Friday, September 21

SHORT STORY endeavour visits Fairmont

Students at our Historic Anaheim Campus took a break from classroom studies today to witness a moment of American history when the Space Shuttle Endeavour flew over our campus on its way home to Los Angeles.

 Waiting of our Kindergarteners asked Mrs. Calabria
if we would all be going to outer space with Endeavour. So cute! :)

Mrs. Baham, Science Teacher, using her classroom iPad
to check in on Endeavour's progress towards campus

I think I see it!


 Endeavour atop a Boeing 747

 Endeavour was cheered on by all of our K-8 students as it flew directly over
the play field at our Historic Anaheim Campus--and if you don't believe us, you'll just have to watch this video for yourself!



(Many thanks to Senor G, Ms. Sarah, and Mr. Ed for the photos and videos)

Contributed by Courtney

Wednesday, September 19

EVENTFUL coach-dad (& coach-mom) basketball clinic

One of my goals as the Head Boys' Basketball Coach at Fairmont Prep is to build a basketball community throughout Fairmont Schools that offers 360* support of the programs at all levels.

I am pleased to start working towards that goal by offering our first "Coach-Dad" Clinic for 1st-8th grade students AND their parent/guardian on Saturday, September 22. We will concentrate on 2-person "Driveway-Drills" that can be taken home and used, not only to improve their basketball skills but to have some quality time between you and your child. To extend this quality time, we are encouraging attendees to caravan to that evening's football game vs Western Christian HS and offering free admission with a hot dog to all those who attended the basketball clinic. 

Please read the details below, and click here for more information. 

What: A basketball clinic designed for boys and girls in grades 1-8 and their parent/guardian 
When: Saturday, September 22 from 12pm-4pm 
Where: Fairmont Preparatory Academy 
Campers Receive: Four hours of instruction in the fundamentals instrumental to youth basketball success, including shooting, dribbling, passing, rebounding, and man to man defense. 
Special: At the conclusion of the clinic all attendees are invited to caravan to the football game between the Fairmont Prep Huskies & Western Christian Lancers. Each attendee received free admission and a free husky dog. 
Director: Ray Lokar, Head Basketball Coach at Fairmont Prep Academy, Lead Trainer for the Positive Coaching Alliance, Author of 101 Basketball Tips. 
Staff: PCA Double-Goal Coaches 
Fee: $50 a pair when pre-registered and $60 at the door. Pay online or checks should be made payable to "Sports'n'Stuff" 
Questions: All questions should be directed to 657-464-PREP 

Image via Top News Sports 

Contributed by Mr. Ray Lokar, Head Basketball Coach at Fairmont Prep 

Monday, September 17

HOW TO donate books at the oc book festival

There is nothing greater than a child discovering the love of reading. We at Fairmont believe that every child should be encouraged to explore new worlds through reading and should have access to all types of books--from fantasies to science fiction to biographies. We are excited to help make that dream a reality by hosting the second annual Book Drive at the upcoming Children’s Book Festival in Costa Mesa. 

Last year we joined forces with Fairmont student and budding philanthropist Megan Mettler to bring a Book Drive element back to the annual Book Festival. Megan's Kids Read! project and her passion for donating books caught the attention of Barry Ackerman, the co-founder of the Book Festival, who invited Megan to partner with Fairmont to start up a Book Drive at the event. 

The result was an awesome drive, which collected over 700 books that were donated to local schools and non-profit organizations. 

We are excited to continue the tradition with the second annual Book Drive on Sunday, September 30. We will host the drive at the Fairmont Schools Booth (#110), and we will be accepting donations from 9:30am to 4:30pm. Please bring all your book donations--new and gently used alike. The Mettler family will be there to organize the books and ensure they are donated to the best place depending on grade level. Those who donate two books or more will receive a Book Festival t-shirt (while supplies last).

We look forward to seeing lots of our Fairmont families out enjoying the event and supporting this great cause! 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Friday, September 14

FRIDAY FOLDER september 14

Trey S. and Justin S. were excellent guides at the Historic Anaheim Main Campus Parent Night!  

Highlights From This Week
Back to School Picnics 
We are so fortunate to have phenomenal Parent Associations at each of our campuses who put together some of our favorite annual events. At the top of the list are our back to school picnics/festivals that take place every September. These events give all of our families a great opportunity to meet faculty and staff from their campus, in addition to fellow parents and students. We all have a blast enjoying good food, entertainment, and great company! Be sure to mark your calendar for your campus' Back to School celebration. 

