Showing posts with label Elementary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elementary. Show all posts

Friday, July 24


Highlights of the Week:

 North Tustin campers have a great week with dancing, bingo, and bottled tornadoes!

Anaheim Hills campers show off their crazy hair and silly sunglasses!

Historic Anaheim campers play a live board game created by Counselors-In-Training!

What an exciting week of summer camp! During week seven, campers made Rice Krispy sculptures, enjoyed Swim Day, created sand art pictures, and traveled to Raging Waters theme park in San Dimas!

Next week will bring a whole host of new activities, including Turtle Roll Techies, Wipe Out Nachos, Nerd Day, an offshore talent show, and a field trip to Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools 

Wednesday, July 22

FAIRMONT FIVE: teaching good manners

All parents want their children to be well-behaved in social settings. The best way to help your child succeed in this area is to teach him or her proper etiquette and manners. Encouraging courteous behavior will help ensure your child respects peers and authority figures such as teachers and coaches.

Understandably so, “kids will be kids.” However, teaching them that there is an appropriate time and place for proper manners is important. Below is a list of five essential manners and ideas for encouraging each:

  1. “Please” and “Thank you” - Teaching children to say “Please” and “Thank you” before and after receiving something is no easy feat. However, by incorporating these words when talking to your child, he or she will being to see the pattern and corresponding reaction. When your child asks for something and does not use the “magic words,” remind them of “Please” and “Thank you.” Wait until they have asked correctly to give the reward. Also, do not forget “Excuse me” and “Sorry.”
  2. Proper Table Manners - When you child forgets to say “Excuse me” after a burp, or begins to chew with his or her mouth open, gently remind the child of the proper behavior. Being a model of good table manners is one of the best ways for children to learn how to behave while eating.
  3. Turn Off Electronics - Today’s children are tied to technology. There is a time and place for technology, but Christmas dinner at a relative’s house is not it. Let your child know that there are times to play on the iPhone, and that there are times to engage in conversation with others.
  4. Telephone Etiquette - Children listen to adults take calls all the time and will be a quick study when learning how to answer the telephone. When your child becomes old enough to take phone calls, provide opportunities to practice a friendly phone demure.
  5. Spreading Kindness - Letting your child know that it’s important to demonstrate kindness to everyone is an important step. Opening doors for others, saying “Please” and “Thank you,” and using polite words are all simple ways that children - and adults - can show kindness to others.

Being conscientious of others lies at the root of all societal manners and etiquette. When we are conscious of the feelings and preferences of others, we demonstrate respect for those around us. The most effective approach to instill good manners in your child is by being an example of proper etiquette yourself. Cultivating good manners takes time, but the rewards of a respectful, well-behaved child are endless.

For more tips and ideas about teaching manners, check out these great articles:

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools 

Image by

Friday, July 17


Highlights of the Week:

Campers and counselors play games during free time!
Preschoolers visit with Captain Karl and his sea creatures!
Campers enjoy a pirate show at Pirate's Dinner Adventure!
As week six comes to a close, it's time to look back at the fun and high adventure of Fairmont Summer Programs! This week campers made their own doughnuts and dressed up in their best pirate regalia! Campers also took a special trip to Pirate's Dinner Adventure in Buena Park for a scrumptious lunch and an adventure on the high seas!
Get ready for week seven as campers will take a trip to Raging Waters theme park of San Dimas and dress up for Crazy Hair and Sunglasses Day!
Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools  

Wednesday, July 15

CHALK TALK: preparing your child for kindergarten, part 6 - enthusiasm for learning

The final piece of our kindergarten preparation puzzle is fostering your preschooler’s enthusiasm for learning. Providing unconditional support and encouragement helps a child develop a love of learning. Playing an active role in your child’s education reinforces the value that academic knowledge is worth pursuing. Show them that learning is a great adventure!

Your child looks to you for clues about the world. Because you are your child’s first and most influential teacher, you can encourage your child’s advancement in the classroom by positively reinforcing the information and skills your student is learning in school. Whether reading a book before bed or trying a new recipe together, taking the time to develop skills and build your child’s knowledge will help encourage a curiosity and hunger for learning.

Boost your child’s confidence by letting him or her know that it’s okay to ask questions. Helping your preschooler to feel confident in the classroom tremendously aides the learning process because the child already feels accomplished and able. Determine what kind of learner your child is - auditory, visual, or kinesthetic - and use that knowledge to aid your child’s academic progression while doing activities and projects at home. Visit Different Learning Styles in Education and past Fairmont blog post HOW TO: discover your child's learning style for more learning style information and activities!

Taking an active role in your child’s education and encouraging him or her from the sidelines will help foster academic growth and fuel a desire to learn and accomplish more!

Contributed by Rebecca
Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Image by MarchIntoKindergarten.Com

Wednesday, July 8

CHALK TALK: preparing your child for kindergarten, part 5 - playing well with others

As your child becomes more social with other children, it’s important to help him or her learn to engage positively with peers. Providing the child with the right tools to handle different social situations will help reinforce values related to playing well with others. Here are some tips for this important life lesson:

  • Play-dates - Whether it’s a parents-of-preschoolers group or signing your child up for a sports or dance class, there are plenty of opportunities in your community to help children socialize. The more opportunities for children to play together, the faster they will develop the necessary social skills needed in the classroom.
  • Golden Rule - Teaching children to treat others as they want to be treated is an important step towards explaining the abstract concept of respect. Remember, your child doesn’t have to like everyone, but he or she does need to show respect to everyone.
  • Team Activities - Involving your child in team activities will help foster his or her ability to work collectively with others. Including your child in household chores and projects, establishing a weekly game night, or enrolling him or her in a sports activity, allows your child to engage with others to accomplish a specific task, which helps them learn the value of connecting with others.
  • “I Need a Break” - Let your child know that it’s okay to say “I need a break” and to walk away from frustrating or hurtful situations. What to Do When Your Child Won’t Play Well with Others states that “[w]hen kids are frustrated and feeling like they want to lash out at others around them, this simple sentence can be a way for them to back out of the situation and signal to the adults around them that they need a little time alone.”
  • Kind Words - Encourage proper manners and the use of “Please,” “Thank you,” “Excuse me,” and “Sorry” when your child is interacting with others. These simple practices in etiquette will take your child far as he or she begins to make friends.

How to Help Your Child Make Friends notes that leading by example and inviting your friends over for activities is a good way to demonstrate social skills and the importance of friendship to your children. Visit Fairmont’s Early Childhood Education Pinterest board to find more great resources for preparing your preschooler for kindergarten!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Image by Aprendoyeduco.Com 

Friday, July 3


Highlights of the Week:

 Campers enjoy Mrs. Baham's ice cream created from liquid nitrogen! 

Campers bounce off the walls during the Sky High Trampoline Park field trip!

Week four of summer camp has come to a close but our campers enjoyed an abundance of new activities this week! Between Quidditch matches, a visit to the trampoline park, and dressing up in red, white, and blue, campers stayed busy and engaged with peers and counselors! One of this week's highlights was the ice cream experiment conducted by Fairmont's Mrs. Kathy Baham! During the presentation, Mrs. Baham explained how liquid nitrogen aids in the making of ice cream! After concluding the experiment, campers sampled the delicious results!

Next week will bring more excitement as campers head to the Corona del Mar beach and dress up like their favorite animal!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, July 1

CHALK TALK: preparing your child for kindergarten, part 4 - building oral language skills

Being an effective communicator is an important component to everyday life, which is why helping your child build oral language skills is vital to their development. Teaching little ones to effectively communicate verbally is an important step in growing up. Below are several benchmarks for children entering kindergarten:
  1. Politely converse with peers and initiate conversation with adults
  2. Show a steady increase in vocabulary
  3. Use adjectives in conversation
  4. Communicate specific needs, such as “I am hurt” or “I need to use the restroom”
Though there are many communication skills for children to learn, incorporating some of these activities will aid their progression:

  • Read, Read, Read - Reading to your child is an excellent vocabulary building exercise. Encourage your child to ask questions about words that he or she does not understand. Be sure to take time to pause while reading to ask critical thinking questions such as “Do you think that character made the right choice?”
  • Be the Example - Remember that when you communicate with others in front of your child, you are setting an example. When children observe adults following the rules of conversation (taking turns talking, speaking in calm tones, not interrupting), they will imitate.
  • Incorporate New Words - Children are constantly absorbing new words and phrases. Use these new words in context during a regular conversation. This repetition, along with providing examples to show how the word is used in a sentence, will not only help your child commit the word and its definition to memory, but will also encourage your child to use new words when talking with others.
  • Play “I Spy” - Playing “I Spy” with your child will help him or her develop spatial awareness and learn to describe location, color, and size. Encourage your child to add more details to the game by listing certain attributes such as “I spy something green on the floor near the table.”
  • Talk About Feelings - When your child is upset, ask him or her to describe their feelings. Helping to identify specific emotions and learning to handle them is a very effective communication tool for children and adults alike.
  • Tell Stories - Set aside some time to tell stories with your child. Begin by telling your own short, imaginative story, then encourage your child to do the same. Ask questions once the story ends, like “What color was the giant fish?,” or “What would have happened if this character did this instead?” Asking questions will help your child focus on recalling specific elements of the story and providing more clarification.

As children progress through their education, the ability to clearly articulate ideas becomes more prevalent and follows them into adulthood. All children learn at their own pace, but be sure to encourage their learning and growth by taking some time each day to help foster these communication skills.

Visit the Fairmont Early Childhood Education Pinterest board for more great ideas for your young learner!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Image by Karate of Mansfield   

Monday, June 29

ARTS + CRAFTS: “jurassic world” inspired amber fossil slime

In the spirit of the latest Jurassic Park movie, here is a fossil slime recipe sure to thrill your budding scientist!

  • 2 Teaspoons Borax Detergent Booster
  • 1 ½ Cups Water
  • Tangerine Essential Oil (optional)
  • 1 Bottle Elmer’s Clear School Glue
  • Red and Yellow Food Coloring
  • 2 Mixing Bowls
  • Mixing Spoons
  • Plastic Insect Toys

  1. In a small bowl, combine 1 cup of water and 2 teaspoons of Borax. Stir well, then set aside.
  2. In a larger bowl, mix the remaining ½ cup of water with the entire bottle of glue. Mix well.
  3. Add 1 drop of red food coloring and 3 drops of yellow food coloring into the water/glue mixture. Mix well.
  4. Add 2-3 drops of Tangerine Essential Oil. While this step is optional, it gives the slime a nice smell.
  5. Pour your water and Borax mixture into the colored glue mixture. You will see the slime start to form immediately.
  6. Use a spoon to mix the ingredients, then remove the slime from the bowl. You will notice some water left over. Pour out the extra water and place the slime back into the bowl. 
  7. Push plastic toy insects into the slime until covered. Remember that the idea behind this slime is to have fossilized insects like in the original Jurassic Park movie.
  8. Allow the slime to set for a few minutes before using.
  9. When the kids are done, store in an airtight container, such as Tupperware, for future use.

To view the original recipe, visit TotallyTheBomb.Com: Jurassic World Inspired Amber Fossil Slime!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Recipe and images contributed by Jamie Harrington of TotallyTheBomb.Com 

Wednesday, June 24

CHALK TALK: preparing your child for kindergarten, part 3 - developing fine motor skills

The foundation of learning is rooted in fine motor skills. This includes being able to write, use scissors, and manipulate small objects. You can aid in this development by having simple items on hand such as dry pasta, tissue paper, playdough, buttons, and rice that will keep your preschooler’s mind and fingers working together! Try some of these simple activities at home:

  • Involve your child in the kitchen and task them with measuring and stirring. Children will learn to scoop, pour, and stir using spoons and measuring cups. Not only does this boost motor skills, but fosters confidence in your child as he or she discovers that you value their help.
  • Create a sensory bin by partially filling a container with rice or sand, then burying small items such as buttons, coins, small toys, and macaroni. Encourage your child to dig for the items with a spoon and remove them from the bin with a clothespin.
  • Purchase safety scissors and allow your child to practice cutting different kinds of paper. Supply him or her with newspaper, recycled printer paper, and tissue paper. The different materials will help your child determine a sense of pressure and cutting strength when using different types of paper.  Also, be sure to help your child focus on gripping the scissors correctly.
  • Draw large, simple shapes on recycled paper and have your child tear the paper along the shape’s edges. This will also foster fine motor skills, concentration, and shape identification.
  • Find some string and large beads for your preschooler to thread. This will not only help boost their fine motor skills, but provides a great teaching moment for identifying colors, shapes, and patterns. An alternative to this exercise is to punch holes into a paper plate and number the holes with a marker. Have your child numerically thread a long piece of string through the corresponding holes.
  • Create a sensory board to help your child learn to open and close specific items. Incorporating shoelaces, velcro strips, clothing zippers, and other materials will help him or her acclimate to getting dressed and tying shoes by themselves.
  • Encourage your child to draw and color. The more exposure to holding a writing utensil, the more prepared your child will be for learning to write with a pencil. As with scissors, ensure that your child is gripping the writing utensils correctly.

When focusing on fine motor skills, your child is not only preparing his or herself to write in the classroom, but is also engaging creatively with different shapes and colors. For more fine motor tips, reference THE FAIRMONT FIVE: Developing Fine Motor Skills or visit the Fairmont Early Childhood Education Pinterest board!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Images by Occupational Therapy Consulting LLC, Joy Anderson, Lipstick Alley, How We Montessori, and Vicki Clinebell