Friday, January 28

FRIDAY FOLDER mable campus january 28

Congratulations to our Basketball Teams as they head to the Playoffs! 

New Science Curriculum Introduced
This year Fairmont has begun implementing a new elementary science curriculum.  Designed by our science specialty teachers, it incorporates the latest in best practices for teaching science, encourages technology use and promotes an inquiry-based learning approach.   Exploratory, hands-on, project-based are all terms that describe it.  Inquiry-based learning is student-centered, a brain-based learning approach focusing on questioning, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

There is an old adage that says, "Tell me and I forget; show me and I remember; involve me and I understand."  When we involve students (using the inquiry-based method) in the processes of science, they really do understand, and they get excited about what they are learning.   Involvement requires skills and attitudes that enable students to ask relevant questions and seek appropriate resolutions.  These habits of mind go well beyond memorizing facts and information.  

Chief among the misconceptions associated with inquiry-based learning is that it just "fluff and stuff." Nothing could be further from the truth.  Our primary goal at the elementary level is to teach the students the processes of science - how to observe, record, question, test, analyze - real world skills needed more than ever before.  The textbook becomes just a resource not the central focus of this kind of learning.  Assessments look different and measure different things

The knowledge base for science is constantly changing and expanding.  New ideas and discoveries are daily occurrences. No one can ever learn it all.  Today's students need the skills and the ability to continue learning.  "What we know" is not nearly as important as "how we come to know."

We want parents, students and our teachers to understand the intention of and goals for our new science curriculum.  We are on a journey of discovery, an exciting one, but it will take time to reach our destination. 

Article contributor:  Sandy Cosgrove, Director of Education

Holy High School Batman 
Choosing a high school can be daunting task. With so many names and reputations flying around our area, it's hard to know where to begin. High school is a time to explore. It's a time for you to find yourself and to learn what matters. As an eighth grader, no one expects you to know what the future holds; he/she does however, expect you to choose a high school that will help you figure it out. 

Before you start, know who you are. Sit down with your parents and teachers to discuss your strengths, weaknesses, personality, and future goals. Yes, it can be awkward, but before you choose a high school that fits, you need to understand the mold. Are you socially self-sufficient or do you need a warm hug at the end of each day? How much homework can you handle? What clubs are you interested in? Figure out your must haves and wants and then eliminate any school that clearly cannot meet your needs. Go beyond the headlines. Don't be fooled by expansive sports complexes and shiny trophy cases. Instead, look at class size, curriculum, and the school's list of most recent college acceptances.  After you have narrowed down your list based on academics, make an appointment to visit your favorites during a typical school day. While you are there, talk to other students and learn about the school from their perspective. Spend time observing classes you will likely take and speak to a guidance counselor about how they can help you. 

Make your own decisions. Where to attend high school is an important choice that should be made between you and your family. Do not pick a high school only because your friends are going.  High school is a match to be made, not a prize to be won. Finding a good fit requires time and thoughtfulness. Don't automatically assume a school is good based on appearance, and don't assume it's bad based on reviews.

Article contributor:  Bradley Jiang, 8th grade journalism student

To read more articles from the Mable journalism class, click here.


STUDENT SPOTLIGHT mable first grader shows "locks" of love

Monday, January 31st
Elementary Basketball: Mable vs. Heritage Oak
Away Game

Tuesday, February 1st
2nd Into 3rd Grade Information Meeting
6:00 pm
Mable Library

Wednesday, February 2nd
2nd Into 3rd Grade Information Meeting--Encore Presentation
8:45 am
Mable Library

Friday, February 4th
NO SCHOOL - Teacher In-Service

Monday, February 7th
Elementary Basketball: Mable vs. Mission Hills
Home Game

Tuesday, February 8th
3rd Into 4th Grade Information Meeting
6:00 pm
Mable Library

Wednesday, February 9th
3rd Into 4th Grade Information Meeting--Encore Presentation
8:45 am
Mable Library

5th Grade Study Trip: American Heritage
8:45 am - 2:00 pm
Knott's Berry Farm

Thursday, February 10th
Junior High and 6th Grade Ski Trip
Mountain High Ski Resort
6:30 am - 5:00 pm

Fairmont Parent Association Meeting
8:30 am
Junior High Stage Area

Friday, February 11th
Ruby's Day
1128 W. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim
The Mable Fairmont Parent Association will receive 20% of all food and non-alcoholic beverage sales!

Saturday, February 19th
 Free Assessment for Prospective Students
9:30 am
Space is limited, so please call 714-563-4050 to reserve a seat.

Contributed by Marissa, Mable Campus

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