Anaheim Hills Campus 
Fairmont Family Fall Festival 

September 28, 2012
The Fall Festival is a blast!  There are rides and food and games, and everyone has such a fun time seeing their friends, teachers and classmates. Discounted pre-sale tickets are available right now...print out the attached link and drop it into the FPA mail box in the front hallway. There will be great food, funnel cake, cake walks, entertainment...just a great evening to spend with your family!
Historic Anaheim Campus
Back to School Picnic & Sock Hop

Date: Friday, September 14, 2012  
Time: 4:00pm - 7:00pm  
Location: Historic Anaheim Main Athletic Field      
Come and join us for 50's style family fun! Fun activities include: obstacle course, bounce house, limbo contest, costume contest, DJ music, and games. The Burnt Truck and the Dogzilla Gourmet Food trucks will be on site from 5:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. selling gourmet sliders, hot dogs, and much more (cash only). The trucks have many items to choose from including kid meals. Bring a blanket and join us!  

North Tustin Campus 

NTPA Annual Back to School "Hoedown" Picnic  
Friday, September 21, 2012
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Irvine Regional Park - Picnic Site 4
Parking is $3
Don't just mosey over, get a move on and join all the amazing North Tustin (formerly Edgewood) fun. It's a great opportunity to spend time with your kids and have fun with other NT Fairmont friends & families.
Hoedown Picnic Flier 

Fairmont Family Night Football Game 

Saturday, September 22, 2012
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Yorba Linda High School
19900 Bastanchury Road,
Yorba Linda, CA 
Cross Streets:Bastanchury & Fairmont Blvd.
At 4:50 pm, the Fairmont Junior Kindergarteners and Kindergarteners from all campuses are singing the National Anthem. Kickoff is at 5:00 pm and at half-time, the Junior High football players from all Fairmont campuses are participating in a punt kick competition. Fun Entertainment off the side lines inlcude a free bouncy house, face painting, and a balloon artist. The snack bar will be full of goodies, like hot dogs, gatorade, chips, candy, etc. Come on out and cheer for the Fairmont Prep Huskies!

Weekly E-Newsletters 

September Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, September 12

FAIRMONT FIVE pins we love

Have you heard, Fairmont is on Pinterest?! With so many of our Fairmont families and friends engaged in creating digital collections on Pinterest and with so many great ideas to pique our ever curious minds, we found the temptation just too hard to resist. So, we are happily pinning away each week discovering books, craft projects, recipes, home design inspiration, gifts...pins more or less linked to education that we hope will delight the life-long learners in all of us.
Here are some of our favorite pins thus far:
  1. Whimsical art room posted to Learning Spaces
  2. DIY playdough  posted to Art of Play
  3. Teacher giftwrap posted to Elementary
  4. Back to School comic posted to 21st Century Learning
  5. Art journal inspiration posted to Junior High
Photo from willowday
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, September 10

EVENTFUL preview fairmont prep at fashion island

We invite all of our current 8th grade families and prospective high school families to attend a special Prep Preview event. This evening reception is an excellent opportunity to learn more about Fairmont's outstanding high school program--all in a convenient Fashion Island location. The event will begin with time for families to speak with Fairmont Prep administrators, current parents, and student ambassadors while enjoying hors d'ouevres and refreshments. Then our Headmaster, Academic Deans, and College Counselors will share a brief presentation highlighting the key elements of our program, followed by time for Q&A. 

Event Details
What: Preview Fairmont Prep at Fashion Island 
Where: 59th & Lex Cafe (outside Bloomingdales at Fashion Island) 701 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA
When: Thursday, September 28 from 6pm-8pm 
At Fairmont Preparatory Academy, we believe school should provide the options and opportunities that allow students to take smart risks, discover unexpected interests, and develop lasting passions. That's why we offer multiple academic pathways (including more AP classes than any other high school in SoCal), student-directed theater and art programs, and thirteen CIF sports. It's why we invest in technology-enhanced learning, free after school tutoring and enrichment, and low student to counselor ratios. By working with students to individualize their high school experience, Fairmont Prep prepares students for their best college fit and beyond.

We hope you can join us to discover our unique high school program for yourself. Click here to learn more and to RSVP. 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, September 7

FRIDAY FOLDER september 7

Highlights From This Week
Parent Night 
We enjoyed seeing our Historic Anaheim Preschool parents at Parent Night this Wednesday, and we look forward to seeing our North Tustin parents tonight. We will wrap up our Parent Nights next week with the Anaheim Hills Campus on Monday, September 10 and the Historic Anaheim Campus on Wednesday, September 12. Please check you campus eNewsletter for more details and read this blog post for helpful tips on making the most of your evening. 

Grandparent's Day 
Grandparent's Day is this Sunday, and we encourage all of our Fairmont families to plan something special with their grandparents. These grandkid silhouettes make a great handmade gift! And because grandparents are part of our Fairmont family too, we are hosting Grandparent's Day events on campus next week. Please check your campus eNewsletter for all the specifics. 

Football & Volleyball 
We are kicking off our sports seasons with DSL and Tri-Way Football and Volleyball! Games will start in the upcoming weeks. Be sure to look for try-out announcements on campus and encourage your child(ren) to participate. GO FAIRMONT! 

Weekly E-Newsletters 

September Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools