Friday, March 25

SNACK TIME eat right with color

March is National Nutrition Month! This year's theme, "Eat Right with Color," provides an easy way to focus on improving eating habits — simply include plenty of color on your plate!

National Nutrition Month is an annual campaign sponsored by the American Dietetic Association ( to promote nutrition awareness and education. This month the American Dietetic Association wants you to make healthy choices by incorporating a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables into your meals every day.

A rainbow of foods contributes a variety of nutrients, each with different potential benefits. A varied diet supplies different nutrients, so maximize the nutritional value of your meal, by including healthful choices in a variety of colors."

Green. These foods contain special compounds called indoles, that help the liver and intestinal tract get rid of harmful compounds and may help reduce cancer risks. 
Examples include broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, bok choy, spinach and kale. 

Orange and deep yellow fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, and alpha and beta-carotenes which protect cell membranes, improve night vision, and may reduce the risk of cancer. Examples include oranges, tangerines, papayas, apricot, cantaloupe, grapefruit, mango, papaya, pineapple, carrots, yellow pepper, yellow corn, squash and sweet potatoes. 

Purple and blue fruits and vegetables contain anthocyanins that may have antioxidant and anti-aging benefits and may help with memory, urinary tract health and reduced cancer risks.
Examples include blackberries, blueberries, plums, raisins, eggplant, and purple cabbage.

Red produce contain compounds that are rich in lycopene, which reduces cancer risk by ridding the body of free radicals that can damage genes. They may help to maintain a healthy heart, vision, immunity and may reduce cancer risks.
Examples include cherries, cranberries, pomegranate, red/pink grape fruit, red grapes, watermelon, beets, red onions, red peppers, red potatoes, rhubarb and tomatoes.

White, tan and brown foods contain flavonoids that protect cell membranes which may then support heart health and reduce cancer risks.
Examples include banana, pears, dates, cauliflower, mushrooms, garlic, onions, parsnips, turnips, white-fleshed potato and white corn.

Earlier this month, Fairmont’s Mabel campus participated in open house and children and parents helped themselves to red delicious apples loaded with phyto nutrients!
For more tips visit the National Nutrition Month section. Plenty of resources are available, including recipes, interactive games, nutrition education resources and the NNM blog. 

Contributed by Leslie, Nutrition Management Services 

FRIDAY FOLDER anaheim hills campus march 25

Kindergartners Host Bake Sale to Help the Children of Japan 
Mrs. Foeldi's Kindergarten Class (and Moms!!) hosted a bake sale for "Save The Children" and raised $1475.00!  They had so much fun selling cupcakes, brownies and cookies to students, teachers and parents.  Planting the seeds of philanthropy early!

Academic Outcomes Presentation 
March 29  8:30am-9:30am, MPR
Presentation By: Director of Curriculum Director, Sandy Cosgrove

Sandy Cosgrove will report on all the initiatives that Fairmont Private School has taken in regards to technology and in the classroom.  She will be showing video footage of actual classroom interactions and technology.  Student academic responses to these initiatives will be reviewed. She will conclude with a question and answer session.

Your Participation Requested for Fairmont's Annual Parent Survey
If the Anaheim Hills campus reaches 90% participation in the survey we will win a FREE DRESS DAY!! 
Please fill it out before March 30! 

If you cannot find your survey please e-mail me and Options  Marketing will send you another survey.

By now, you should have received an email with our annual parent survey. To keep the survey anonymous the link was emailed to you from Options Marketing Research. The anonymous opinions and thoughts of all Fairmont parents in the survey are critical to our schools and highly valued. Last year we instituted a number of changes due to parent feedback-including this weekly eNewsletter! Please take 8 minutes to let us know what is working for you and what is not.

Thank you!   

Junior High Drama "Grease"
Mr. Jackson shows off his dance moves with Grease cast-member Shelby Klug during the "Ladies Choice" Dance in the Junior High Drama show Grease!

The Junior High Drama Production of "Grease" was a huge hit and everyone loved watching our amazing Junior Drama Elective dance and sing perfectly!  Yannie Hoang (Sandy) and Marco Gonzales (Danny) had wonderful voices and belted out all the great songs this show had to offer. Samantha Clement (Rizzo) was perfect casting for character!  Ekezial Levin sang "Beauty School Drop-Out" to Jacqueline Paiste for a loud ovation from the crowd.  All in all the Junior High students were just wonderful and had a great experience! 

