Thursday, August 2

SUMMER exploring mermaid lagoon for week 7

Our campers had too much fun cheering on the Angels and turning the slide into a 
pirate ship! 

Highlights From This Week
It's Week 7--the final week of summer school! We are so proud of the progress our students have made this summer. They are all ready to start the new school year with a strong understanding of the key math and writing concepts for their grade levels. In the afternoons, our summer campers made sea turtle slime and magic potion mix in science. They also put on a Tropical Talent Show that wowed the crowd! 

Today is Thursday Theme Day, and our theme is Superhero Day. Get ready to save the world dressed as your favorite superhero! 

On Friday, we will be taking an adventure to Knott's Betty Farm for our weekly field trip. Campers will haven an action-packed day of rides, shows, and more. Be sure to put on sunscreen in the morning and check out your campus' newsletter below for details on what to bring. 

Weekly Newsletters 
Anaheim Hills Campus
Citron Campus
Edgewood Campus
Mable Campus

Summer Orientation Videos 
Anaheim Hills Campus
Citron Campus
Edgewood Campus
Mable Campus

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Tuesday, July 31

HOW TO bbq with the kids

With summer in full swing, most of us have probably spent some time outside grilling. But have you let your kids join in on the fun? With these quick tips, you and your kids can add grilling together to your list of fun summer activities. 

1. Give your kids a short grill tutorial while the grill is off.
2. Teach them Stop, Drop, and Roll if their clothing were to catch on fire.
3. Mark sharp edges with masking tape to prevent bumps and scrapes.
4. Allow the kids to arrange charcoal briquettes if using a charcoal grill.
5. Let the kids help prepare the food for grilling by showing them how to marinate meat, skewer kebabs, and wrap potatoes or corn in aluminum foil. 
6. Once the grill is on, let the kids draw a chalk line around the grill that outlines the "adults only zone." 

And the last and most important tip?? Round up the whole family and chow down! 

Image from Essence 

Contributed by Darcy, Fairmont Private Schools 

Thursday, July 26

SUMMER week 6 at turtle reef

Summer camp is full of adventures, from zip lining at the Irvine Outdoor Education Center to face painting for our preschool campers! 

Highlights From This Week
We can't believe it's already Week 6 of summer! Time flies when you're having fun right? This week our campers set off for Turtle Reef. They made bubbling blue blobs in science, cheered the Angels on to victory, crafted turtle photo-holder sculptures--and it's only Thursday! We love seeing our campers making memories and having fun. 

Today is Thursday Theme Day, and our theme is Sports Fan Day! We can't wait to see all of our campers representing their favorite teams with their jerseys, hats, and team color gear. 

On Friday, we will be taking an adventure to Corona Del Mar Beach for our weekly field trip. Campers will enjoy some fun in the sun as they play in the water, build sandcastles, picnic on the sand, and play beach games. Be sure to wear sunscreen and check out your campus' newsletter below for details on what to bring. 

Weekly Newsletters 
Anaheim Hills Campus 
Citron Campus
Edgewood Campus 
Mable Campus 

Summer Orientation Videos 
Anaheim Hills Campus 
Citron Campus 
Edgewood Campus 
Mable Campus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Monday, July 23


Studies show children spend less than seven minutes a day in unstructured outdoor play while they spend about seven hours a day in front of a screen. There’s nothing wrong with technology, but a glut of electronic stimulation at the expense of time spent running, playing and exploring in the great outdoors amounts to trouble. 

Studies link excessive screen time to childhood obesity, diabetes, attention deficit disorders, depression and nearsightedness. By contrast, time spent in nature has been shown to reduce children’s stress levels, improve their performance on standardized test scores and foster their emotional intelligence.

Knowing that outdoor play is important and having the tools to make a change in your family’s lifestyle are two different things. Luckily, you don’t have to blaze your own trail. The National Wildlife Federation has a helpful guide for parents that helps provide solutions to common challenges like not having enough time or concerns over safety and weather. Here are a few ideas you can begin implementing this summer:
  1. Start small by encouraging your kids to spend 15 minutes a day playing outside.  The NWF recommends building up to at least an hour of outdoor fun each day.  An impromptu picnic on the lawn, a few rounds of hopscotch, running through the sprinklers—it all counts.
  2. Develop a family policy to limit excessive screen time. Some parents suggest an equation of equal time for electronic play and outdoor activities.  If your kids want to play video games for 30 minutes they must earn this time by playing outside for 30 minutes.
  3. Make parks, trails, the beach, etc. extensions of your own backyard. Instead of an outing to the mall or movie theatre, research all the great outdoor entertainment options in your community.
  4. Go stargazing. Too hot to play outside during the day? Spend some time outdoors at night. Check out these resources and guidance on studying the moon, stars, and other celestial sights. If you want to head out to a stargazing event, here’s an app for your mobile phone from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific for finding one near you.
  5. Camp in your own backyard.  Re-create a camping experience at home by pitching the tent just outside your back door. Light up the fire-pit (if it's safe) and sing Cum bi ya--your kids will love "roughing it" and you can retire to air conditioned comfort if things get a little too rustic.
For more information about bringing the outdoors home, visit

Photo from's article on backyard camping

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Thursday, July 19

SUMMER off to neverland for week 5

Preschool campers ready their squirt guns for a fun-filled water fight!
Don't let the ruffles deceive you, these kiddos mean business.
Highlights From This Week
Inspired by the beloved tale Peter Pan, this week's Neverland theme is just perfect. Fairmont Summer Camp really is a magical place where no one ever has to grow up! From making message in a bottle necklaces to learning how to use a compass to making ice cream during science class, the adventures here are endless! 

Today is Thursday Theme Day, and our theme is Crazy Hair. No need to worry about creating crazy hair in the morning, we will style each camper's hair CRAZY in the afternoon.

On Friday, we will be taking an adventure to Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center for our weekly field trip. While at the IOEC, campers will participate in many fun activities depending on their age. Some of the activities will include: mining, arts and crafts, lawn games, and hiking.  Waiver forms signed by a parent are required for some activities. Check out your campus' weekly newsletter below for  the waiver forms and tips about what your child needs to bring and wear for the day. 

Weekly Newsletters 
Anaheim Hills Campus 
Citron Campus 
Edgewood Campus 
Mable Campus 

Summer Orientation Videos 
Anaheim Hills Campus 
Citron Campus 
Edgewood Campus 
Mable Campus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Tuesday, July 17

SNACK TIME make-your-own popsicles

The summer heat is finally here! But before you reach for the ice cream to cool off, try these healthier, budget-friendly Capri Sun Fruit Punch Pops. And remember to let the kids help out!

Capri Sun Fruit Punch Pops

  • 1 cup seedless green grapes, halved lengthwise
  • 1 cup strawberries, finely chopped
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 2 6-ounce Capri Sun pouches or 1 1/2 cups fruit punch

  • Gather these tools: cutting board, chef's knife, dry and wet measuring cups, mixing bowl, spoon, popsicle molds

  • Combine the fruit in a large mixing bowl. Spoon the mixture into 8 popsicle molds. Fill each mold with enough punch to reach the fill line. Add the popsicle stick and place in the freezer.

  • Freeze for at least 4 hours up to overnight, or until the popsicles are frozen solid. Allow the molds to sit at room temperature for 5 minutes or place under warm running water for 10-20 seconds to remove popsicles.
  • Serve immediately.

  • Get creative with your kids and see what other fun popsicle recipes you can come up with!

Recipe and Photo from Kitchen Daily 
Contributed by Darcy, Fairmont Private Schools 

Thursday, July 12

SUMMER going on a treasure hunt for week 4

 Jason B. found Captain Feathers' long lost twin at the Long Beach Aquarium!  
Highlights From This Week
Can you believe we are four weeks into summer? We're having a blast with our summer school students and campers so far! This week we've enjoyed swimming to cool down from the heat, making our own treasure chests, and then searching for buried treasure.  

Today is Thursday Theme Day, and our theme is Pixie and Pirate Dress Up. We can't wait to see what creative costumes a little sprinkle of pixie dust helped you come up with! 

On Friday, we will be taking an adventure to Castle Park for our weekly field trip. Castle Park has a variety of rides for all ages, and they recently added a water area featuring water slides, fountains, water tunnels and more! Check out your campus' weekly newsletter below for tips about what your child needs to bring and wear for the day. 

Weekly Newsletters 
Anaheim Hills Campus 
Citron Campus 
Edgewood Campus 
Mable Campus 

Summer Orientation Videos 
Anaheim Hills Campus 
Citron Campus 
Edgewood Campus 
Mable Campus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools