Every child (and parent) loves a playdate. But even when a friend comes over, those dreaded words, "we're bored" will probably still be said at least once. Here are five playdate ideas to keep the boredom at bay.
1. For your preschool age playdate try playing Sit-Down Dance: Start some child friendly music and when the music is paused the kids have to scramble to find a seat (the floor counts). Someone can always find a seat so no one ever gets out. You can also invite some stuffed-animal dance partners to join in.
2. If your child is a little older try a Nerf gun playdate where everyone brings their favorite Nerf gun. But before the fun starts set ground rules such as no shooting others in the face, and have clear boundaries where shooting is allowed. Have plastic cup towers set up with action figures perfect for shooting down or just let them loose in the backyard. Be sure to have time-outs for finding Nerf bullets and reloading.
3. Get ready for Valentines Day by having a valentine making playdate. Set up your table with paper, scissors, glitter, glue, stickers and anything you would want to put on your valentines. Encourage kids to bring special craft supplies that they would like to share.
4. With our beautiful weather, an outdoor playdate is almost always possible. Get out in the sunshine with a scavenger hunt. Have the kids create their own list or find inspiration here.
5. Create an "I am..." board. Older kids will love making collages about themselves. Get out your stack of old magazines and have the kids cut out and glue pictures and words that describe them or what they want to be.
Image from Tiny Prints
Contributed by Darcy, Fairmont Private Schools