Calling All Siblings!
Is your little one 2 ½ years old, potty trained, and ready to officially become part of the Fairmont family? Enroll them today! We are now accepting new students in our 2, 3, and 5 day preschool programs. We offer half and full day options, as well as extended daycare. So if your child was born before 3/31/2009, please stop by the admissions office today! We have enrollment paperwork available, and are more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

Cougar Sports
Tri-Way Boys Soccer vs Oakridge
Cougars WIN 5-0

Tri-Way Girls Soccer vs Oakridge
Lady Cougars WIN 3-0

Tri-Way Boys Soccer vs Pegasus
Cougars WIN 3-1

Tri-Way Girls Soccer vs Pegasus
Lady Cougars WIN 3-0


STUDENT SPOTLIGHT anaheim hills features pianist valerie narumi

Tuesday, March 29
-Academic Outcomes with Director of Curriculum, Sandy Cosgrove
     MPR 8:30am-9:30am  

Wednesday, March 30
-Tri-Way Soccer vs Edgewood
    Girls - 3:00pm/Boys - 4:00pm

Thursday, March 31
-Cougar Coffee  7:30am-9:00am
-Third Grade Music Program
    9:00am - Student Performance
    7:00pm - Parent Performance
-DSL Soccer vs Camelot  3:30pm

Friday, April 1
Teacher In-Service NO SCHOOL

Contributed by Vicky, Anaheim Hills Campus 

FRIDAY FOLDER mable campus march 25

7th Graders Attend Prep's Around the World Day
On March 18th, seventh graders from Mable, Edgewood, and Anaheim Hills campuses hopped on a school bus and traveled to the Fairmont Preparatory Academy to celebrate "Around the World Day." After proceeding to the auditorium and theater, the students listened intently to a pleasant presentation about the classes available at the Prep. Included were AP Math courses, the Medical Magnet program, and the Engineering Magnet program. Many students agreed that the best part was when Mr. Yoon, the theatre teacher, showed the students a mini movie about the theater arts course. One student, Dev Shah, said, "I loved it! Mr. Yoon was hilarious!"

After the presentation, the students made their way to the gym. The UCI CAMA group performed astonishing feats of martial arts. After that, the students stared in amazement as a gentleman displayed his vocal talents in a mix of beat-boxing and rapping. In a grand finale, a group of talented dancers left the crowd in awe with a display of break dancing.

For lunch, the 7th graders had a choice between California rolls and Lebanese cheese pies. They also had the option of purchasing Lollicup boba teas, baked goods from the 85 Degrees Celsius Bakery, and other refreshments. All proceeds went to the Japanese tsunami relief effort. A lion and a snake were also there for students' enjoyment.

All in all, the seventh graders enjoyed a fabulous, fun-filled day.  Many look forward to experiencing day a like this when they are students at the Prep!  

Article contributors:  Emily Liu, Liza Mathews, and Alec Hsing - 7th grade students

5, 4, 3, 2, 1....BLAST OFF!  
On March 15th, the 2nd graders saw the show "Where Are You?" at the Tessmann Planetarium.  Students learned where we are, from our planet to our galaxy.  They learned about the International Space Station and how astronomers use tools to learn about space.  It was a thrilling show; just ask the 2nd graders!

Article contributor: Mrs. Summer Burbage, 2nd grade teacher 

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT mable's kile young an artistic athlete

Monday, March 28th 
JH Boys Soccer: Mable vs. Orangewood
Away Game

Tuesday, March 29th   
JH Boys Soccer: Mable vs. Heritage Oak
Away Game

Wednesday, March 30th
Spring Concert - Grades 3 and 4
9:00 am, repeating at 6:30 pm
Mable Cafeteria Stage

Elementary Soccer: Mable vs. McDowell
3:00 pm
Away Game

Thursday, March 31st
Junior High Honor Roll Assembly
2:00 pm
Mable Gymnasium

Friday, April 1st 
NO SCHOOL (No Fooling!) - Teacher In-Service Day

Saturday, April 2nd 
7th and 8th Grade Pentathlon Competition
Bolsa Grande High School

Monday, April 4th 
Elementary Soccer: Mable vs. Oakridge
3:00 pm
Home Game 

Tuesday, April 5th
Pilates for Parents
8:30 am 
JH Stage Area

Wednesday, April 6th
Third Grade Study Trip: Indian Trails
Knott's Berry Farm

Elementary Soccer: Mable vs. Edgewood
3:00 pm
Away Game

Friday, April 8th
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon  

Contributed by Karen, Mable Campus 

FRIDAY FOLDER edgewood campus march 25

Fun Run Donation Information 
This year's Fun Run will take place on Friday, May 20th, 2011.

The Edgewood Campus Parent Association (ECPA) is selling "Fun Run" T-Shirts as an added Fundraiser. The cost of each T-Shirt is $12, and the profit made from the T-Shirt sales will be used to purchase educational materials for the classrooms and to support the Teacher Appreciation efforts of the ECPA.

The steps to participating in the Fun Run Sponsorship are as follows:
1. The winning design (created by an Edgewood student and chosen by a Parent Association committee) will be on the front of the T-shirt.
2. The names of the Fun Run Sponsorss (your company/Family name) will be listed on the back of the T-shirt. (Donation Form is attached)

Once the winning design is chosen by the end of March, the Fun Run T-shirts will be produced and go on sale soon after. This year's Fun Run monies will be made by:

1. Purchasing the Fun Run T-Shirt(s).
2. Donating money through the Family and Corporate Sponsor Donation.*
3. Pledging per lap ran by student.*

Thank you in advance for your support,
ECPA Board Members

Celebrate Me Days are here in 2nd Grade, Ms. Escutia's Class 
Celebrate "Me" days have started in Ms. Escutia's second grade class. This is Ms. Escutia's 4th year having this special event for her second grade students. So you might be thinking, "What is a Celebrate Me day?" This day is a day in which a child in Ms. Escutia's students each has a special day in which they receive special privileges. Here are some of the special things they receive: 
He/she will get to eat lunch with Ms. Escutia. 
They will get to plan the day with Ms. Escutia.
They will get to share about something important to them for 20 minutes (i.e. photographs, trophies, medals, a video of them, a sports uniform, their favorite picture book ect.)
They get to wear a "CELEBRATE ME CROWN"
They get a free homework pass.
They get to sit next to the friend of their choice in the room. 
They get the special chair and stuffed animals to read after their work is completed the whole day.
This day is one of the best days in second grade for Ms. Escutia's students and one they remember most. 

Book Drive
Kids READ! has collected over 100 books at Edgewood and we hope to collect many more by March 31st.  The books will go to schools, libraries and literacy programs throughout Orange County.  Contact me at  for any questions. 

Thank you for your contributions!
Megan Mettler

Persian New Year in 4th Grade
Aide Shoma Mabarak! 
Happy New Year!  Miss del Carmen's 4th graders were able to learn about Persian New Year on Tuesday.  Nadia Akbari told the students about traditions and celebrations done during the first day of spring each year.  The students also enjoyed tasting Persian sweets and decorating eggs while they learned about the seven "S's," which are different symbols that represent prosperity, rebirth, love, and affluence for the new year.  One of the most interesting topics Nadia presented was the tradition of jumping over fire.  She explained, "It is meant to give up all the bad things (sickness, weakness, etc.) of the prior year to the burning power of fire and getting good things (health and wealth) for the upcoming new year in return."  

WASC Visit to Edgewood
On March 16th the Edgewood campus participated in the WASC On-Site Mid-Term Review.  Three years ago our school was given a six year accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.  This accreditation included a mid-term progress evaluation.  The visiting committee found that at this time we had met most of the goals included in our four action plans-Support for Academic Enrichment and Remediation, Improvement of Technology to Support Academics, Ongoing Development of Textbook Renewal and Review Program, and Increase Analysis of Data for Decision-Making.  The visiting committee was very impressed with our teachers, students, and the overall accomplishments on this site.  We thank everyone who contributed to make this such a successful visit.  There is reason to believe that we may have gotten an A+!! 

Class Placement  
Dear Parent,
The Edgewood campus is almost to the end of its re-enrollment season. It is a busy and exciting time as we secure contracts from our returning students and welcome new students. 

Classroom placement is determined by teachers and administration. Please know that we will follow the contract guideline under Rule & Policies for the Academic Year for 2011-2012 which states:

Line 2. Each student's classroom placement will be at the discretion of Fairmont Schools, Inc. Requests for specific teachers and/or fellow students will not be accepted.

We thank you for your understanding and support. 

Your Participation Requested for Fairmont's Annual Parent Survey
Dear Parents: 
You should have received an invitation to complete an online school survey. If you have not received that email, please let the office know so we can email it to you. We really value your input and hope that all of you will take some time to complete the survey. As an encouragement for you to do so, we will be offering your child a free dress pass if you complete the online survey. Your child will bring home a survey completion form for you to sign signifying that you have completed the form. Your child should return the completed survey form to her/his homeroom teacher so s/he can keep a record. Once the survey closes on March 31st, we will select a free dress day and let the students, whose parents completed the survey, know what day the free dress day is.  

Thanks in advance for your participation! 

Re-Enrollment Celebration
Parent & Student Hot Dog Lunch on Us 
Thursday, April 7th

Help us reach our enrollment goal of 75% 
by Thursday, March 31st!

Thank you to those families who have re-enrolled at the Edgewood campus. In just four short weeks, we are 67% re-enrolled. 
For families who have yet to re-enroll, we would like to encourage you to submit your contracts by Thursday, March 31st. 

Once our 75% goal is reached, all Edgewood students, parents and guardians will be treated to a Hot Dog Lunch on Us to celebrate. The lunch will be held at the lunch tables on Thursday, April 7th. Watch the eNewsletter for more details.

Calling all Eaglets.....Re-enroll Now!
Is your child re-enrolled for the 2011/12 school year yet? Talon, Edgewood's mascot, will be navigating through the classrooms presenting (paper) Eaglets to all re-enrolled students. Look for these Eaglets to be on display throughout the campus starting Thursday, March 17, 2011. 

Aferschool Supervision Improvements
Edgewood's new afterschool supervision improvements have drastically improved. Our afterschool program has been very organized and safe for every student. We would like to remind all parents of the following:
When you pickup your student from school, they must remain with you. The playground is closed until 3:45 pm. The bikes and trikes are only for Preschool thru Kindergarten students.
Thank you.  

March/April  Field Trips 
1st Grade to Ocean Institute
Monday, March 28th 

4th Grade to Sacramento
Wed-Fri, April 13-15

5th Grade to Riley's Farm
Friday, April 29th

Edgewood's Sports Corner
Tuesday, March 29th
JH Soccer vs. Pegasus
Girls at 2:30 & Boys at 3:45 pm
Wednesday, March 30th
JH Soccer @ Anaheim Hills
Girls at 3:00 & Boys at 4:15 pm
Wednesday, March 30th
DSL Soccer vs. Mission Hills
Coed at 3:00 pm
Wednesday, April 6th
DSL Soccer vs. Mable
Coed at 3:00 pm
Monday, April 11th
DSL Soccer @ Heritage Oak
Coed at 3:00 pm
Monday, April 25th
DSL Soccer vs. Anaheim Hills
Coed at 3:00 pm


STUDENT SPOTLIGHT edgewood spotlights singing sensation brandon donovan

Thursday, March 31st
Writing Proficiency Testing Grades 1st-8th

Friday, April 1st
Teacher In-Service Day - No School

Tuesday, April 5th
2nd Grade Spelling Bee 10-11 am

Wednesday, April 6th
2nd Grade Musical 12 pm

Thursday, April 7th
4th Grade Spelling Bee 10:20-11:20 am

Monday-Friday, April 11th-15th
Week of the Young Child

Contributed by Jonna, Edgewood Campus 

FRIDAY FOLDER citron campus march 25

Your Participation Requested for Fairmont's Annual Parent Survey
By now, you should have received an e-mail with our Annual Parent Survey. To keep the survey anonymous the link was emailed to you from Options Marketing Research. The anonymous opinions and thoughts of all Fairmont parents in the survey are critical to our schools and highly valued. Last year we instituted a number of changes due to parent feedback-including this weekly eNewsletter! Please take a couple minutes to let us know what is working for you and what is not. 

Thank you!  

Important Information About Uniforms
It has come to our attention that students are wearing articles of clothing that are non-compliant with Fairmont’s uniform code. If the weather is cool enough to require outerwear, students must wear one of the Fairmont sweatshirts or the navy jacket purchased through “True Grits.”  ANY OTHER OUTERWEAR IS  NOT  PERMITTED.  White turtlenecks may be worn under the uniform shirt or blouse if extra warmth is required.  Girls may wear white or navy tights under their jumpers.  Girls may also wear khaki or navy blue slacks from “True Grits.” Boys and girls may wear white or navy crew socks.  Girls may also wear knee socks if they are conservative in color and design. All Fairmont students are required to wear school uniforms which are clean, pressed and in good repair. 
We appreciate your attention to this matter.
Thank You,
Mrs. Rae Douglas,

After School Fun
The spring session of extracurricular classes will start Monday, March 28th. Registration forms were sent home last week and extra forms can be found in the lobby. Please take the time to take a look and take advantage of the after school fun your child will have without leaving the campus. Most classes fill up quickly and have a class limit, make sure you turn in your enrollment before Friday, April 8th. Don’t miss out! You can contact Ms. Luz for more information at

