These are our dogs Mia and Macy! They love to get in the sheets right out of the dryer and bury themselves. Gia named Mia (the one in the back). She is our newest addition. Both dogs are very lovable and Gia plays with them constantly. The picture below is of Mia behind my computer. I got lucky and had the camera ready. The dogs like to sit on my lap and climb on the desk while I work. It makes it hard to get anything done when you have such a cutie on the other side of the monitor!
Contributed by Caryn and Gia Chavez, Anaheim Hills Campus
Want your pet to be featured as next month's Teacher's Pet? Simply e-mail a photo and brief description of your pet to Alyssa at by March 9th! We look forward to your submissions!
TEACHER'S PET molly the jindo mix
Molly is a 1-year old Jindo mix. She is a rescue from the Pasadena Humane Society. Her favorite activities are going on walks, running around in circles, destroying toys that we buy her, and sitting at my feet, demanding love. Thoroughly spoiled, she knows COME, SIT, and HIGH-FIVE. We are currently working on FETCH and MAKE LATTE.
Contributed by Mr. Yoon, Fairmont Prep Theatre Arts Teacher
Want your pet to be featured as next month's Teacher's Pet? Simply e-mail a photo and brief description of your pet to Alyssa at by March 9th! We look forward to your submissions!
Want your pet to be featured as next month's Teacher's Pet? Simply e-mail a photo and brief description of your pet to Alyssa at by March 9th! We look forward to your submissions!
Friday, March 11
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus march 11
Photo of the Week: Music Time!
Re-Enrollment Wrap-Up
It has been a fun filled re-enrollment season! I would like to express my appreciation to all of the families who have re-enrolled; we look forward to having another amazing year with your family! The Tiki Time Luau campaign has come to a close. Fridays Hula Dance with Mrs. Douglas and our special cake and pineapple treat made the day a complete joy!
I am happy to share that our campus surpassed our re-enrollment goal, in addition we have several classes that are now full. With that being said I what to reiterate how vital it is for those of you who have not yet re-enrolled to do so as soon as possible. Our current families are our priority, however new students are re-enrolling daily.
I know you have many choices when selecting a school and I want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to exceed your expectations.
Ms. Rafat
Director of Admissions & Records
Citron Campus
Tiki Time Raffle Winners for the 2011-2012 school year:
Parking Space
September Samantha Wosk& Family
October Laney Fletcher & Family
November Mallory Ye & Family
December Angeline Ly & Family
January DiyaLuthra & Family
February Mason/Preston Conant & Family
March Olivia Weaver & Family
April Roma/Roy Kapoor& Family
May Mia/Kareena Sharma & Family
June Ariel/Emily Hillman & Family
Director for a Day
Mckenna M.
Aiden H.
Karrington N.
Kelsey P.
Citron Book Fair
Please visit a Barnes & Noble location starting Friday, March 18th – March 20th and a percentage of your Barnes & Noble purchase will benefit our school. If you can’t make it out to a Barnes & Noble location you can visit to support us online from March 18th– March 23rd. Simply provide our bookfair ID (10443240) at checkout. Feel free to pass our bookfair ID to family and friends!
Auction News
If you are a parent that can donate their time or items for the auction night please contact RonelleLeyson, the parent association will be collecting things up until Wednesday. All classroom projects or classroom baskets must be turned in by Monday, March 14th. If you have any questions concerning the auction please contact Ronelle Leyson at 562-881-7304 or email at
SNACK TIME kiwifruit makes it easy (and yummy) to go green
Sunday, March 13th
Daylight Saving Time Begins – Don’t forget to change your clocks
Thursday, March 17th
St. Patrick’s Day
*Free Dress –Wear green with jeans
No Extended Care
The Citron Campus will close at 3:00pm to prepare for open house
Friday, March 18th
Citron Campus Closed – No School
Citron Open House and Auction
5:30 pm – 7:30pm
Barnes & Noble Bookfair begins (any location)
Saturday, March 19th & Sunday, March 20th
Barnes & Noble Bookfair (any location)
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Friday, March 4
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus march 4
Tiki Time Re-enrollment: Crazy Hair Day
The Citron students were excited on our last Fun Friday and came to school in our crazy hair or crazy hat theme.Both boys and girls wore their hair spiked in different direction and all colors of the rainbow. Some teachers and students chose to come in a silly hat like one with a propeller, a lobster hat, or hat covered with pins and buttons. Thanks to all the students and teachers that have participated in all Fun Fridays.
Character Counts – Go Green
For the month of March our campus will observe the color green for RESPONSIBILITY.
Responsibility means do what you are suppose to do, persevere: Keep on trying, think before you act, be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes. Students can learn responsibility by helping take care of a garden, a pet, or doing chores at home. We continue to recognize the children’s efforts in the area of Fairness, Respect, Trustworthiness, and Caring. Together with the help of our campus mascot “Hero”, the students will gain an understanding of the importance of good character.
Citron Summer Program
It’s never too early to start thinking of summer! Summertime is a special time for school children. Having fun, hanging out with friends, taking trips, and making memories is what summer is all about. At Fairmont Private Schools, summer is especially fun with a variety of summer camp activities, exciting excursions, and enrichment opportunities for all grade levels. We mix the best parts of summer with the academic preparation to start the school year out right!
Save 10% on Fairmont Summer Camp and Summer School registration through April 30th. Discount automatically applied at the time of registration. Make sure to visit our website at to learn more.
Visit the summer table during The Citron Open House on March 18th for your chance to win a week of summer camp.
Monday, March 7th
Bunny Picture Forms Due
Wednesday, March 9th
Bunny Picture Day
9:00 am on the patio
Friday, March 11th
Mable Open House
6:00 pm – 8:00pm
Sunday, March 13th
Daylight Saving Time Begins
Thursday, March 17th
St. Patrick’s Day
*Free Dress –Wear green with jeans
No Extended Care
The Citron Campus will close at 3:00pm to prepare for open house
Friday, March 18th
Citron Campus Closed – No School
Citron Open House and Auction
5:30 pm – 7:30pm
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Friday, February 25
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus february 25
Photo of the Week
Hanging Around During Recess
Photo of the Week
Hanging Around During Recess
Bunny Pictures
Bunny pictures are right around the corner. Please have your order from in by the due date, Monday, March 7th. Extra order forms are available in the front office. The pictures will be taken on Wednesday, March 9th starting at 9:00am. Don't miss the opportunity to have a cute spring picture. There will be no retakes available.
Admissions News – Tiki Time Re-enrollment
Priority Registration is closing.
Thank you to all of our families who have returned their re-enrollment contracts. We know you have many choices when choosing a school and we appreciate you continuing to give us the opportunity to exceed your expectations. We are proud to announce that several classes have waitlists for next fall. With that being said it is imperative that current families take advantage of the Priority Registration Period. Please re-enroll your child(ren) for Fall 2011-2012 and reserve your space, before we open registration to children on the waitlist and general public. The last day to re-enroll is Friday February 25, 2011.
The children are all very excited by our “Tiki Time Luau” theme this year! We have all been enjoying our Fun Fridays in February, the last of which is tomorrow so show your school spirit and wear a fun Hawaiian or Tiki hat or show us some wild and crazy hair! Also tomorrow students will be participating in our annual Buddy Lunch and Move-up Day event in conjunction with the Mable Campus. The event is designed to familiarize Citron students with the next step of their journey. Thank you for all of your support and I look forward to another wonderful year at Citron with you all!
Ms. Sheila Tara Rafat
Flag Salute
At our flag salute on March 4th we will have Sergeant Arreola present the Citron Campus with the United States flag signed by one of the troops that received letters and candy from our Operation Candy Drive. The troop is so proud of the children giving up their candy and touched by the students letters we sent that they wanted to give something back to the campus. Thank you again to all who participated in this event.
Citron Campus Re-enrollment Fun Fridays
Aloha, island-goers!
Here is the theme for our final Fun Friday:
March 4th: Hawaiian Shirt or dress day
We hope you participate in dressing up in order to promote school spirit. Remember, if we hit our re-enrollment goal Mrs. Douglas will do the Luau at our assembly on March 4th!
