Friday, August 15

FAIRMONT FIVE gearing up for school

As school begins next week, parents can help their children enter the year refreshed and motivated. We have listed some simple suggestions to help your student take off with a strong start.

Think Positive
Throughout this busy time, stay upbeat and focus on the positive. Students look to their parents to find assurance that school is a rewarding experience worth the preparation. Use this time to reinforce the many benefits of education. Talk about the interesting classes and exciting extracurricular activities awaiting in the new school year.

Home School Supplies
Take advantage of school supply sales to keep your home well stocked with what your child needs for doing special projects at home.  Please click here to visit a helpful website to find deals.

Uniform Preparation and School Forms
Take some time to make sure your student’s uniforms are ready and all the necessary forms are filled out and have been submitted. Keep a file folder of school related information for easy access at a moment’s notice.

It is encouraged that children receive plenty of rest to function well in class. The National Sleep Foundation is a helpful resource on learning more about the importance of good night’s sleep. Click here to see how sleep can make a difference in school performance.

Life Balance
Help your child manage priorities through balancing school, extracurricular activities, sports, homework, friends and family. Schedule adequate time for play and relaxation to help your child be rejuvenated and be motivated for the next day.

Additional words of advice on preparing children for school are appreciated. We wish your student a rewarding and exciting school year at Fairmont filled with opportunities to grow and thrive.

 Image Credit: Ingram Publishing
Contributed by Doug, Fairmont Private Schools

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