Citron Appreciates Teachers!
The Citron Campus will celebrate Teacher Appreciation March 28th – March 31st. During this week the Citron administration along with the parent association have organized special activities to help make our wonderful teachers feel that they are number one. A letter has bee sent home with the FPA activities for the week. We ask for your help by having your child participate. The FPA has also put together a board with wish list items for all the teachers. Stop by the Citron lobby and take a “wish” and you’ll have a gift idea to give for the week. We thank all the parents and students for participating! If you are interested in helping with any activities please contact Mrs. Santamaria or Amber Jackson at 


BOOK REPORT citron's read is an optical illusion

Monday, March 28th
Extracurricular classes begin 

Jk&Kdg fieldtrip – Wizard of Oz
Depart: 9:30am and Return: 11:30am
(All students must return the permission slip and have an emergency card on file)

Teacher Appreciation Week Begins:
Check out the wish board in the lobby

Tuesday, March 29th
Teacher Appreciation: Have your child bring a piece of fruit to school. Preschool students bring two.

Wednesday, March 30th
Teacher Appreciation: Have your child bring a flower to school. Flowers do not need to be store bought they can be picked from your garden. 

Thursday, March 31st
Teacher Appreciation: Student free dress, students are encouraged to wear their teacher’s favorite color. 

Friday, April 1st
School Closed – No child care will be available
This is a non-student day. Teachers will be at an off site training. 

Contributed by Elly, Citron Campus 

Thursday, March 24

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT edgewood spotlights singing sensation brandon donovan

Fairmont students are usually well-rounded, intelligent, and unique and seventh grader Brandon Donovan is no exception to that rule.  Those of us who know Brandon are well aware of his good sense of humor and quick wit.  We also know he's smart, curious and talkative; always willing to share a story or ask about your day.  But what he may not share very often is his talent for singing.

Brandon is dedicated to the All American Boys Chorus, a choral ensemble that is composed of boys from around Southern California. This is Brandon's 6th year as a member of the group, a tenure that is one of the longest amongst the boys in the chorus.  He sings second tenor, the highest voice in the boys' choir, although he doesn't know if he will be able to keep this seat for much longer.

Brandon’s singing talents have opened up a world of new experiences.  Last year, Brandon and the choir travelled to Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Canada.  This year, the choir is planning a major US tour.  He has also had the opportunity to meet and sing with many talented vocalists over the years, including Josh Groban.

Brandon practices with the chorus at least 6 hours a week, but sometimes as much as 9 hours a week.  Practices are held both on weeknights and weekends, so there isn't much time for many other activities in Brandon's life, although he did find time to play on Edgewood’s soccer team last year.

If you hear Brandon talk about his experiences, you'll know that he's extremely proud of his singing, his school, and his family.  His mom, cat, and parrot are all supportive of the time and effort Brandon puts into his singing and schoolwork.  He says he couldn't do it without them. 

They aren't the only ones proud of Brandon, so are we, his school.  His teachers and his friends are proud of all of his accomplishments, both academic and vocal.  Brandon is a unique and special kid, who fits in perfectly at Fairmont.

Contribed by Jonna, Edgewood campus 

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT anaheim hills features pianist valerie narumi

Valerie Narumi is in the 6th grade and volunteers as our piano accompanist for the school’s Cougar Chorus.  Outside of school, Valerie is an accomplished young pianist and composer.  At the age of 10, Valerie achieved Music Teachers’ Association of California (MTAC) Certificate of Merit – Advanced Level in Piano Studies with Branch Honors, MTAC’s highest piano studies level and completed Yamaha’s Piano Performance and Fundamentals Grade 5 teacher level examinations in 2011.  She has performed her original piano and ensemble works at Yamaha’s National & Regional Junior Original Concerts in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2010 across the country and at the 2009 and 2010 National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Show in Anaheim, California.  In 2009, Valerie organized and performed two charity recitals to benefit UNICEF and continues to volunteer and share her musical talents at various community events throughout the year.  She has been honored with the President’s Volunteer Service Award, Gold Level from President Obama for her outstanding community service.  In addition, Valerie enjoys playing the violin, figure skating, and art.  Valerie was named a Shining Student for 2010 by OC Family Magazine and was featured in an article in the October 2010 Parenting OC Magazine.  She aspires to become a medical doctor and to continue helping less fortunate children around the world with her charitable work and music. 

Contributed by Vicky, Anaheim Hills