Friday, August 16

A TO Z saying goodbye to summer

The end of summer is such a bittersweet time for me. I love the excitement of "back-to-school" and the promise of growth and new experiences in the next grade level. But it’s still tough to box up the super-soakers, UV-beads and Model Magic. And when the tattered friendship bracelets get cut off, I know that another great Fairmont summer is coming to a close.

Summer at Fairmont Schools is about building confidence—and depending on the student, this may have an academic or social focus. To develop confidence, summer may mean experiencing or succeeding at things for the first time. At the elementary level, this may mean sharing a writing project up in front of the class or working independently in different learning stations in summer school. It may mean riding a school bus for the first time or actually being at a field trip destination for the first time without a parent! It could mean the first jump off a high dive, the first shriek on a roller-coaster or the first time petting a manta ray at the Aquarium.

Developing confidence over the summer also may mean experiencing academic success. This summer, a record number of Fairmont junior high students took advanced math courses at Fairmont Prep which will allow them to progress to the next subject level during the school year. This sense of accomplishment is the essence of what summer at Fairmont is about to me.

Just like our students, summer is a great time of learning and skill building for our faculty and staff. Fairmont teachers experienced teaching the new grade level they will teach this upcoming school year or had extra practice using Accelerated Math or technology tools. Summer Camp Counselors returned after another year of college under their belts, ready to take on new roles in teaching students and supporting families.

In my five years as Director of Summer Programs at Fairmont Schools, I’ve never experienced a summer so magical as the Summer of 2013--Fairmont’s 60th Anniversary Summer. This summer seemed to fly by...but for a few moments, time stood still. I’d like to share a few of my favorite Summer 2013 memories:
  • Sitting in on Ms. DeVane’ 6th grade Language Arts class discussion on The Giver at the North Tustin Campus. As a kid, it was one of my favorite books but I hadn’t thought about it for years. After hearing our students’ discussion of the novel, I had to re-read it myself. 
  • Seeing videos of the Jedi Training Academy taught by summer camp counselors Mr. Evan and Mr. Cody during an afternoon camp rotation. I love the creativity of our staff and the unique moments it creates for our Padawans, I mean campers! 
  • Watching Oliver in swim cap and goggles give me a huge grin and thumbs up while “body surfing” at Corona del Mar Beach. It was a perfect summer moment for him and became one for me too.
  • Hearing Mr. Al speak with a southern drawl all day on Western Wear Dress-Up Day.
  • Having a pretend “tea party” with preschool campers while waiting for their pony ride and pictures. Since I was dressed up as Snow White for Fairytale Dress Up Day, I was treated as part celebrity, part best friend by the preschoolers.
  • Pointing out sight words in Miss Dodson’s JK summer school class with “witchy fingers". Who knew plastic finger sleeves could be such fun and so educational?!

 I’ve already begun a countdown for Summer 2014…43 more weeks! See you then!

Contributed by Jamie, Fairmont Summer Programs

Wednesday, August 14

BULLETIN BOARD back to school cool

It's safe to say that back-to-school season is our favorite time of year at Fairmont Private Schools.  We are thrilled to welcome back all of our amazing teachers and staff and to say a big "Hurray" for the first day. Sending out warmest wishes to all of those school-aged children out there and to their moms, dads, and little brothers and sisters...who will one day be headed back to school too!  Here are a few of our favorite back-to-school pins from Fairmont's Pinterest boards.  Follow us on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram (search for Fairmont Private Schools and choose your campus)...and right here on our blog for lots of inspiration all school year long!

