Showing posts with label Cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cooking. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21

A to Z: Developing Hobbies

People often need a constructive distraction from the pressures of daily life. Deadline-free in nature, hobbies are a great solution because they allow participants to engage in the activity at their own pace. Encouraging your child to pursue a hobby is a great way to build upon skills and reinforce concepts learned in the classroom and at home. For example, collection hobbies require patience and observance. Craft hobbies, such as modeling or sewing, require fine motor skills and an element of creativity. Even if your child has yet to master fine motor skills or has trouble with being patient, hobbies are a great opportunity for children to engage in an interest with no outside pressure, while subconsciously honing specific skills.

Introducing your child to a new pastime also creates the potential for bonding. Does your child show an interest in a hobby of yours, or simply a desire to be near you? If so, take the opportunity to include your child in your favorite pastime. Doing this not only allows you and your child to spend more time together, but also allows you to pass down specific knowledge.

Another great benefit of hobbies is that many are relatively cheap. Collection hobbies, such as stamp or coin collecting, simply require that the participant be watchful and learn to look for the items in the spare change jar or pile of discarded envelopes. Even if you are not experienced in a hobby that your child takes an interest in, resources such as YouTube, Pinterest, and books from your local library can quickly educate you and your child about a particular activity. Here are a few basic hobby ideas:

Natural Collecting (rocks, leaves, etc.)
Stamp Collecting
Coin Collecting
Model Building
Photography or Filmmaking
Crafting (knitting, crochet, sewing, cross stitch, etc.)

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools
Image by All Womens Talk  

Monday, September 21

A to Z: Better Breakfast Month

Is your child getting bored with eating cereal and toast every morning? There’s no better time to shake up your morning routine than in September, also known as Better Breakfast Month! In celebration of breakfast, here are a few fun, healthy, homemade recipes to try with your family!

Breakfast Sandwiches courtesy of Macheesmo 

Mini Berry Puff Pancakes courtesy of Super Healthy Kids Blog 

Ham & Egg Breakfast Cups courtesy of Recipe

Fruit Ring Pancakes courtesy of Listotic 

Peanut Butter & Banana Quesadillas courtesy of Listoti 

Breakfast Pizza courtesy of Listotic

 Fruit & Yogurt Cones courtesy of Listotic 

Omelette in a Bag courtesy of Favorite Family Recipes

For more ideas to spice up your family’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner, visit Fairmont’s Snacktime Pinterest board!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools
Images & Recipes by Macheesmo, Super Healthy Kids Blog, Recipe, Listotic, & Favorite Family Recipes

Monday, August 24

SNACKTIME: Back-to-School Sandwich Ideas

School is back in session, so get ready to fill that shiny, new lunchbox or those crisp, brown paper bags! Planning your child’s lunch can get monotonous after the first few weeks of school. Ditch the peanut butter and jelly, and spice up your child’s lunch with a few of these creative sandwich ideas!

 Fairy Sandwich courtesy of Kids Activities Blog

 Chicken Potpie Empanadas courtesy of Real Simple

 Sandwich Skewers courtesy of I Love My Disorganized Life

 Minion Sandwich courtesy of Eats Amazing

 Snowflake Sandwich courtesy of Eats Amazing

 Rocket Sandwich courtesy of Eats Amazing

 Roll-Ups courtesy of Martha Stewart

 Starfish Biscuit Sandwich courtesy of Martha Stewart

Visit Fairmont’s Snacktime Pinterest board for more great food ideas and meal tips!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools
Images by,,,, &