Friday, March 1


Our Anahiem Hills Preschoolers Celebrated Dr. Seuss' Birthday with Green Eggs and Ham

Highlights From This Week
Historic Anaheim Students Celebrate International Week 
Dish after dish of yummy, delectable food was brought into the cafeteria last Thursday morning during International Day. Each dish looked more delicious than the last - everything from eggrolls and sushi to mango lassi and Canada Dry Ginger Ale. As lunchtime grew closer, the buzz filled the hallways as students, many dressed in their native country's traditional garb, described all the different foods they would be eating shortly. When students were dismissed for lunch, they rushed to the gym to fill their plates with foods from around the world. After filling their plates, the students savored the delicacies as they ate each morsel! What a wonderful way to celebrate Fairmont's diverse culture!

Summer Camp 2013 - Name the Mascot! 
Hear ye, hear ye! We are pleased to announce that the theme for our 60th Summer Program is Once Upon a Time! We're looking forward to a magical summer, and we want you to be a part of it! Your first opportunity to join in the fun is to help us name our Dragon mascot!
Here's how:
1. Become a fan of Fairmont Summer Programs at 
2. Post your name suggestion on our Facebook wall March 1st - 8th 
3. Fairmont will choose the top 5 names and you can vote for your favorite name March 11th -15th 
4. The winning name will be announced on March 18th 
5. The winner(s) will receive a free week of Summer Camp!

Wednesday, February 27

ARTS & CRAFTS bird feeder

In honor of National Bird Feeding Month, we are happy to share this simple craft for creating your own bird feeder.  All you need are a few basic supplies that you can find at your local market or home center (wild bird seed, twine, cookie cutters, water and Knox gelatine).  Just follow the easy step-by-step instructions at eighteen25.  Your kids will love making it and the birds will love eating it!

Image from eighteen25
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, February 25

SHORT STORY fairmont cheerleaders compete nationally

North Tustin Cheer Squad Takes 3rd Place in Nationals! 

In late February, our North Tustin cheer team flew to Orlando Florida to participate in the National High School Cheerleading Championship in the Youth Recreational Category, sponsored by the Universal Cheerleaders Association known as UCA.
The National High School Cheerleading Championship (NHSCC) is the most prestigious cheerleading championship in the country. The NHSCC is held at the Walt Disney World® Resort in Orlando, Florida, and nationally televised on ESPN and ESPN2 to over 100 million homes and 32 countries nationwide each year.

Our team, coached by Ms. Bradley and Mrs. Yujuico, did a phenomenal job. They took the stage in front of hundreds of people and displayed confidence and energy while delivering a great routine. The coaches knew that our team would be challenged when it came to the degree of difficulty in their routine. The message they gave the girls was to work towards their strengths and to connect with the crowd. They did exactly that and it resulted in a finish making them third in the nation in a pool of seven teams. Watching our team take command of the stage was inspiring. They had such a sharp performance that it was undeniable that they deserved to be among the top teams in their category! 

Congratulations to the whole team and their coaches! Go Eagles! 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Friday, February 22

FRIDAY FOLDER february 22

Anaheim Hills Kindergartners Celebrate the 100th Day of School! 

Highlights From This Week
Re-Enroll for Fairmont's 60th Year 
The 2013/2014 school year marks Fairmont's 60th year of providing quality education. Fairmont Private School was founded in 1953 by Kenneth Holt, and we are so excited to celebrate our 60th Anniversary with you! We encourage you to return your completed re-enrollment contract to your campus Admissions Director by February 22 to guarantee your child's place for this special year. As always, we thank you for being part of our Fairmont family! 

Scholar Search OC 
Sunday, February 24 10am-5pm
We invite Fairmont parents and prospective parents to take part in the Orange County Scholar Search Educational Forum being held at Fairmont Preparatory Academy this February.  Fairmont has partnered with the Scholar Search Associates to co-host this special event.
To make reservations for the Forum go to the Anaheim Forum page on the Scholar Search site and click on "Reserve Your Spaces" located on the blue horizontal menu bar.

Wednesday, February 20

THE FAIRMONT FIVE saving for college

This tax season my thoughts have been drifting to the not-so-distant future when my three children will be college-aged and ready to leave home (tears).  Along with the anxiety of knowing they are growing up way too fast is the scary thought that it will cost a small fortune to send my kids to college.  Much as I would like to avoid the thought, I decided to uncover my eyes and leap into cyberspace for an education on saving for college.  Here are some resources I found helpful:
  1. A Get-Real Guide to Saving for College
  2. Guide to College Savings Plans
  3. The Best 529 College Savings Plans
  4. College Saving Calculator
  5. 10 Smart Tips for College Fund Savers

Image from
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, February 18

SNACK TIME heart health & dark chocolate

February is American Heart Month, a time to be aware of and encourage behaviors that support heart health. If you’re feeling a bit guilty about the chocolate you ate for Valentines Day, here’s some good news.

Chocolate and its main ingredient, cocoa, appear to reduce risk factors for heart disease. Flavanols in cocoa beans have antioxidant effects that reduce cell damage implicated in heart disease and may also lower blood pressure. Flavanols are natural compounds also found in fruits, especially berries, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and green tea.

Most of the studies to date highlight dark chocolate's health benefits because it has the highest percentage of cocoa solids, therefore more flavanol antioxidants. Unfortunately for white chocolate fans, white chocolate does not contain any cocoa solids, only cocoa butter, and therefore does not contribute the same health properties as dark chocolate.

Recommending chocolate sounds like a dream come true, but consider the calories, fat and sugar that also come with eating that chocolate bar. If you want to indulge, do so in moderation and be selective. Choose dark chocolate with a cocoa content of 65 percent or higher. Yum!

Contributed by Leslie Kay-Getzinger, MS, RD, Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Management Services, Fairmont Private Schools 

Friday, February 15

FRIDAY FOLDER february 15

Congratulations North Tustin Cheer Squad
Third Place at Nationals in Florida
Highlights From This Week
North Tustin Cheer Squad Takes 3rd Place in Nationals 
Last Friday, our FPS cheer team flew to Orlando Florida to participate in the National High School Cheerleading Championship in the Youth Recreational Category, sponsored by the Universal Cheerleaders Association known as UCA.
The National High School Cheerleading Championship (NHSCC) is the most prestigious cheerleading championship in the country. The NHSCC is held at the Walt Disney World® Resort in Orlando, Florida, and nationally televised on ESPN and ESPN2 to over 100 million homes and 32 countries nationwide each year.

Our team, coached by Ms. Bradley and Mrs. Yujuico, did a phenomenal job. They took the stage in front of hundreds of people and displayed confidence and energy while delivering a great routine. The coaches knew that our team would be challenged when it came to the degree of difficulty in their routine. The message they gave the girls was to work towards their strengths and to connect with the crowd. They did exactly that and it resulted in a finish making them third in the nation in a pool of seven teams. Watching our team take command of the stage was inspiring. They had such a sharp performance that it was undeniable that they deserved to be amongst the top teams in their category. For more information about the competition, visit here to watch the Fairmont routine.  

Fairmont Students Shine on the Basketball Court 
Fairmont is known for its basketball program at both the elementary/junior high and high school levels. This year, all of our campuses made it to the playoffs, and our Historic Anaheim Campus Boys Tri-Way Team and Girls DSL Team took the League Championship Titles! Our high school basketball teams are well on their way to League Championships and will be playing in the playoffs in the next few weeks. Let's go Fairmont!! 

Great Debaters at Anaheim Hills 
The Anaheim Hills campus Debate Team recently won big in an Orange County Competition! 

Their awards included: 
Individual Speaker Awards (given to the top 30 overall individuals out of 130ish total students):
22nd Place Individual Speaker - John S.
19th Place Individual Speaker - Maya W.
13th Place Individual Speaker - Ellie G.
11th Place Individual Speaker - Evan P. 
7th Place Individual Speaker - Thomas S.
5th Place Individual Speaker - Austin k. 
1st Place Individual Speaker, Golden Gavel Award, & Top 8th Grade Student: Jack R.

Golden Gavel Winner Jack R.
Jack is the FIRST BOY in league history to win two Golden Gavel awards - and we have three tournaments left to go for him to increase the record!!!

Team Awards
(given to the top 15 overall teams out of about 50 total teams): 
8th Place Team: Evan P, Thomas S, and Sherry X 
6th Place Team: Sameet I, Austin K, and Maya W 
3rd Place Team: Ellie G, Jack R, and John S  
3 of the top 15 teams out of all teams came from Fairmont Anaheim Hills! 
3 out of our 5 teams won Team Awards!
School Awards:
2nd Place School Award (based on total overall wins): Fairmont Anaheim Hills
2nd Place School Award (based on percent of wins): Fairmont Anaheim Hills

Re-Enroll for Fairmont's 60th Year 
The 2013/2014 school year marks Fairmont's 60th year of providing quality education. Fairmont Private School was founded in 1953 by Kenneth Holt, and we are so excited to celebrate our 60th Anniversary with you! We encourage you to return your completed re-enrollment contract to your campus Admissions Director by February 22 to guarantee your child's place for this special year. As always, we thank you for being part of our Fairmont family! 

Scholar Search OC 
Sunday, February 24 10am-5pm
We invite Fairmont parents and prospective parents to take part in the Orange County Scholar Search Educational Forum being held at Fairmont Preparatory Academy this February.  Fairmont has partnered with the Scholar Search Associates to co-host this special event.
To make reservations for the Forum go to the Anaheim Forum page on the Scholar Search site and click on "Reserve Your Spaces" located on the blue horizontal menu bar.