Heart & hands classroom shot
School supplies illustration
First day photo ideas
Photo op signage
School days journal

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, August 7

FAIRMONT FIVE tips to beat the back-to-school blues

It's back-to-school season!  Don't you just love picking out fresh new school supplies, choosing new backpacks, buying new clothes--it's exciting, right?!  Yes and no.  There's plenty of anxiety that comes along with the start of a new school year, for parents and for children.  As with any big change, it helps to shift gears slowly.  Here are some of our tips for making your transition from summer break to the new school year a little less painful:

1. Plan ahead for the morning rush. We all know mornings are the toughest. Even if you're a morning person, juggling breakfasts and showers and's enough to push you over the edge. Take some time the night before to prepare.  Have your child lay out his or her outfit for the next day (including shoes and accessories) before bed time. Make sure completed homework and signed permissions slips have been neatly tucked away in your child's backpack. Know what you're making for breakfast and packing for lunch--and stick to the plan. 

2.Transition into the school routine. A few weeks before school starts, start adjusting bedtimes and getting back into a regular routine. For the little ones, make this transition fun by saying "we're going to start practicing for school!". Remind older kids that getting enough sleep really does make you smarter and happier at school--it's scientific fact! Build the back-to-school excitement with school supply shopping, "classroom" playtime themes, bedtime stories about school, playdates with school friends, etc. 

3.Start a unique goodbye ritual. For younger children (and maybe for you), one of the toughest parts about going back to school is saying goodbye. Instead of making goodbyes something to dread, make them special by coming up with a fun goodbye ritual that is unique to you and your kids. It could be a made-up handshake (think Parent Trap) or a whistle or a special hug. Ask your kids for their input and create a unique daily tradition that will make you both smile.  

4.Send a little love. No matter how old your child is, a heartfelt note, compliment or gesture never goes unnoticed. Sending a surprise post-it note message in your child's lunchbox or cutting his or her sandwich in a special shape or even just suggesting a spontaneous after-school ice cream date is a great reminder of how much you care. And the best part? Thinking up these little surprises will help you stay positive amid the back-to-school stress. 

5. Create a homework zone. Organized, designated study spaces are crucial to student success when it comes to homework. Be mindful about providing desk or table space for each child where he or she can work successfully. Some children like privacy, others like background noise, so pay attention to how and where each child works best and create learning spaces accordingly. Set up a routine of checking student's planners and class agendas daily or weekly to make sure assignments are being completed on time. Encourage students to share their homework with you and show you what they've learned. 

We wish all our Fairmont Private Schools families a wonderful, blues-free back-to-school season! 

Image from

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Wednesday, July 31

HOW TO camping with kids

For a lot of families, including mine, summer is the time for at least one camping trip. I am definitely not a pro but I like unplugging from the world and getting closer to nature. And these days that means bringing my kids. When I told friends of mine that I would be camping for a week with my kids, including my 18 month old, they looked at me like, "Good luck!" But as long as you go prepared, camping with children can be very rewarding. Here are a few tips I have picked up along the way:

When it comes to camping gear, if you have room for it, bring it! It's much better to have more than you need than not enough, in my book. If you want to have a comfortable night's sleep, make sure you bring an air mattress (and don't forget the pump). A large tent can also be a luxury with kids, especially if you are bringing a baby who needs room to crawl around. Our tent is large enough that we can set up our travel crib so the baby can sleep comfortably (which means I sleep comfortably). If you plan on hiking with a baby, bring a baby backpack. I even bring a portable high chair. It keeps baby contained so she will eat and keeps her from wandering so that you can prepare meals. 

There are plenty of complicated recipes for cooking while camping, but with kids, it's best to go with what you know they will eat. Hot dogs on skewers can be cooked over the fire and kids love cooking their food themselves. Many campgrounds have grills that go over the fire pits where you can cook ears of corn and kabobs. Bring along a cast iron frying pan and/or dutch oven and it opens up your options even more. What's important to remember is to keep it easy. This is your vacation too and you don't want to spend it slaving over a fire. 

If you've never gone camping with your kids then choose a campground close to home. If it starts to rain, and you weren't prepared, home isn't too far away. There's safety in numbers!  Invite family or friends for a group camp-out, and the kids will keep themselves entertained by playing with each other. 

