Friday, August 21

NEWSLETTER: August 21, 2015 Director's Message

Welcome Back
Many thanks for a fantastic start to our school year. As always, you are a spectacular group of parents. Our students are coming to school each day with smiles and an eagerness to learn. Our wonderful teachers are thrilled to begin a new year with all of its excitement and adventures.

Carole Calabria
Historic Anaheim Campus Director

NEWSLETTER: August 21, 2015 News & Annoucements

Improved Newsletter Layout & Design
Just as our campuses have been polished and refreshed for the new school year, so, too, have our weekly newsletters. We’ve simplified the layout for easier navigation and incorporated a more modern design. At the top, you’ll find a “Photo of the Week,” as well as a side navigation bar pointing you to each section of the newsletter, as well as our social media sites. New sections may appear from week to week, including “Early Childhood Education,” which shows off the progress of our youngest students, “Husky Highlight” featuring exciting, relevant Fairmont Prep news, and “Director’s Message” from your Campus Director or other administrators. Each section includes a “Read More” link - just in case they happen to “go long.”
You will still find links to monthly lunch menus, campus calendars, athletic schedules and results, blog posts, pins of the week, and campus videos. Lastly, as we know, everyone loves photos of their students in action. We’ve created a Photo Gallery along the bottom of the newsletter, featuring links to the three most recent school events we’ve shared via Facebook and Flickr.
Of course, for the most recent photos, news, and information on all things Fairmont, visit or and “follow,” “like,” and “subscribe” to our official Fairmont Private Schools social media pages.
Hope you enjoy the changes. Have a wonderful new school year!

Afterschool Pick Up Changes
There will no longer be a pickup area by the fifth and sixth grade classrooms. All fifth graders will be picked up on the grassy area on the north side of the street. All sixth graders with brothers and sisters will be picked up on the grassy area on the north side of the street as well. All sixth graders without siblings will be picked up on the south side of the street by the pool.

New Afterschool Sign Out Procedures
In an effort to minimize disruption to the students in Homework Club and to make the time in Homework Club as productive as possible, we will now have a sign out table located inside the gate by the library entrance. Upon arrival to school to pick up your student, please go to the table and a Student Services member will call Homework Club to call for your student. The Homework Club teacher will send your student and his/her belongings to meet you at the pick up table. This table will remain in this location until 5:30pm for parents picking up students on extended day. After 5:30pm, please go through the front office to pick up your student.

August Lunch Menus

NEWSLETTER: August 21, 2015 Welcome Back, Students!

Welcome back! It was an exciting summer at the Historic Anaheim Campus with construction projects, the arrival of new textbooks, summer school, and our Surf's Up summer camp! We are very excited to have all of our students back enjoying their lunches, playing on the playground, walking to and from exciting classes, and checking out books from the library.

We would also like to invite you to our Parent Night on Wednesday, August 26th. Our specialty teachers will be available for a meet and greet from 6:00pm to 6:20pm in front of the Junior High building. From 6:25pm to 7:45pm all parents are invited to hear their child's teacher present in the classroom. Junior High parents will follow their child's class schedule during this time.

Contributed by Fairmont Private Schools, Historic Anaheim Campus

FRIDAY FOLDER: august 21

First Day of School at the Fairmont Campuses

To view more First Day photos, visit Fairmont Flickr!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, August 19

HOW TO: teach gratitude

An important lesson while growing up is learning to demonstrate gratitude and thankfulness. In a culture of instant gratification, it is important to foster an attitude of gratitude in your child. Studies show that children who engage in grateful behavior have more energy, demonstrate enthusiasm for school, and carry more positive paradigms overall. Here are several tips and activities to engage your child in the concept of gratitude:

  1. Be Intentional - Practice gratitude in your own daily life and lead by example when interacting with your spouse, children, and other adults. Modeling the type of behavior you want from your child is the best way to encourage him or her to follow your lead.
  1. Be Charitable - Show your children what it feels like to be a gracious giver. Encourage your child to clean out his or her room and donate any unneeded items to a local homeless shelter or church organization. Explaining to your child the purpose behind donating items to those who really need them is a great eye-opening exercise in gracious giving.
  2. Be Acknowledging - Encourage your child to acknowledge all that they have been given by frequently discussing what you’re thankful for. Stating that you are grateful for a nice meal cooked by your spouse, time spent with loved ones, money to purchase a new item for the family, etc. will plant a seed of thankfulness as your child begins to identify specific things for which to be grateful.
  1. Be Responsive - Teach your child to respond appropriately to others’ kindness by encouraging him or her to frequently say “Thank you.” Keep a stash of thank-you notes at home and have your child thank others after a gift or service has been given. Grandparents will love getting a handwritten card in the mail after sending a grandchild’s birthday present. Thank-you cards are also great for teachers, coaches, etc. to demonstrate gratitude for their time and commitment. Also see FAIRMONT FIVE: Teaching Good Manners for more etiquette tips.      

Gratitude equates to a positive attitude and optimistic outlook on life. “When kids recognize that the things they own and the opportunities they have come from someone other than themselves, it helps them develop a healthy understanding of how interdependent we all are - and they may be more inclined to treat others with genuine respect,” says Huffington Post article titled 11 Tips for Instilling True Gratitude in Your Kids.

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools
Image by Gratitude Habit
Videos by Greater Good Science Center, University of California - Berkeley

Monday, August 17

A to Z: twas the night before school started

The new school year begins tomorrow at Fairmont Private Schools, and hopefully your student is ready to return to the classroom! Here’s a simple checklist to ensure that you and your child are prepared for the first day of school:

  1. Fill backpacks with necessary school supplies.
  2. Pack a lunch or ensure that lunch money is available to the student.
  3. Launder and lay out the student’s clothes for the morning.
  4. Plan a hearty breakfast.
  5. Ensure that your student has his or her class schedule or teacher’s name.
  6. Review with your child the transportation plan for pick-up and drop-off.
  7. Charge your phone or camera for First Day of School pictures and use #FairmontFirstDay when posting to social media.

Make sure your child gets plenty of sleep the night before and wake them up with positive energy to start the day off right. Making the transition from summer vacation to a classroom setting as seamless as possible will help your child succeed early in the year!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, August 14

FRIDAY FOLDER: august 14

Memories of 2015's "Surf's Up" Summer Camp

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools