Honor Roll Assembly
Busy week on campus! We started Monday off with an Honor Roll Assembly for 4th and 5th Grade and then an assembly for the Junior High. We honor those students that have successfully achieved a 3.5-3.9 with the Honor Roll certificate and the students that achieved a 4.0 with the Directors Honor Roll certificate. These students work extremely hard and enjoy being recognized for their success.
Fourth Grade Field Trip
On Tuesday the Fourth Grade went to the San Juan Mission in San Juan Capistrano. This is a wonderful curriculum based trip for our students as they study the history of California in Fourth Grade. They began their visit by learning how the Spanish taught the local Native Americans how to speed up the process of making rope. Afterward, the students were broken up into groups and they had the opportunity to make rope. The remainder of the field trip was spent with a docent who explained many historical facts as we toured the mission. As always, the mission staff was impressed by the knowledge that our students displayed.
Basketball Season Has Arrived!
Our Tri-Way Basketball season kicked off versus the Edgewood Eagles. Our girls (the defending Tri-Way Champs!) defeated the girl’s team 46-6, and the boys lost 38-28.
Santa Train
On Tuesday evening the FPA-sponsored Santa Train was a huge success! Families and kids had a great time. Thank you so very much to the FPA for sponsoring this wonderful family night event! The Irvine Regional Park was covered in twinkling lights and Mrs. Claus read stories, as the kids bounced in bounce houses and everyone had delicious hot chocolate! When you board the train you were whisked off to the "North Pole" to visit a very delightful Santa! It was a wonderful wintery way to kick-off this holiday season with your family.
Winter Sing-A-Long
On Wednesday, the entire campus from Pre-School to Junior High participated in the “Winter Sing-Along!" It was a blast and each grade sang a song for the rest of the school. All of the students enjoyed singing for everyone else and then loved watching the other students perform their songs. We had Hawaiian holiday songs, “All I Want For Christmas is My Front Two Teeth”, “I Saw Grandma Kissing a Reindeer” “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and many other fun songs. The event was closed with a song about Peace for everyone.
Second Grade Field Trip
On Thursday, the Second Grade went to Indian Trails at Knott’s Berry Farm. They had a great time learning about Native American Indians, visiting a tepee, watching a traditional Indian dance and making a friendship bracelet.
Pre-School Winter Musical
Friday was the wonderful Pre-School Winter Musical! Our Pre-Schoolers have been practicing their songs every day for 2 weeks and they were precious and amazing! The boys and girls were all dressed up and so cute!! There were reindeer, top hats and scarves, and lots of smiles!
The Kindergarten celebrated the book “The Polar Express” with a party! They all watched the Polar Express movie and drank hot chocolate and wore jingle bells, while they wore their pajamas!
CHOC/Harley Toy Drive Ends on December 10th!!
The spirit of the season is underway and it's time for the 11th Annual Toy Drive! The Anaheim Hills campus is collecting new and unwrapped toys for CHOC.
The toys donated during the holidays are given year-round to CHOC patients who often spend weeks or months at the hospital. The toys are used as therapeutic play to help our patients adjust to their hospitalization. Toys are also given to patients undergoing major surgery or a painful procedure, whether it is in the hospital, or the Emergency Department or in one of the many clinics CHOC operates.
The Orange County Chapter of Harley Davidson Owners ride their motorcycles to the Anaheim Hills Campus on Friday, December 10 to pick up all the toys and our students love hearing the roaring of up to 100 'Harleys' pull into the is very exciting!
Spread Charity This Winter
We are collecting gently used items for the homeless.
Blankets, Coats, Sleeping Bags, Hats/Beanies/Mittens
Kiernan & Camden Holt are gathering items for the Homeless. They plan on distributing the items gathered every Saturday until Christmas. Go through your closets & drawers and find the items you don't use anymore. Help keep the homeless warm during the cold nights.
Children's items will be donated to the Women's & Children's Center in Corona. All other items will be distributed to the homeless of Riverside.
Place all donations in the BROWN Marked Box located by Vicky Mantell's Office.
If you have any questions, please email or call Tracy @ 951.907.3242
Tuesday, December 7
Tri-Way Basketball at Oakridge
Girls play at 3:00pm, Boys play at 4:00pm
Thursday, December 9
Kindergarten to "The Elves and the Shoemaker"
FPA Meeting at 8:45am in the MPR
Friday, December 10
CHOC/Harley Toy Drive 10:30am
Junior High Winter Dance 7:00-10:00pm
Contributed by Vicky, Anaheim Hills Campus