Congratulations to 8th Grader, Austin K. He won the Physics Division at the Orange County Science Fair and will be representing Fairmont at the California Science Fair next week!
Highlights From This Week
Student Led Conferences
Fairmont Private Schools and other schools around the country are leading the charge on a new style of conferences that are student-led. We introduced Student-Led Conferences this month with wonderful, positive comments from parents, students, and teachers. We encourage you to participate in your child's conference if you have not done so already.
Student Led Conferences help put students on "center stage" and take more responsibility for their academic achievement, self-discipline, and physical well-being. Student Led Conferences reflect the belief that students should be actively involved in their learning and assume responsibility for the learning process. We look forward to seeing you at the Student Led Conferences to celebrate your child's growth and learning!
Read more about Student Led Conferences in this article by Education World.
Week of the Young Child
The Historic Anaheim Preschool will celebrate Week of the Young Child April 12th - April 19th. Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize and promote early learning whether at home, school, or in the community. The following are different activities that we will promote each day of next week:
Monday, April 15th: Music Appreciation Day
Choral and Instrumental students from the Prep will give a special performance just for our students.
Tuesday, April 16th: Bounce Day
The bounce house is coming! Each class will have a chance to bounce in the Mickey Mouse bounce house.
Wednesday, April 17th: Magic Day
Franklin Haynes Marionettes presents Marionette Magic! Students will be awed by a variety of marionettes featured in this show.
Thursday, April 18th: Pajama Day
Come dressed in pajamas. Students will enjoy special books and bagels snack time with ASB students from the Prep.
Friday, April 19th: Multi-Cultural Day
Children can wear their cultural attire and participate in a school-wide Fashion Show. They will enjoy classroom celebrations with an International Pot-Luck snack.
In celebration of Week of the Young Child, theHistoric Anaheim Main Campus kindergarten students will participate in the following fun-filled activities:
Tuesday, April 16th: Once Upon a Story
Our upper grade princesses (Miss Patterson, Miss Wu, & Mrs. Gilliland) will come share their favorite book with our kindergarten students.
Wednesday, April 17th: Oh My! It is Wacky Wednesday!
Wear your Wackiest Hair! Mrs. Cameron will join the kindergarten class to share Dr. Seuss'Wacky Wednesday.
Thursday, April 18th: Creative Play Day!
Bubbles, sidewalk chalk, ribbon wands, and more!
Kindergarten students will have afternoon play with all sorts of outdoor toys and will cap it off with a tasty popsicle!
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Fairmont Summer Programs website is now LIVE and accepting applications for all the lords and ladies of the kingdom! Sign up before April 30th to receive a 10% discount on summer school and summer camp.
Preschool-8th Grade:
High School:
Preschool-8th Grade:
High School: