Contributed by Kim, Nutrition Management
Showing posts with label Citron Campus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Citron Campus. Show all posts
Thursday, January 27
LUNCHBOX february menu, citron
Nutrition Management has lots of fun lunches planned in February! Check out our February Lunch Menu to plan ahead for the month.
Contributed by Kim, Nutrition Management
Contributed by Kim, Nutrition Management
Wednesday, January 26
SNACK TIME national hot tea month
Time for Tea
January is National Hot Tea Month! Winter is the perfect time to drink one of the world's most popular and ancient beverage, tea. Cold and flu season peaks during the winter months and drinking hot tea can soothe a sore throat and open up sinuses. Researchers have found that drinking tea may help strengthen the body's immune system response when fighting off infection giving people more reason to brew a hot cup of tea on chilly days.
Tea is widely available, comes in a variety of flavors and aromas, is easy to make and contains unique health promoting properties. Whether it’s black, green, or oolong, tea is made from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, it’s the processing of the tea leaves that produces changes in not only color and flavor, but a class of compounds called polyphenols These compounds include flavonoids, catechins and theaflavins—widely researched for their helath promoting properties.
What’s the difference between black and green tea?
Black tea is fully fermented whereas green tea is not. Oolong tea is only partially fermented. Both green and black tea contain flavonoids, potent antioxidants linked to lowered risk for cancer and heart disease.
Tea Trivia…
• Americans drink 50 billion cups of tea each year, 40 billion of which are served as iced tea
• Herbal teas are not actually teas, but are concoctions of peels, flower leaves, herbs, and spices, and are caffeine free.
• The caffeine content of tea is about 40 mg per cup compared to 100 mg of caffeine per cup of brewed coffee.
• Compounds found in tea can stop the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath
• The tea bag and iced tea was invented in the US in 1904
Too much of a good thing?
Because tea contains caffeine, drinking too much or too close to bedtime can interfere with ability to go to or stay asleep.
Is bottled as good as freshly brewed tea?
Due to processing methods, bottled tea is probably not as high in polyphenols as a freshly brewed cup of green or black tea, however, both offer varying levels of health-promoting compounds and also contribute to hydration. Watch for sugar content by checking labels to keep them minimal.
Enjoy your tea, hot or cold!
Contributed by Leslie K. Kay, MS, RD
Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Management Services
(Photo from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development)
Tuesday, January 25
BOOK REPORT citron cheers for rodney rat
Hooway for Wodney Wat
By Helen Lester
Here's a story for those of us who love underdogs--or underrodents as is the case with Rodney Rat.
Rodney has trouble saying his r’s. The other rodents at
school tease him and make him feel very alone. One day a new student joins the
class, Camilla Capybara. She is bigger, meaner and smarter than everyone else,
just ask her. One day they play Simon says outside. Wodney Wat is the leader.
As he gives directions the students follow, yet Camilla Capybara doesn’t know
about Rodney’s r’s. She misunderstands and does everything wrong. Eventually
she “goes west”, as per Wodney’s directions. Wodney is the hero of the class
because Camilla is gone forever.
Contributed by Jody Moran, Citron campus
SCHOOL NEWS new elementary science curriculum
This year Fairmont has begun implementing a new elementary science curriculum. Designed by our science specialty teachers, it incorporates the latest in best practices for teaching science, encourages technology use and promotes an inquiry-based learning approach. Exploratory, hands-on, project-based, - are all terms that describe it. Inquiry-based learning is student-centered, a brain-based learning approach focusing on questioning, critical thinking, and problem solving.
There is an old adage that says, “Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.” When we involve students (using the inquiry-based method) in the processes of science, they really do understand and they get excited about what they are learning. Involvement requires skills and attitudes that enable students to ask relevant questions and seek appropriate resolutions. These habits of mind go well beyond memorizing facts and information.
Chief among the misconceptions associated with inquiry-based learning is that it just “fluff and stuff.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Our primary goal at the elementary level is to teach the students the processes of science – how to observe, record, question, test, analyze – real world skills needed more than ever before. The textbook becomes just a resource not the central focus of this kind of learning. Assessments look different and measure different things
The knowledge base for science is constantly changing and expanding. New ideas and discoveries are daily occurrences. No one can ever learn it all. Today’s students need the skills and the ability to continue learning. “What we know” is not nearly as important as “how we come to know.”
We want parents, students and our teachers to understand the intention of and goals for our new science curriculum. We are on a journey of discovery, an exciting one, but it will take time to reach our destination.
Warmest regards,
Sandy Cosgrove
Director of Education
Friday, January 21
SCHOOL NEWS re-cap: chalk talk with chef tanya
Last night we were pleased to host Chef Tanya Petrovna, owner and Executive Chef of Native Foods at our Anaheim Hills campus for a Chalk Talk about healthy eating for families. Tanya's energy for life and passion for good food radiated throughout the room from the minute she arrived. I had the pleasure of hearing stories about her decision to rescue a diabetic dog from the pound and her adventures in her yoga class earlier that day and learned that Tanya is definitely a woman who practices what she preaches.
Tanya kicked off our Chalk Talk with the story behind Native Foods--a restaurant chain that grew from Tanya's exposure to whole foods as a child and her love for animals and the environment. She knew she wanted to create a healthy, sustainable, vegetarian restaurant alternative on every corner, but she didn't know exactly how to get there. So Tanya looked to the wise words of Ghandi ("If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning") and drew the inspiration to just start somewhere and believe that the right path would be revealed to her. Now Tanya's restaurant is a huge success with 7 current locations and many new locations in the works.
Chef Tanya shared some tips about making small changes in your life to help you and your family start eating more healthily. Some of her recommendations were:
- To start the day off with oatmeal as a great source of whole grains
- To always keep legumes around the house (lentils, beans, chick peas, etc)
- To incorporate more leafy greens in your diet
- To make sugars a once-a-week treat for children instead of a daily expectation
To learn more, please visit Chef Tanya's blog. Thank you to everyone who attended this Chalk Talk, and here's to a happy and healthy 2011!
Contributed by Alyssa, Marketing
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus january 21
A note from The Admissions Director
Now is the time of year that we ask all current Citron families to let us know their plans for the next school year. This year we are going to the Islands with our Tiki Time Luau Theme. If you are planning to re-enroll your child at Citron for the 2011/2012 school year, please complete the re-enrollment packet which you will receive via mail by the end of the month. If you have a currently un-enrolled sibling child that you would like us to consider for enrollment in the 2011/2012 school year, please stop by the admissions office for a new student packet. Please return your enrollment contracts by February 25th along with your 10% deposit. If we make our goal this year and all of the children complete their re-enrollment paperwork Mrs. Douglas has agreed to teach the kids how to dance the Hula in full Hawaiian costume at an assembly on March 4th. All of the kids and staff will join in the Fun Fridays beginning this week with Husky Pup Pride.
We look forward to welcoming your family to another amazing year at Citron.
Ms. Sheila Rafat
Permanent Impressions – Safety I.D Kit
Permanent Impressions is a child safety company that offers a child safety packet and is formatted specifically for the Department of Justice database and local authorities. There will be a law enforcement representative on campus next week on January 26th to administer the fingerprint and deliver the packets. They do not need any personal information and all details remain confidential. If you are interested please return the purple flyer that was sent home. If you no longer have the sign up form there are extra in the lobby. Please not that they can not process packets without a complete payment. All proceeds benefit Ca. Police Youth Charities.
Food Drive Update
During the month of November our campus held a food drive during the period of 11/8 – 11/23 for the fight against hunger. The Second Harvest Food Bank sent our campus a letter thanking everyone who contributed to the organization. Thanks to everyone’s generosity we were able to collect 6 large barrels that totaled an amount of 730 pounds. Great job Citron!
