Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Monday, September 28

EVENTFUL: Total Lunar Eclipse

This weekend, you may have noticed a total lunar eclipse, or “Blood Moon,”  while looking out upon the evening sky. This rare phenomenon occurs as a result of light and shadows. As the Earth rotates around the sun, it becomes aligned between the sun and moon, casting its shadow onto the moon’s surface. The reddish color of the moon is created by the Earth’s shadow and the light from the sun that emanates past the outer edges of the Earth. This creates a sunrise-like effect that encompasses the entire Earth and causes the moon’s surface to appear red.

 Glastonbury, England courtesy of Getty Images
Geneva, Switzerland courtesy of the Associated Press

September’s eclipse was the fourth of a four-part series of total lunar eclipses, known as a “tetrad.” A very rare occurrence, only seven more tetrads are expected until the year 2100. September’s lunar eclipse was particularly special due to the lunar eclipse and “supermoon” occurring on the same night. A supermoon refers to the times when the moon is in the closest part of its orbit to the Earth, making the moon appear larger to us on the ground.

Watch NASA’s stream of the entire eclipse:

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, July 3


Highlights of the Week:

 Campers enjoy Mrs. Baham's ice cream created from liquid nitrogen! 

Campers bounce off the walls during the Sky High Trampoline Park field trip!

Week four of summer camp has come to a close but our campers enjoyed an abundance of new activities this week! Between Quidditch matches, a visit to the trampoline park, and dressing up in red, white, and blue, campers stayed busy and engaged with peers and counselors! One of this week's highlights was the ice cream experiment conducted by Fairmont's Mrs. Kathy Baham! During the presentation, Mrs. Baham explained how liquid nitrogen aids in the making of ice cream! After concluding the experiment, campers sampled the delicious results!

Next week will bring more excitement as campers head to the Corona del Mar beach and dress up like their favorite animal!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, June 8


 STEM is a new buzz word in the education field. But what exactly is it? Simply defined, STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The STEM Education Coalition states that incorporating a STEM-based curriculum is critical if the United States wants to remain a global economic and technological leader.

The goal of this education initiative is to create a STEM-based curriculum for all students. However, Fairmont Private Schools is proactive in providing students with a STEM-rich curriculum. Fairmont currently boasts robust, competitive robotics clubs at the junior high and high school levels, as well as advanced mathematics programs, and the Advanced Science and Engineering Program (ASEP) for high school students. A total of 24 awards were earned by Fairmont junior high students at the 2014 Orange County Science and Engineering Fair. Fairmont students are also introduced to technology in the classroom, working with iPads and Interactive Whiteboards from preschool through high school.

Despite the national push for more technical training required for STEM-related jobs, it is important to maintain a balance between study of the humanities and study of the technological fields. During the 2011 release of a next generation iPad, Steve Jobs explained that “it’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough — that it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our hearts sing.” Fairmont believes that both liberal arts and STEM focuses are important, thus, Fairmont students are enriched with opportunities to learn musical instruments, participate in theater productions, read classical literature, create wonderful works of art, and engage with curriculum that examines history, sociology, and more! 
After graduating from Fairmont Preparatory Academy, 87% of Fairmont seniors are accepted to US News & World Report’s list of top 100 American colleges and universities, many entering the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These successful outcomes result from a well-balanced education that enable students to flourish academically and artistically.    
Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Image by Teacher Reboot Camp