Wednesday, April 24

THE FAIRMONT FIVE benefits of summer school

The last day of school--it's something kids look forward to all school year long (even if they secretly love to learn).  Students, teachers and parents yearn for the slightly less structured days of summer.  There are no tests to study for, no special projects to complete at the last minute, and no homework for the dog to eat!  The tricky thing about summer is that as soon as the last school bell rings, kids brains begin to suffer from what is known as "summer learning loss".  

Did you know that students lose about two months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation skills over the summer months?  When you compare standardized test scores for tests taken at the end of the school year and the same test taken at the end of summer--there's a significant dip in student achievement.  Summer brain drain is a fact, but it's not inevitable.  

Studies also show that quality summer programs keep the learning going all year long and can actually boost a child's academic achievement and confidence by the start of the new school year.  Here are five good reasons to consider summer school for your child:

  1. Extra practice and review of key concepts in reading, writing and math helps reinforce academic skills and fill in any gaps in your child's education over the past year.
  2. The smaller class sizes often available in summer school classes allow for more one-on-one time between teachers and students.  Children may feel more confident speaking up and asking for help in areas where they just don't "get it".
  3. Kid's brains actually don't need "downtime" from learning.  The steady stimulation that summer school provides is much more beneficial to your child's brain development than, say, hours of unstructured time watching TV or playing video games.
  4. The slower more relaxed pace of summer school allows kids to "play" at learning, discovering new areas of interest and ways of solving problems.
  5. Summer school helps children build confidence in their academic abilities and a little confidence can go a long way to helping your child succeed in the coming school year.
Find out more about Fairmont's summer programs including day camp, summer school and enrichment programs by visiting  Save 10% on summer school and summer camp if you enroll by April 30th!

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, April 22

SNACK TIME pass the pears please!

On April 10 and 12, the preK – K children at Anaheim Hills and Historic Anaheim Preschool students enjoyed an interactive presentation about PEARS. The children learned that pears come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, even flavors.
Do you know your pear varieties?
Can you guess? Hint: Some varieties come in more than one color.
Which varieties of pears are available in the color Red?  = a Red Anjou, Red Bartlett and Starkrimson pear
What about Brown? = a Bosc pear
Yellow? A Bartlett pear turns from green to yellow when fully ripe.
Green? The Comice or Green Anjou pear is sweet and stays green even when fully ripe!
Red and Green and tiny? The Seckel are bite-size, crunchy and super sweet. They are green with a dark red blush. Perfect for a child’s lunchbox or after school treat.
Beige and round and crunchy? = an Asian or “Apple” Pear. These pears are unusual because of their unique shape - not your typically bottom heavy pear shape or flavor.  Some students thought this pear looked like a softball because it was so large and round.

Healthy habits are easier to practice when learned early. The children were good sports and enthusiastically sampled a fresh pear, a canned pear and a dried pear. Everyone had smiles and some students asked for seconds.
Do pears float or sink when placed in water? The children had fun guessing if the same size apple and pear would float or sink in a large container of water. Guess what? Apples float! Pears don’t! Apples float because they contain more air. Pears sink because they are more dense than apples and contain less air. Pears can’t “breathe” or exchange oxygen and it’s also the reason why apples stay fresher longer.
Pears are one of the few fruits that don’t ripen on the tree.  Check the “neck” of the pear for ripeness. If it gives under pressure, the pear is ready to be eaten. If it’s still hard, wait a couple more days. For best results, ripen at room temperature for 4 to seven days. Some pears, like the Anjou can take up to 10 days to fully ripen. A ripe pear is a sweet pear and is worth the wait.
For more information, games and puzzles about pears check out these websites:
Contributed by Leslie K. Kay-Getzinger, MS, RD, Regional Dietitian for Nutrition Management Services

Saturday, April 20


Our Anaheim Hills families had fun in the sun at our Celebrate 2013 Picnic! 

Highlights From This Week
Cougar Chorus Season Ends Strong!
Our Anaheim Hills after school singing group called Cougar Chorus performed at their Spring Concert a few weeks ago. There are 55 students in the group from 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. They meet with Mrs. Zavoral every Friday after school to practice developing their singing voices and to learn how to sing in harmony. At the concert, students performed a variety of pieces including their traditional chorus cheer, an African folk piece, a classical piece by Mozart sung acapella, and a jazz piece called "Accentuate the Positive."

During Spring Break, the chorus took time to visit the senior citizens at the Brea Senior Living Center. Chorus members sang their concert pieces and gave cards away to the seniors. Many of the seniors clapped to the beat and joined in song! 

Cougar Chorus has done more than just cheer up folks during their spring break. Earlier this year, they performed at the FPA Santa Train, the Book Fair during Open House and the Girl Scout National Day Event. Now the chorus season is over, and students will celebrate their hard work by going on a special field trip to the Merlin Magic & Comedy Show. Congratulations to the chorus students and to Mrs. Zavoral on a very successful year!  

Congratulations North Tustin Science Fair Winners
Congratulations to Matthew C., Meghana K., and Cameron O. After competing at the North Tustin's own science fair, they were amongst 15 students selected to compete at the Orange County Science and Engineering Fair (OCSEF). There the three North Tustin students qualified to compete in the California State Science Fair (CSSF) on Tuesday, April 16th, 2013. On that day, students took their science fair projects to the Discovery Science Center in Los Angeles to compete and test their projects against California's top science students. Over 1000 incredible projects were on display, and while the scores were recorded in the afternoon the students headed to lunch and then patiently await the awards ceremony later that afternoon.

Even with so many amazing projects, we are excited to say that each North Tustin student attending the CSSF was recognized by the judges. Matthew C. was awarded an honorable mention in the Material's Science category, Meghana K. was awarded an honorable mention in the Cognitive Science category, and Cameron O. was awarded second place in his category, Material's Science. This was a wonderful affirmation of these 3 students excellence in science. We are incredibly proud of their efforts.

Historic Anaheim 7th Grader Makes a "Splash"
It started one day in February. Michelle joined 200 youth divers at the auditions for an upcoming reality show called Splash. The television show has celebrities competing in a diving competition. Each week the lowest scoring competitor is eliminated from the competition. For the audition, Michelle performed 5 dives of her choice and camera test interviews. Later, Michelle found out that she got the part on the show. She trained with her celebrity partner for two weeks (the show forbids Michelle from revealing which celebrity she is partnered with). Michelle has been diving for four years. She practices 3-4 hours a day, 6 days a week at both Fullerton College and the Rose Bowl Aquatics center.  Recently, Michelle competed in the National Championships in San Antonio, Texas. Michelle dove well enough to win 5th place! You can see Michelle and her mystery celebrity partner diving on Splash which will air on Tuesday, April 23 on ABC at 8:00 P.M.  Make sure you tune in. 

Fairmont Summer Programs: Now Enrolling! 
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Fairmont Summer Programs website is now LIVE and accepting applications for all the lords and ladies of the kingdom! Sign up before April 30th to receive a 10% discount on summer school and summer camp.  

Preschool-8th Grade: 
High School:

Wednesday, April 17

SHORT STORY fairmont celebrates week of the young child

Roshan P. poses with one of the marionettes from Franklin Haynes' Marionette show during Week of the Young Child at the Historic Anaheim Campus Preschool--just one of dozens of events, crafts and special activities that students enjoyed the week of April 15th.

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, April 15

ARTS & CRAFTS plant pals

Monday is Earth Day! I love that we have a holiday dedicated to our beautiful planet. I try to instill a love of nature into my kids daily, but there's nothing wrong with a little reminder. Here is a cute craft from that will last longer than just a day, will beautify your home, and will teach your kids about how nature works! You'll only need a few things to get started. So go get planting!

Image from Spoonful

Contributed by Darcy, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, April 12


Congratulations to 8th Grader, Austin K.  He won the Physics Division at the Orange County Science Fair and will be representing Fairmont at the California Science Fair next week!

Highlights From This Week
Student Led Conferences
Fairmont Private Schools and other schools around the country are leading the charge on a new style of conferences that are student-led. We introduced Student-Led Conferences  this month with wonderful, positive comments from parents, students, and teachers. We encourage you to participate in your child's conference if you have not done so already.  

Student Led Conferences help put students on "center stage" and take more responsibility for their academic achievement, self-discipline, and physical well-being. Student Led Conferences reflect the belief that students should be actively involved in their learning and assume responsibility for the learning process. We look forward to seeing you at the Student Led Conferences to celebrate your child's growth and learning! 
Read more about Student Led Conferences in this article by Education World.

Week of the Young Child
The Historic Anaheim Preschool will celebrate Week of the Young Child April 12th - April 19th. Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize and promote early learning whether at home, school, or in the community. The following are different activities that we will promote each day of next week:
Monday, April 15th: Music Appreciation Day
Choral and Instrumental students from the Prep will give a special performance just for our students.
Tuesday, April 16th: Bounce Day
The bounce house is coming! Each class will have a chance to bounce in the Mickey Mouse bounce house.
Wednesday, April 17th: Magic Day
Franklin Haynes Marionettes presents Marionette Magic! Students will be awed by a variety of marionettes featured in this show.
Thursday, April 18th: Pajama Day
Come dressed in pajamas. Students will enjoy special books and bagels snack time with ASB students from the Prep.
Friday, April 19th: Multi-Cultural Day
Children can wear their cultural attire and participate in a school-wide Fashion Show. They will enjoy classroom celebrations with an International Pot-Luck snack.

In celebration of Week of the Young Child, theHistoric Anaheim Main Campus kindergarten students will participate in the following fun-filled activities:
Tuesday, April 16th: Once Upon a Story
Our upper grade princesses (Miss Patterson, Miss Wu, & Mrs. Gilliland) will come share their favorite book with our kindergarten students.
Wednesday, April 17th: Oh My! It is Wacky Wednesday!  
Wear your Wackiest Hair! Mrs. Cameron will join the kindergarten class to share Dr. Seuss'Wacky Wednesday.
Thursday, April 18th: Creative Play Day!
Bubbles, sidewalk chalk, ribbon wands, and more!
Kindergarten students will have afternoon play with all sorts of outdoor toys and will cap it off with a tasty popsicle!  

Fairmont Summer Programs: Now Enrolling! 
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Fairmont Summer Programs website is now LIVE and accepting applications for all the lords and ladies of the kingdom! Sign up before April 30th to receive a 10% discount on summer school and summer camp.  

Preschool-8th Grade: 
High School:

Wednesday, April 10

HOW TO age-appropriate chores for kids

With four kids under the age of 9, I have a lot of work to do at home. Constantly. 

It is important to me that my children know how to take care of themselves and their home. And I've learned that even my little ones can be very helpful with chores. The younger they are, the more excited and willing they are to help. I love this list of age appropriate chores from Raising Arrows. Here are a few examples for the various age breaks: 

9-12 Months
  • Help put away toys
1-2 Years Old
  • Use proper "manners" with please, thank you, excuse me, sorry
  • Help clean up their own messes
2-3 Years Old
  • Help sort laundry
  • Help bring in groceries at home 
3-4 Years Old 
  • Learn to make their bed
  • Begin establishing regular chores like dusting the living room blinds
4-5 Years Old
  • Learn how to set the table 
  • Learn how to water plants 
5-6 Years Old
  • Begin to help younger siblings with tasks
  • Learn to wash dishes 
6-7 Years Old 
  • Begin learning how to prepare simple meals and snacks 
  • Begin learning how to do the laundry from start to finish
8-10 Years Old
  • Complete responsibility for their domain (bedroom, specific chores, etc) 
  • Unsupervised yard work 
Image from Laptop Clipart

Contributed by Darcy, Fairmont Private Schools