SNACK TIME healthy hearts for february
Wednesday, March 2nd
Dr. Suess’ Birthday
Read across America
Thursday, March 4th
Minimum Day - 12:00pm dismissal
Flag salute @ 8:30am
Presentation of Flag by Sergeant Arreola
Hawaiian Luau announcement - Will Mrs. Douglas do the hula?
Tiki-Time Fun Friday - Wear your Hawaiian attire
Citron Parent Board Meeting @ 9:00am
All parents are encouraged to attend. We will discuss the Open House Auction.
Wednesday, March 9th
Bunny Photo Day
Friday, March 11th
Mable Open House 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Wednesday, February 23
SNACK TIME healthy hearts for february
February is American Heart Month, a time to be aware of and encourage behaviors that support heart health. The heart is a strong muscle that pumps blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body. Physical activity and the foods you eat can have long-lasting effects on heart health. Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, fish and beans are high in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that support and protect the heart.
Whole grains such as oats and oatmeal are especially heart-healthy because they contain beta-glucan, (BAYTAH-glew-can) a compound that lowers the risk of disease by lowering fat levels in the blood linked to heart disease (LDL cholesterol). The fiber in oats also digests more slowly, helping to keep hunger away and keep blood sugar levels within a normal range.
Valentine’s Day (February 14), is often celebrated by eating chocolate, frequently in the shape of a heart. DO you know how chocolate is made? Chocolate is made by processing cocoa powder from the seeds of the Cacao tree.
Americans eat more than 13 pounds of chocolate per person per year, but the Swiss eat more chocolate than any other country in the world – 22 pounds per person each year. That’s a lot of chocolate! Because chocolate is made with sugar and can be high in calories, eat it only as a special treat and be sure to balance it by eating healthy foods the rest of the day.
For fun facts about chocolate go to the following link:
Contributed by Leslie, Consultant for Nutrition Management Services
Registered Dietitian/Clinical Nutritionist
Friday, February 18
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus february 18
Photo of the Week: Working Hard for Open House
Photo of the Week: Working Hard for Open House
Open House
At this time of the year we reflect on the progress our students have made. We love to witness the joy on their faces as they proudly share their accomplishments with family and friends. The campus is a wonderland of bulletin boards and displays depicting a variety of themes. Our team of dedicated staff and teachers commit hours to making sure Open House highlights the best we have to offer. There are projects on the desks and an array of objects hanging from the ceilings. Let your children guide you around; this is their home away from home. Ask them questions about their work and a school. Take this time to mingle with other parents and met your student’s friends. Learn how you can be a service to the school and take part in our famous Citron Auction.
Our Open House is March 18th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Remember to mark your calendars and invite your friends; we can arrange a personal tour for them.
Admissions News – Tiki Time Re-enrollment
As Fairmont enters its 59th year of educating young minds we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our families for being a part of our learning community. As a Fairmont family, you are an important component of our tradition of academic excellence. We look forward to continuing the journey with your family for the 2011-2012 school year.
By now, you should have received your registration packet. If not, please contact the Admissions Office. Every Citron family, who re-enrolls by the Priority Registration deadline of February 25th, will be entered into raffle drawings for a chance to win "Director for a Day", and a "Premium Parking" space for one month.
On Friday, March 4th, we will be having our re-enrollment Luau and flag salute assembly. At this time Mrs. Douglas will teach the children the Hula Dance if we have made our re-enrollment goal.
In addition, the names of nine lucky families will be drawn to receive a "Premium Parking" space. Each family will be awarded a "Premium Parking" space for one month from September 2011 through May 2012. We will also draw for the "Director for a Day". We will announce all the lucky winners in our weekly e-blast newsletter.
Priority Registration is offered to let you know that you are a "priority" to us. We look forward to having you continue as part of the Fairmont family, and thank you for your continued trust and allowing us to educate your child.
Best Regards,
Ms. Rafat
Director of Admissions & Records
Citron Campus
Calendar Update: Move-up Day and Buddy Lunch
Date: Friday, February 25th, 2011
Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Where: Citron Kindergarten students will be going to the Mable Campus to visit the 1st Grade classrooms as well as have lunch with a 1st Grade Buddy! All remaining Citron students Preschool through Junior Kindergarten will be moving up to the next grade level.After morning classroom visits all P4 classes will join their friends from JK and eat lunch outside on the lunch tables. Students will either bring a lunch from home or order lunch as usual in their own class on Friday morning. P3 students will return to their classrooms to eat lunch and prepare for nap.
This event is a great opportunity for students to make new friends and ease the transition to the next step at Citron and Mable.
Citron Campus Re-enrollment Fun Fridays
Aloha, island-goers!
Here are the themes for the upcoming Fun Fridays:
February 25th: Crazy Tiki Hair or Hat Day
March 4th: Hawaiian Shirt Day
We hope you participate in dressing up in order to promote school spirit.
TEACHER'S PET latte and jager
Monday, February 21st
No School – President’s Day Holiday
Friday, February 25th
Tiki-Time Fun Friday:Come to school in a crazy hat or crazy hair
Move Up Day and Buddy Lunch
Preschool – Kdg
Will take place during the morning
Kindergarten students will travel to the Mable Campus
Leave: 10:30am Return12:30pm
A pizza lunch will be provided for the kindergarten students
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Monday, February 14
TEACHER'S PET latte and jager
Latte is a 14 month old vizsla/collie mix, and her sister, Jager, is a black lab and just celebrated her first birthday. Latte & Jager’s favorite pastimes include tearing up couch cushions from the patio furniture, chasing the cats around the house, and spending hours on end fetching balls at the Huntington Dog Beach. Latte & Jager’s proud parents are Mr. Wesley Faust, junior high math teacher from Anaheim Hills, and Mrs. Wendy Faust, activities director at the Prep.
Contributed by Wendy, Fairmont Prep Academy
Want your pet to be featured as next month's Teacher's Pet? Simply e-mail a photo and brief description of your pet to Alyssa at by March 9th! We look forward to your submissions!
Want your pet to be featured as next month's Teacher's Pet? Simply e-mail a photo and brief description of your pet to Alyssa at by March 9th! We look forward to your submissions!
TEACHER'S PET ramone the weimaraner
My name is Daniel, and I am a 2nd grader at Mable. I would like to introduce you to my best friend Ramone. He is a 3 1/2 year old male Weimaraner dog. My family and I got Ramone when he was a puppy at about 3 months old and he has been in the family since then. He is a happy, loving, intelligent dog, but can also be very brave and protective at times. He doesn't do very well with small pets because of his hunting instinct, but he's great with people. He loves to take walks along the river and loves to play wrestling with daddy and I. He is always full of energy and almost never gets tired. He weights about 90 pounds and can knock me down easily, but only when we play since he would never try to hurt me. He is the greatest friend I ever had!
Contributed by Daniel, Mable Campus
Want your pet to be featured as next month's Teacher's Pet? Simply e-mail a photo and brief description of your pet to Alyssa at by March 9th! We look forward to your submissions!
Friday, February 11
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus february 11
Healthy Teeth
How many times should we brush our teeth? What are healthy foods and what are bad foods? You can ask any Citron student and they can now answer those questions thanks to Dr. Okawachi. The children were able to participate by using “real dentist instruments” in a simulated visit to the dentist which was the highlight of the event; the presentation was topped off with an animated film about Dudley the Dinosaur.
Message from Mrs. Douglas
When we think of the month of February we typically think “LOVE”. It is when we celebrate Valentine’s Day, exchange cards, give roses and candy and express our love for the special people in our lives. The relationship between a teacher and her students is a special kind of love. Teachers do what they do every day FOR THE LOVE OF IT. They respect and love the uniqueness of each individual child and the rewards come back many fold. Children feel the love of a teacher in many different ways. They know that if you make a mistake, you are still loved. They know there is always someone to love them through their struggles. They understand it’s okay to have angry feelings. It does not make the love go away. Kindness, patience and tolerance are expressions of love. A teacher that inspires the desire to learn is giving a gift of love – love for nature, people of the world, fine art, books and reading. To encourage an adventurous spirit is to love a child enough so they believe in their own ability to chase any dream they have. Thanks to all the teachers who are drawn to the service of others and who posses the qualities that enable them to turn their love into action.
100 Days!
The campus was buzzing with activity as students counted cherrios, stickers, pennies, and other treasures on Friday as they celebrated the 100th day in school. They counted by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s till each student counted 100 different items.
Citron Campus Re-enrollment Fun Fridays
Aloha, island-goers!
Here are the themes for the upcoming Fun Fridays:
February 18th: Hawaiian Tourist Day
February 25th: Crazy Tiki Hair or Hat Day
March 4th: Hawaiian Shirt Day
We hope you participate in dressing up in order to promote school spirit.
Move-up Day and Buddy Lunch
All Citron Students, You Are Invited!
Date: Friday, February 18th, 2011
Time: 10:30am-12:00pm
Where: Citron Kindergarten students will be going to the Mable Campus to visit the 1st Grade classrooms as well as have lunch with a 1st Grade Buddy! All remaining Citron students Preschool through Junior Kindergarten will be moving up to the next grade level.
After morning classroom visits all P4 classes will join their friends from JK and eat lunch outside on the lunch tables. Students will either bring a lunch from home or order lunch as usual in their own class on Friday morning. P3 students will return to their classrooms to eat lunch and prepare for rest.
This event is a great opportunity for students to make new friends and ease the transition to the next step at Citron and Mable.
SNACK TIME red velvet cake balls
Monday, February 14th
Classroom Valentine’s Day Celebrations
Friday, February 18th
Tiki-Time Fun Friday: Dress as a tourist (free dress)
Be as silly as possible
Kindergarten into 1st grade group tour
8:30am – 9:30am
Meet at the Citron Campus
Move Up Day and Buddy Lunch
Preschool – Kdg
Will take place during the morning
Kindergarten students will travel to the Mable Campus
Leave: 10:30am Return12:30pm
Monday, February 21st
No School – President’s Day Holiday
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Wednesday, February 9
SNACK TIME red velvet cake balls
These Red Velvet Cake Balls are an adorable treat for Valentine's Day. They make such a fun treat (or even project) for kids.
Image and recipe from Bakerella.
Contributed by Courtney, Marketing
Image and recipe from Bakerella.
Contributed by Courtney, Marketing
Friday, February 4
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus february 4
Under the Sea
Our students had such a great opportunity this past Tuesday when the Aquarium of the Pacific visited our school. We were first introduced to the animals through a slide show that taught the students about sea life and the many shape liked friends we could find, like squares (sting rays), circles (sea anemones), and triangles (shark fins). The excitement came when they had the chance to walk inside the aquarium truck and touch the baby sharks, squishy sea cucumber, and sea anemone that felt like sticky spaghetti. The students learned that all animals should be respected and some, like sharks, should be left alone. Thanks to our hard working parent board and the fundraisers that are set by them, we were able to give the students an experience they will never forget. Who knows, we might have a future marine biologists among us.
Character Counts–Think of a heart
Can anyone guess what pillar represents February? It’s CARING!
Caring is represented by the color red on our Character Counts wall and we continue to recognize the children’s efforts in the area of Fairness, Respect, and trustworthiness.
CARING means to be kind • be compassionate and show you care • express gratitude • forgive others • help people in need. Together with the help of our campus mascot “Hero”, the students will gain an understanding of the importance of good character.
2011 Coupon Book
Fairmont Citron Campus would like to show our appreciation for re-enrolling with us!
Submit your re-enrollment contract by Friday February 25th and your child will receive a 2011 Coupon Book!
• 1 Raffle Coupon to Win a Reserved Parking Spot
• 1 Director Event Pass
• 4 Free Dress Coupons
• 1 Morning Office Helper Coupon
• 1 Free Lunch (2011/2012 School Year)
• 1 Summer Lunch (Summer 2011)
• 1 Husky Picture Day Coupon
• 1 Special Class Monitor Coupon
• 1 Friday Flag Raising Coupon
• 1 Morning Announcer Coupon
• 1 Assembly Assistant Coupon
For more information, please contact:
Sheila Rafat | 714.533.3930 |
Tiki Time Luau Re-enrollment Event
The Citron campus is all geared up for our re-enrollment! Thank you to all the families that have submitted your re-enrollment contracts, we are so pleased that you will be joining us for another amazing year. We are delighted to share that our campus is in high demand. We have welcomed approximately twenty new students since we began school in September. As a result, we have closed enrollment at almost every grade level for the 2010-2011 academic year, with the exception of three pocket spaces!
We look forward to welcoming all of our current families to return to our school community for the 2011-2012 school year. The deadline for priority registration is Friday, February 25th. Families, who enroll by this date, will receive our special 2011 Coupon Book. The 2011 Coupon Book includes coupons for free dress, raffle coupons for parking spots, Director's Events, and much more. We also have some exciting surprises in store to let our Husky Pups know how special they are to us! Help us make this the best re-enrollment season we have ever had by submitting your paperwork by February 25th. Tell your friends to do the same!
As a current family, we encourage you to take advantage of our priority registration period. Much of our planning for the next academic year occurs in the spring. The quality of your child's educational experience is our first priority. Timely re-enrollment provides us the opportunity to plan and facilitate the best educational experience possible for our students.
We know you have many options when choosing a school, and we thank you for continuing to give us the opportunity to work with your child. We are looking forward to our raffle event in March. And we are especially looking forward to continuing this educational journey with you in 2011-2012!
LUNCHBOX february menu, citron
Monday, February 7th
Valentine’s Day Graham Fundraiser
Grahams may be purchased in the lobby and will be available all week
Tuesday, February 8th
Kindergarten into 1st grade group tour
2:00pm – 3:00pm
Meet at the Mable Campus
Wednesday, February 9th
Dr. Okawachi – Dental Health presentation
9:00am to 11:00
(Classrooms will have scheduled presentation times)
Friday, February 11th
100th Day of School!
Re-enrollment Fun Friday – Hawaiian shirt or dress day
8:30am – Flag Salute
8:45am – All Citron Parent Meeting
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Friday, January 28
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus january 28
New Science Curriculum
This year Fairmont has begun implementing a new elementary science curriculum. Designed by our science specialty teachers, it incorporates the latest in best practices for teaching science, encourages technology use and promotes an inquiry-based learning approach. Exploratory, hands-on, project-based, - are all terms that describe it. Inquiry-based learning
is student-centered, a brain-based learning approach focusing on questioning, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
There is an old adage that says, “Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.” When we involve students (using the inquiry-based method) in the processes of science, they really do understand and they get excited about what they are learning. Involvement requires skills and attitudes that enable students to ask relevant questions and seek appropriate resolutions. These habits of mind go well beyond memorizing facts and information.
Chief among the misconceptions associated with inquiry-based learning is that it just “fluff and stuff.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Our primary goal at the elementary level is to teach the students the processes of science – how to observe, record, question, test, analyze – real world skills needed more than ever before. The textbook becomes just a resource not the central focus of this kind of learning. Assessments look different and measure different things.
The knowledge base for science is constantly changing and expanding. New ideas and discoveries are daily occurrences. No one can ever learn it all. Today’s students need the skills and the ability to continue learning. “What we know” is not nearly as important as “how we come to know.”
We want parents, students and our teachers to understand the intention of and goals for our new science curriculum. We are on a journey of discovery, an exciting one, but it will take time to reach our destination.
Warmest regards,
Sandy Cosgrove
Director of Education
LUNCHBOX february menu, citron
Tuesday, February 1st
Aquarium of the Pacific -Under the Sea Shapes Presentation
9:00am – 9:40am
Aquarium on Wheels Truck Display
9:45am – 11:30am (each classroom will have a set time to visit the truck)
Wednesday, February 2nd
Groundhog Day
Thursday, February 3rd
Chinese New Year
Friday, February 4th
School Closed
Teacher will be at an all day in-service
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
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