FACULTY LOUNGE citron shares ms. shelley bivens' passion for teaching
Monday, January 24th
Re-enrollment Kick-off
Wednesday, January 26th
Fingerprint Safety Program – Permanent Impressions
Thursday, January 27th
Aquarium of the Pacific presentation has been rescheduled to February 2nd
Friday, January 28th
1st re-enrollment Fun Friday
Husky Pup Pride!
All students can wear denim along with their husky pup shirt
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Tuesday, January 18
FACULTY LOUNGE citron shares ms. shelley bivens' passion for teaching
Ms. Shelley Bivens believes “teaching is the best career on earth!” and
it shows in her zest for guiding the junior kindergartners in her class at the
Citron campus. She has been with
Fairmont for the past four years; teaching junior kindergarten for three years
and kindergarten for one year. She is
also the campuses’ math and science curriculum coordinator. Shelley came to Fairmont with a BA degree in
Cross-Cultural Teaching and she also has her CA elementary teaching
“We were not given knowledge
to keep for ourselves, but to impart to the next generations,” she says. Her favorite part of her job is “experiencing
the joy that comes when students understand a concept and begin applying it. I
love it when students go home and share what they learned in the classroom that
day!” In her free time, Shelley enjoys
running, reading, watching football, Bible study and spending time with friends
and family.
Contributed by Elly, Citron campus
Citron Campus,
Faculty Lounge
Monday, January 17
TEACHER'S PET oscar the pug
This is Oscar. He is 7 years old and his owners are Bridget & Meredith F. from the Edgewood Campus. He likes to curl up on the couch next to the fireplace and act like a cat. We are happy to recognize Oscar as our Teacher's Pet for the month of January :)
Thank you Bridget and Meredith for your contribution to our blog!
Want your pet to be featured as next month's Teacher's Pet? Simply e-mail a photo and brief description of your pet to Alyssa at by February 9th! We look forward to your submissions!
TEACHER'S PET watson the malti-poo
My name is Lucas R. and I attend Fairmont Citron. This is my dog Watson. Watson is a 6 year old Malti-Poo. He is a sweet and loving dog. He likes to run around the house, and we both play tag together. Watson is very smart. He can perform many tricks: lay, sleep, sit, shake, high-five and roll over. He gets along with everyone. He enjoys playing with other dogs. I love my dog Watson very much. He is my Best Friend!
We'd like to thank Lucas from our Citron campus for his awesome contribution this month!
Want your pet to be featured in next month's Teacher's Pet section? Simply e-mail a photo and brief description of your pet to Alyssa at by February 9th! We look forward to your submissions!
Friday, January 14
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus january 14
Photo of the Week: Pick Me!
Chalk Talk: Kick Off the New Year with Healthful Cooking
Tanya Petrovna
Thursday, January 20th, 6-7:30pm
Anaheim Hills Campus, Anaheim Hills
Keep your New Year’s Resolution to eat healthy! Learn how to add some spice and creativity to your family’s meals with a presentation by Chef Tanya, founder and executive chef of Native Foods. The expert in making vegan appealing to vegans, vegetarians, omnivores and anyavores alike, Tanya will share her tips on making healthy plant based food fun and delicious for even the pickiest of eaters and creating a balanced diet for your family. First 5 RSVPs will receive a copy of Tanya’s Native Foods Restaurant Cookbook.
Space is limited! Click here to RSVP
State of Education in California
Mr. Jackson will hold a presentation on the current state of education in California and will include statistical information from California’s department of education. Those that could not make it to the Mable Campus to hear Mr. Jackson speak will have another chance on Wednesday.
Prep: January 19th at 8:30am & 6:00pm
Permanent Impressions – Safety I.D Kit
Permanent Impressions is a child safety company that offers a child safety packet and is formatted specifically for the Department of Justice database and local authorities. There will be a law enforcement representative on campus next week on January 26th to administer the fingerprint and deliver the packets. They do not need any personal information and all details remain confidential. If you are interested please return the purple flyer that has been sent home by the 25th. All proceeds benefit Ca. Police Youth Charities.
SNACK TIME sweet tortilla snowflakes
Monday, January 17h
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday – School Closed
Tuesday, January 19th
State of Education in California given by Mr. Jackson
8:30am & 6:00pm
Fairmont Preparatory Academy
Thursday, January 20th
Healthful Cooking with Tanya Petrovna
6:00pm -7:30pm
Anaheim Hills Campus
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Wednesday, January 12
SNACK TIME sweet tortilla snowflakes
Here's a fun snack that puts your kids' paper snowflake making skills to use!
- Heat the oven to 400 degrees. Warm the tortillas (about 15 seconds) in the microwave.
- Individually fold the tortillas in half once and then in half again, so that you end up with a shape that resembles a wedge of pie (it will be thick). Using clean scissors, cut triangle, circles, or squares out of the edges, as if you were making paper snowflakes. Unfold the tortillas.
- Lightly brush the tops of the snowflakes with canola or vegetable oil and place them on a cookie sheet slightly apart.
- Bake them until lightly browned and crisp (about 4 minutes). Sift confectioners' sugar on the snowflakes while warm. For an extrasparkly effect, you can sprinkle on a bit of edible glitter. Makes 6.
Contributed by Courtney, Marketing Department
Friday, January 7
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus january 7
A Note from the Director
HAPPY NEW YEAR, and warm wishes to all our Citron families. I hope the holiday season provided you with lasting memories and traditions that have brought your family closer.
This is an exciting time when everyone’s expectations for the second part of the school year are high. We look forward to all the successes it will bring. Everyone will all be working hard from now until June getting all our students prepared for the next grade level.
Our teachers are hardworking, caring, and dedicated professionals who recognize that children are a part of our lives as much as we are a part of theirs. We learn daily from the lessons they offer us.
As part of our New Year’s resolutions we are committed to keep providing you with unsurpassed customer service and making you feel confident in your decision to send your child/children to Fairmont. Please take some time, as parents, and as a family, to make your own New Year’s resolutions. It helps children learn the importance of setting goals and having the expectation that they will be achieved through diligence and hard work.
We also hope you will take advantage of our upcoming priority registration and commit to another year at Fairmont. You will receive your reenrollment packet by January 24th via mail.
We wish you a prosperous and happy 2011.
Rae Douglas,
Director – Citron Campus
After School Activities
The winter session for our extracurricular classes starts this week. If you are interested there is still time to sign up, but don’t wait to long some classes have limited space. Sign up sheets are located in the office lobby.
State of Education in California
Mr. Jackson will hold a presentation on the current state of education in California and will include statistical information from California’s department of education. Parents are encouraged to attend and are welcomed to do so at any of the following campuses.
Edgewood: Monday, January 10th at 8:30am & 6:00pm
Mable: Thursday, January 13th at 8:30am & 6:00pm
Prep: Wednesday, January 19th at 8:30am & 6:00pm
SNACK TIME making fruits and veggies fun
Monday, January 10th
Extracurricular winter session begins
Tuesday, January 11th
Kindergarten into 1st grade information night
Mable Campus
5:30pm – 6:00pm Refreshments
6:00pm – 7:00pm Presentation
Thursday, January 13th
State of education in California
Presented by Mr. Jackson
Mable Campus at 8:30am & 6:00pm
Friday, January 14th
Citron parent meeting
8:30am under the patio
Myth or Fact
Presented by Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Calabria
8:45am during the parent meeting
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
Monday, January 3
SNACK TIME making fruits and veggies fun
Edgewood’s pre-K – K students participated in a nutrition education activity presentation using the book Eating The Alphabet by Lois Ehlert, and samples of fruits and vegetables. The children participated with great enthusiasm in guessing the name of a fruit or a vegetable that began with the letter A, B, C, etc.
Can you guess? A = (apples, apricots, and avocado) Wow! The students had recently visited an apple farm and knew the names of all the apples shown to them, “Granny Smith” one student sang out! “Red Delicious” another enthusiastic student said loudly with hand waving enthusiastically. It was very impressive. The children were well educated on the various types of apples and whether they tasted, sweet or tart. A few children said they preferred the tart-tasting apples! But most liked them sweet. They liked applesauce too.
However, eating artichokes were not popular with the students. That’s OK, there are lots of other vegetables to choose from.
A few students mentioned they like to make guacamole from avocado. That’s one more way to get your fruit and vegetable servings in!
B was for banana, blueberries and yes, even broccoli. The children also said that they LIKE broccoli. Raw or cooked. That’s awesome! B was also for Brussels sprouts. That was not a popular vegetable with most.
C was for carrots, cabbage, cranberries, cherries, celery and corn. Naming fruits and vegetables that began with the letter “C” was easy.
Then, a beautiful, round, colorful purple cabbage was shown to the students. “My Mom eats that!” one student shared. He, however, was not a fan of cabbage.
D was for Dates (that was a hard one).
Can you guess what vegetable begins with the letter “E”? Hint: it’s a type of lettuce.
Students in the older classes continued further along the alphabet. The presentation concluded with the song, “Five a Day” emphasizing eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. There was lots of singing and even dancing to the music. We all had fun, and I look forward to presenting again at Fairmont!
Enjoy eating your alphabet!
Contributed by Leslie, Nutrition Management
Can you guess? A = (apples, apricots, and avocado) Wow! The students had recently visited an apple farm and knew the names of all the apples shown to them, “Granny Smith” one student sang out! “Red Delicious” another enthusiastic student said loudly with hand waving enthusiastically. It was very impressive. The children were well educated on the various types of apples and whether they tasted, sweet or tart. A few children said they preferred the tart-tasting apples! But most liked them sweet. They liked applesauce too.
However, eating artichokes were not popular with the students. That’s OK, there are lots of other vegetables to choose from.
A few students mentioned they like to make guacamole from avocado. That’s one more way to get your fruit and vegetable servings in!
B was for banana, blueberries and yes, even broccoli. The children also said that they LIKE broccoli. Raw or cooked. That’s awesome! B was also for Brussels sprouts. That was not a popular vegetable with most.
C was for carrots, cabbage, cranberries, cherries, celery and corn. Naming fruits and vegetables that began with the letter “C” was easy.
Then, a beautiful, round, colorful purple cabbage was shown to the students. “My Mom eats that!” one student shared. He, however, was not a fan of cabbage.
D was for Dates (that was a hard one).
Can you guess what vegetable begins with the letter “E”? Hint: it’s a type of lettuce.
Students in the older classes continued further along the alphabet. The presentation concluded with the song, “Five a Day” emphasizing eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. There was lots of singing and even dancing to the music. We all had fun, and I look forward to presenting again at Fairmont!
Enjoy eating your alphabet!
Contributed by Leslie, Nutrition Management
ARTS & CRAFTS downloadable holiday gift tags
If you are a holiday gift-giver, we've compiled a few of our favorite free gift tag downloads to make this holiday season a little bit smoother. Download any or all of the tags you like by clicking the links, and visiting the blogs of these talented designers where you can find printing tips as well as a printer-friendly version.
Christmas Gift Checklists designed by Atypical Type A, found via How about Orange
Reindeer Gift Tags designed by Kristina Walton for Creature Comforts, found via How about Orange
Typographic Gift Tags designed by Amy Moss from Eat Drink Chic
Contributed by Jamie, Summer Programs
Friday, December 17
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus december 17
Photo of the Week: Some of Citron's Elves
Holiday Greetings
Happy Holidays to all our Fairmont families!
Have a safe a joyous winter break and we will see all of you in the New Year.
From all of the teachers and staff at the Citron Campus
Blackboard Update
The new Blackboard Library Pages for use at home and at school are exciting new educational tools that make learning even more fun and accessible! Here is a short list of the many things available to our families:
• Two library sites – Kidzone is for students in preschool through the fourth grade and Teenzone is for students in Grades 5-8. The links in each are very similar but are age appropriate.
• Our youngest students can experience the fun of learning with educational videos, age-appropriate digital and print books that are read to them, and wonderful educational games and activities.
• Access to our Library Researcher – Students can now check online to see what books are available in their school library. They will eventually be able to put books on hold from home. As if that is not enough, students and parents will also be able to access book descriptions and book reviews online!
• Research sites including BrainPop, dictionary, thesaurus, Pebble Go Science, Discovery Education, Gale and safe research sites.
• Research tools for students that will help them with writing bibliographies, organizing a research paper, links to search engines, printable tools and links to local public libraries.
• Hundreds of digital and video books including links to apps for Kindle and Nook!
• Links to all the Renaissance Learning Products such as Home Connect and AR Bookfind, as well as Parent Guides to AR and AM.
• Many links to student-oriented current events and periodicals as well as a ton of links to children’s authors.
• Last, but definitely not least, links to hundreds of educational games and activities.
We encourage you to log on to Blackboard ( and check out the Kidzone and/or the Teenzone today!
Extracurricular Winter Session
Our winter session for extracurricular classes starts the second week we come back to school. Your child should have come home with the class schedule at the beginning of the week. There are extra forms in the lobby, please turn in by Friday, January 7th.
For your holiday shopping use “OneCause”
Minutes can earn our campus thousands!
Remember, joining OneCause is free and only takes a few minutes. Your friends and family can join as well to help earn money for our school. Simply shop as you normally do online, accessing to link to the vendor you wish to shop. There are no special codes you must enter.
The best part is that you can get started in 3 easy steps!!!
1. Go to and click "Join"
2. Fill in your profile and find your school by typing in
"Fairmont Private", then select your campus.
3. Find your vendor and start shopping!
Your profile will be updated quarterly to reflect any contributions you have earned for us. This is such an easy way to make money for our school that does not require any work on your part other than registering and spreading the word.
So, please join your FPA in enrolling in OneCause and spreading the word to your friends and family. Please contact your FPA Board for more details.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Happy Holidays to all our Fairmont families!
Have a safe a joyous winter break and we will see all of you in the New Year.
From all of the teachers and staff at the Citron Campus
Blackboard Update
The new Blackboard Library Pages for use at home and at school are exciting new educational tools that make learning even more fun and accessible! Here is a short list of the many things available to our families:
• Two library sites – Kidzone is for students in preschool through the fourth grade and Teenzone is for students in Grades 5-8. The links in each are very similar but are age appropriate.
• Our youngest students can experience the fun of learning with educational videos, age-appropriate digital and print books that are read to them, and wonderful educational games and activities.
• Access to our Library Researcher – Students can now check online to see what books are available in their school library. They will eventually be able to put books on hold from home. As if that is not enough, students and parents will also be able to access book descriptions and book reviews online!
• Research sites including BrainPop, dictionary, thesaurus, Pebble Go Science, Discovery Education, Gale and safe research sites.
• Research tools for students that will help them with writing bibliographies, organizing a research paper, links to search engines, printable tools and links to local public libraries.
• Hundreds of digital and video books including links to apps for Kindle and Nook!
• Links to all the Renaissance Learning Products such as Home Connect and AR Bookfind, as well as Parent Guides to AR and AM.
• Many links to student-oriented current events and periodicals as well as a ton of links to children’s authors.
• Last, but definitely not least, links to hundreds of educational games and activities.
We encourage you to log on to Blackboard ( and check out the Kidzone and/or the Teenzone today!
Extracurricular Winter Session
Our winter session for extracurricular classes starts the second week we come back to school. Your child should have come home with the class schedule at the beginning of the week. There are extra forms in the lobby, please turn in by Friday, January 7th.
For your holiday shopping use “OneCause”
Minutes can earn our campus thousands!
Remember, joining OneCause is free and only takes a few minutes. Your friends and family can join as well to help earn money for our school. Simply shop as you normally do online, accessing to link to the vendor you wish to shop. There are no special codes you must enter.
The best part is that you can get started in 3 easy steps!!!
1. Go to and click "Join"
2. Fill in your profile and find your school by typing in
"Fairmont Private", then select your campus.
3. Find your vendor and start shopping!
Your profile will be updated quarterly to reflect any contributions you have earned for us. This is such an easy way to make money for our school that does not require any work on your part other than registering and spreading the word.
So, please join your FPA in enrolling in OneCause and spreading the word to your friends and family. Please contact your FPA Board for more details.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Monday, December 13th
Book Fair Begins
Wednesday, December 15th
Winter Reading Night
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Citron Campus patio
Friday, December 17th
Holiday Celebrations – check with your child’s teacher for schedule
Book Fair Ends
Last day before Winter Break
December 20th – December 31st
Winter Break – Fairmont Private Schools will be closed for the holidays
Monday, January 3rd
Happy New Year!
School Reconvenes
Friday, January 7th
Regular Day
Flag Salute – 8:30am
Parent meeting – 8:45am
Kdg Tree planting -9:00am @ Mable
Kindergareten students will take the bus to Mable.
Monday, January 10th
Extracurricular winter session begins
Monday, December 13th
Book Fair Begins
Wednesday, December 15th
Winter Reading Night
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Citron Campus patio
Friday, December 17th
Holiday Celebrations – check with your child’s teacher for schedule
Book Fair Ends
Last day before Winter Break
December 20th – December 31st
Winter Break – Fairmont Private Schools will be closed for the holidays
Monday, January 3rd
Happy New Year!
School Reconvenes
Friday, January 7th
Regular Day
Flag Salute – 8:30am
Parent meeting – 8:45am
Kdg Tree planting -9:00am @ Mable
Kindergareten students will take the bus to Mable.
Monday, January 10th
Extracurricular winter session begins
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
LUNCHBOX january menu, citron
Nutrition Management is kicking off the New Year with some healthy and fun meals! Check out our January Lunch Menu so you can plan ahead for the month. Happy New Year!
Contributed by Kim, Nutrition Management
Wednesday, December 15
SCHOOL NEWS introducing blackboard library pages
New Blackboard Library Pages!
The new Blackboard Library Pages for use at home and at school are exciting new educational tools that make learning even more fun! Found on the Blackboard tabs as Kidzone or Teenzone, students will be able to access information in our 21st Century Online Library. Students can find books that are available in their school library, practice their math, reading and science skills, and access many research sites and tools to aid in writing and organizing research papers. If you are interested in digital books, educational videos, online periodicals or current events, Kidzone and Teenzone have links to hundreds of these, along with links to (and educational) games and activities! We encourage you to log on to Blackboard ( today!
(Photo from Cochranton Area Public Library)
Contributed by Sandee, Anaheim Hills Campus
Monday, December 13
SCHOOL NEWS fairmont's holiday generosity makes headlines
If the true spirit of the holidays is love, generosity and acceptance of others, then Fairmont students
are no grinches. For the 11th consecutive year, kids from all five of Fairmont's preschool-12th grade
campuses collected toys for the children of CHOC hospital and handed them over to 45 santas-on-wheels from the OC HOG chapter on Friday, December 10. This year's Toy Run was a huge success thanks to the generosity of Fairmont's students, teachers and staff and the coordinating efforts of Judy Coderre, Fairmont's Reprographics Department Manager. Read the OC Register's coverage of the event at the Anaheim Hills campus and the Edgewood campus.
Contributed by Danyelle, Marketing
Friday, December 10
FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus december 10
Message from the Director
Dear Citron Parents,
I want to take this opportunity on behalf of the faculty and staff of the Citron Campus to wish you all a wonderful holiday season. As we enter this time of giving it is important for our students to realize there are a lot of people in this world that need help. Moms and Dads often struggle with how best to instill compassion in their children and the importance of giving back. Below are a few suggestions to expose them to the idea of giving.