Finally, remember to make a checklist of what to pack. It's always good to visit camping websites to get ideas and reminders of things to bring. Here are a few links I would recommend:

Being prepared is extremely important--but also remember to have fun!

Contributed by Darcy, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, July 24

FAIRMONT FIVE last days of summer bucket list

Need to pack a beach vacation into one day? 
Visit Crystal Cove State Park's historic district in Newport Coast where you can drink date milk shakes, eat fish and chips, explore the tide pools and, of course, catch a wave or two.
The older I get the more aware I am of just how quickly time passes. Didn't we just get out of school?!  And now, it's time for back-to-school haircuts.  Not so fast!  There's still plenty of time to get to most of the things on your summer to-do list. Here's my short list to get to before the school bell rings, excerpted from Real Simple magazine's 50 Fun Summer Activities. Hopefully, it will inspire you to seize these last precious days of summer.
  1. Build a sandcastle at the beach
  2. Stargaze while lying in the grass
  3. Have a picnic in the park
  4. Take a last-minute road trip
  5. Roast marshmallows over a fire and make s'mores
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, July 17

SHORT STORY summer takes flight

Every day this summer, Fairmont's Summer Program campers have been treated to fun, learning, and a few surprises--like when this dove found a friendly perch on an Anaheim Hills' camper's arm during a hands-on animal presentation!  We love that Fairmont's summer program keeps kids engaged all summer long with lessons that go beyond reading, writing and arithmetic to pique children's curiosity and get them thinking and engaging with one another.  As this article from Peg Smith of the American Camp Association illustrates, camp experiences teach 21st century skills like creativity and collaboration.  They "let kids be kids" and encourage getting dirty, playing outdoors, and free play. 

Whatever your child is doing this summer, be sure to unplug and make play a part of every day!

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, July 10

THE FAIRMONT FIVE summer boredom busters

The Fourth of July holiday is now behind us and summer is starting to get a little less exciting around our house. Maybe, you're in a summer slump too, and as Dr. Seuss so aptly puts it, "un-slumping yourself is not easily done".  However, with a little effort (yes, kids, it's time to turn off the TV), a little creativity, and a few glue sticks thrown in just for fun, you can get in that summer spirit all over again.  Here are some ideas that have worked for me:
  1. Get out and about - I know it's fun to stay in your pajamas all day, but a few days of vegging out and your kids will ready for some serious stimulation.  It's time to load up and go for an adventure! Have you been to Bower's Museum (or their Kidseum), Discovery Science Center or the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific? What about a boat ride to Catalina or a camping trip to Lake Arrowhead? There's so much to do, to see, and to experience before the school bell rings!
  2. Plan a party - So what if your kids aren't having a birthday this summer--that's no reason to forgo summer celebrations. Let your kids help you plan a fun get-together for friends complete with special food and games.  Need inspiration for your theme?  How 'bout a summer star-gazing party, a backyard camp-out party, an outdoor movie night, a midsummer night's dream party...
  3. Hit the books - Fire up your kids' brains with a trip to your local library or bookstore.  Let them create their own summer reading list or research a topic a week that interests them.  Offer incentives when your kids read a certain number of books or better yet, write about what they are reading in a journal.
  4. Give back - Summer is a great time to encourage children to get involved in giving back. Encourage your kids to stage a bake sale or lemonade stand and give the money to a charity they connect with.  Spend some time cleaning out closets and gathering gently used toys and clothing to donate.  Create artwork for a local senior center or write letters to soldiers overseas.
  5. Play games - Whether it's planning a weekly Family Game Night or coming up with fun ideas for at-home playdates make sure to make play center stage this summer.  Have you had a teddy bear picnic yet?  What about a superhero water gun fight?  I'm a big fan of old-fashioned outdoor games like sack races and three-legged races.  Hopscotch is another fun, easy game and you can modify it to teach math facts and sight words. 
Need more inspiration?  Check out Fairmont's Art of Play board on Pinterest.

Image from
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools