Wednesday, September 17

SNACKTIME when kids with food allergies visit your home

What do you do when your child's friend has serious food allergies? How do you prepare snacks and meals when kids with food allergies visit your home?

Food allergies are common—three million children, or about one in 13 kids under the age of 18, have at least one food allergy.  Your children may not have food allergies, but their friends might. Would you be able to meet the challenge and confidently serve food to children with food allergies? 

Here are some tips and guidance about food allergies and how to minimize the risk of exposure in your home.
Understanding Common Food Allergies
First of all, become familiar with the most common food allergies. This includes (but not limited to) peanuts and other nuts, seafood, such as shrimp, cow's milk, eggs, soy and wheat. Scrutinize labels for allergens.

Creating a Safe Environment to Help Avoid Potential Problems
Restrict eating to the kitchen or dining room only. Crumbs are likely to find their way onto carpets, furniture, counter-tops, toys and other surfaces. Everyone should wash their hands before and after eating to avoid the transfer of food allergens. Counter tops and tables should be scrubbed down after food preparation and after meals.  

To avoid cross contamination, make sure cutting boards, knives, slicers, spoons, measuring cups, mixing bowls and other food prep equipment (barbeque grills) are clean and free of allergens. Have separate sets of utensils for handling safe and unsafe foods.

Separate safe and unsafe food. Label either the foods with allergens or the safe ones — whichever is easier.

Beware of airborne allergens when cooking.  Keep a safe distance from the cooking area and allow the air to clear for 30 minutes afterward before entering the room. For young children, having fixed seating arrangements at the table is helpful in preventing little ones from sharing “tastes.”

Contributed by Leslie Kay-Getzinger, MS RD
Regional Dietitian for Nutrition Management Services Company 
Image Credit: DIY Health

Friday, September 12

FRIDAY FOLDER september 12

Highlights of the week:

Patriots' Day Flag Salute.

Patriots' Day Flag Salute at Anaheim Hills Campus

The Greenler family considers their international students part of the family.

Fairmont Homestay in the News!

The editor of Marmalade magazine spent an evening with the Greenler family to find out first hand the rewarding experiences of hosting an international student. Please click here to read "Hosting International Students can be an Experience of a Lifetime."  The article was published in the September 2014 issue of Marmalade. Share the story with your friends and neighbors!

Weekly Newsletters:

September Lunch Menus:

Thursday, September 11

FAIRMONT FIVE tips for keeping kids healthy

Simply said, transitioning from summer to the school year seldom goes by without a hitch. During this busy time, it’s easy even for the most organized parent to overlook simple steps to protect your child from colds and the flu. Despite your best efforts, cold symptoms can suddenly appear at the worse possible times.

The following practical health tips will go far in keeping your child healthy. This is especially helpful when your child is getting settled with a new school schedule and on a different campus setting.

Wash Your Hands
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out that improved hand hygiene is one of the most important steps for avoiding illnesses and spreading germs to others. Children need to be reminded on how important it is to wash their hands. Below is an outline on proper hand washing provided by the CDC.

Using Soap and Water
Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.

Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.

Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the "Happy Birthday" song from beginning to end twice.
Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

Using Hand Sanitizers

Apply the product to the palm of one hand.

Rub your hands together.

Rub the product over all surfaces of your hands and fingers until your hands are dry.

Calling in Sick
Even with your best efforts in keeping hands clean, catching a cold is still a possibility. Have a plan ready in advance for times when you need to keep your child home to recovery from a cold or the flu. Keep them hydrated with water and always discuss any medical concerns with your doctor. Medical experts recommend that a child with a fever needs to stay home for 24 hours after the fever ends.

Getting Enough Sleep
Elementary school-age children need 10 to 11 hours of sleep. This can be a challenge during the school year. Taking an afterschool nap, having quiet reading times with no television (30 to 35 minutes each day) and going to bed early will help your child receive the rest he or she needs to effectively manage a busy school schedule.

Exercising as a Family
Make time for walks, bike rides or other outings involving the family. Everyone will enjoy this well-deserved break especially during the school year. Laughter, exercise and having good times also relieve stress and keep immune systems strong. This is a good opportunity to talk with your child and discuss ways to reduce stress.

Eating Right
Eating plenty of healthy food and frequently drinking water are essential for good health for children and adults. Maintaining a balanced diet of fresh fruit, vegetables and meats in the home sets a good example for children to follow for the rest of their lives. Having your child contribute to meal preparations is another way to enjoy quality time together. Point out at an early age the importance of eating a well-balanced diet to sustain good health.

Image Credit:  World’s Children Blog
Contributed by Doug, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, September 5

FRIDAY FOLDER september 5

Highlights of the week:

The junior high faculty at Historic Anaheim Campus after taking the ice bucket challenge!

Mr Calabria at Anaheim Hills Campus taking the  ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Anaheim Hills Ice Bucket Challenge!

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge for a good cause

Two weeks ago, the junior high faculty at Fairmont Anaheim Hills Campus took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

The Anaheim Hills faculty challenged the junior high faculty at Fairmont Historic Anaheim Campus to take the ice bucket challenge. Last Friday, all the junior high kids at the Historic Anaheim Campus gathered around the pool area, and all the teachers participated in the challenge by dumping a bucket of ice cold water over their heads. In addition, the students were able to nominate a homeroom. The students from the winning homeroom were allowed to jump in the pool. While this event was a whole lot of fun, the junior high students raised over $1,000 to donate to the cause. Way to go!

For more updates from our campuses please check the weekly newsletters below: 

Weekly Newsletters:

September Lunch Menus:

Tuesday, September 2

HOW TO backpack safety tips for students

Strengthen students’ knowledge without overworking their backs

As Fairmont students become familiar with the routines of school and carrying their backpacks, we would like to offer sound advice for parents to help their children use backpacks properly. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Occupational Therapy Association have provided helpful tips on backpack safety.

The backpack should be appropriately sized for the student to use comfortably. It should have enough room for necessary school items and have wide, padded shoulder straps as well as a padded back. 

Adjust the shoulder straps so that the pack fits snugly on the student’s back. A backpack hanging loosely from the back will strain muscles. Slinging a backpack over one shoulder can also strain muscles. Your student should always use both shoulder straps.

Organize the backpack to use all of its compartments and pack heavier items closest to the center of the back. Try to arrange books and materials so they will not slide around. The backpack should never weigh more than 10 to 20 percent of your child’s body weight. 

Please feel free to share your thoughts on this topic and provide additional tips that will help students have an enjoyable and rewarding learning experience at Fairmont Private Schools.

Please click here for more information regarding proper backpack use. 

Friday, August 29


Highlights of the week:

Daphne and her family with her artwork at the Festival of Arts. 

Lily and her mom with her artwork.
Student Art Wins Awards at Festival of the Arts

Lily C. and Daphne S. had their art chosen to be part of the student art show at the Festival of the Arts in Laguna Beach all summer. They both received special awards in addition to their art on display. They were also given special artist medals. Congratulations Lily and Daphne for your creative talents!

To get more interesting updates from our campuses check the campus newsletters below:

Weekly Newsletters
North Tustin Campus

Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!

Contributed by Neha, Fairmont Private Schools

Thursday, August 28

SNACKTIME helping kids eat right


Kids can have fun being active and eating right.  Preparing them for a lifetime of healthy eating is possible by shopping smart, cooking healthy and having family meals together.

Shop smart. Take advantage of nature's abundance and purchase seasonal produce from local farmers at a farmers' market near you.  A juicy peach or plum, sweet berries or a freshly picked corn-on-the-cob are packed with flavor and nutrients. Encourage children to select ingredients for family meals or snacks.

For a fun family outing and to find out what’s harvested seasonally in your area, click here to find a farmers market near you.

What is your favorite food to buy at your local farmers' market?

Cook healthy.  Eat right with healthy recipes. Get children involved in planning and cooking healthy meals together. When kids are involved in planning and preparing healthy meals, they are more likely to try new foods. Click here to check out a few healthy recipes from Kids Eat Right.

Do you have a favorite recipe to share?

Role model healthy eating habits. When kids see parents and older siblings eating healthy and trying new foods, younger kids are more likely to follow. Eating family meals together, contributes to family health and bonding.

Start the school year off right! For more ideas and resources, click here to visit the Kids Eat Right web page. 

Contributed by, Leslie Kay-Getzinger, MS RD
Regional Dietitian for Nutrition Management Services Company

Image credit:

Friday, August 22


Highlights of the week:

We are very excited to begin the 2014-2015 school year.  Faculty and staff have been preparing for an amazing year, and we are enthusiastic to travel through the next year together with you and your children! 

Check the campus weekly newsletters below for updates from the first week of school. 

Weekly Newsletters
North Tustin Campus

Contributed by Neha & Doug, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, August 15

FAIRMONT FIVE gearing up for school

As school begins next week, parents can help their children enter the year refreshed and motivated. We have listed some simple suggestions to help your student take off with a strong start.

Think Positive
Throughout this busy time, stay upbeat and focus on the positive. Students look to their parents to find assurance that school is a rewarding experience worth the preparation. Use this time to reinforce the many benefits of education. Talk about the interesting classes and exciting extracurricular activities awaiting in the new school year.

Home School Supplies
Take advantage of school supply sales to keep your home well stocked with what your child needs for doing special projects at home.  Please click here to visit a helpful website to find deals.

Uniform Preparation and School Forms
Take some time to make sure your student’s uniforms are ready and all the necessary forms are filled out and have been submitted. Keep a file folder of school related information for easy access at a moment’s notice.

It is encouraged that children receive plenty of rest to function well in class. The National Sleep Foundation is a helpful resource on learning more about the importance of good night’s sleep. Click here to see how sleep can make a difference in school performance.

Life Balance
Help your child manage priorities through balancing school, extracurricular activities, sports, homework, friends and family. Schedule adequate time for play and relaxation to help your child be rejuvenated and be motivated for the next day.

Additional words of advice on preparing children for school are appreciated. We wish your student a rewarding and exciting school year at Fairmont filled with opportunities to grow and thrive.

 Image Credit: Ingram Publishing
Contributed by Doug, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, August 8


Highlights of the week:

Soaking it up in the sun at the Long Beach Aquarium

North Tustin Campus - Twin Day

Anaheim Hills Campus - Bowling Champions

This week, Fairmont Summer Programs wrapped up another exciting, fun season of discovery and learning. Many fond memories were made under the bright Orange County sky. Fairmont is grateful for everyone who made this year's Summer Programs a tremendous success. We especially appreciated your children for joining us and being a part of our vibrant community of adventurers. We look forward to seeing our little campers next summer!

Anaheim Hills Campus
Historic Anaheim Campus
North Tustin Campus

Contributed by Doug & Neha, Fairmont Private Schools