• Have your child accompany you while you pick up the mail for a neighbor who is sick, or out of town.
• Make holiday cards for children who are sick in the hospital.
• Bake cookies and deliver them to a neighbor.
• Donate one item off a Christmas Wish list to a less fortunate child.
• There are many families who will not have the opportunity to celebrate this holiday. Your family can make a difference by delivering a tree, providing dinner, or assembling care packages.
Dear Citron Parents,
I want to take this opportunity on behalf of the faculty and staff of the Citron Campus to wish you all a wonderful holiday season. As we enter this time of giving it is important for our students to realize there are a lot of people in this world that need help. Moms and Dads often struggle with how best to instill compassion in their children and the importance of giving back. Below are a few suggestions to expose them to the idea of giving.
• Have your child accompany you while you pick up the mail for a neighbor who is sick, or out of town.
• Make holiday cards for children who are sick in the hospital.
• Bake cookies and deliver them to a neighbor.
• Donate one item off a Christmas Wish list to a less fortunate child.
• There are many families who will not have the opportunity to celebrate this holiday. Your family can make a difference by delivering a tree, providing dinner, or assembling care packages.
We thank you for your generosity and continued support of our campus.
Rae Douglas
Director – Citron Campus.
Volunteers Needed
The Book Fair will be in the lobby beginning December 13th through December 17th. We are still in need of volunteers to fill in shifts for the week and help break down on Friday. Please contact our book fair chair Courtney Conant at
For your holiday shopping use “OneCause”
Minutes can earn our campus thousands!
Remember, joining OneCause is free and only takes a few minutes. Your friends and family can join as well to help earn money for our school. Simply shop as you normally do online, accessing to link to the vendor you wish to shop. There are no special codes you must enter.
The best part is that you can get started in 3 easy steps!!!
1. Go to and click "Join"
2. Fill in your profile and find your school by typing in
"Fairmont Private", then select your campus.
3. Find your vendor and start shopping!
Rae Douglas
Director – Citron Campus.
Volunteers Needed
The Book Fair will be in the lobby beginning December 13th through December 17th. We are still in need of volunteers to fill in shifts for the week and help break down on Friday. Please contact our book fair chair Courtney Conant at
For your holiday shopping use “OneCause”
Minutes can earn our campus thousands!
Remember, joining OneCause is free and only takes a few minutes. Your friends and family can join as well to help earn money for our school. Simply shop as you normally do online, accessing to link to the vendor you wish to shop. There are no special codes you must enter.
The best part is that you can get started in 3 easy steps!!!
1. Go to and click "Join"
2. Fill in your profile and find your school by typing in
"Fairmont Private", then select your campus.
3. Find your vendor and start shopping!
Monday, December 13th
Book Fair Begins
Wednesday, December 15th
Winter Reading Night
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Citron Campus patio
Friday, December 17th
Holiday Celebrations – check with your child’s teacher for schedule
Book Fair Ends
Last day before Winter Break
December 20th – December 31st
Winter Break – Fairmont Private Schools will be closed for the holidays
Monday, January 3rd
Happy New Year!
School Reconvenes
Friday, January 7th
Regular Day
Flag Salute – 8:30am
Parent meeting – 8:45am
Kdg Tree planting -9:00am @ Mable
Kindergareten students will take the bus to Mable.
Book Fair Begins
Wednesday, December 15th
Winter Reading Night
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Citron Campus patio
Friday, December 17th
Holiday Celebrations – check with your child’s teacher for schedule
Book Fair Ends
Last day before Winter Break
December 20th – December 31st
Winter Break – Fairmont Private Schools will be closed for the holidays
Monday, January 3rd
Happy New Year!
School Reconvenes
Friday, January 7th
Regular Day
Flag Salute – 8:30am
Parent meeting – 8:45am
Kdg Tree planting -9:00am @ Mable
Kindergareten students will take the bus to Mable.
Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus
Citron Campus,
Friday Folder
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