Thursday, September 6

ARTS & CRAFTS grandparent's day art

Did you know we have something to celebrate this weekend? Grandparents! Sunday, September 9th  reach out to your children's grandparents and let them know just how special they are to your family. Oh, and if you have time to craft a personalized gift like these grandkid silhouettes, I'm pretty certain you'll be rewarded with lots of love.  Follow Fairmont's Pinterest "Elementary" Board for this and other cool craft ideas.

Photo and craft from activity village

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, September 3

HOW TO make the most of parent night

Whether you were the Class Clown or the Teacher’s Pet back in your grade school days, you’ll want to be in top form for the first big event of the school year—Parent Night. Here’s a quick study guide to help parents prepare.
  • Book your babysitter: Make arrangements to keep the kids at home so you can enjoy a distraction-free evening.
  • Arrive Early: Parking is often limited, so arrive early, pick up a program and take some time to explore the campus.
  • Take notes: Bring day planners or calendars (or the high tech equivalents) to help you keep track of all of the details. From the names of the parents sitting next to you in those pint-sized desks, to important dates, there will be lots of information to take in on Parent Night. You’ll most likely receive a packet of information reiterating the particulars, but it’s smart to have your own planning system handy too.
  • Bring an open mind: (We love this tip complements of Remember that teachers may seem a bit nervous or awkward when faced with a room full of parents. If your teacher seems organized, reasonable in her expectations and focused on her students’ success, then be willing to overlook what might appear to be less-than-polished public speaking skills.
  • Introduce yourself: We parents are diligent in teaching our children good social skills, but sometimes we can slip up. Chances are you’re not the only one who feels a little uncomfortable in the group, so smile, introduce yourself and initiate a conversation with your fellow parents. Parent Night is a good time to meet the other moms and dads in your child’s class and swap contact info.
  • Avoid ambushing the teacher: Yes, we know it’s enticing to pull the teacher aside for a personal conversation about your child. But, keep in mind that Parent Night is not the best time for a one-on-one conference. Instead, call or email your teacher to set up a better time to talk.

Fairmont Parent Night Schedule 
Anaheim Hills Campus
Monday, September 10, 2012 

Historic Anaheim Campus (formerly known as Mable Campus)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Historic Anaheim Preschool (formerly known as Citron Campus)
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

North Tustin Campus (formerly known as Edgewood Campus)
Friday, September 7, 2012

Fairmont Preparatory Academy
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools 

Friday, August 31


Highlights From This Week
Welcome Back to School! 
We were thrilled to welcome all of our students and families back to school this week! We are looking forward to a fantastic new year. There are many exciting changes at our campuses, including the name change for our Citron and Mable Campuses to the Historic Anaheim Campus and our Edgewood Campus to the North Tustin Campus. 

We also launched a new uniform policy in response to parent feedback recommending a uniform standard that was more reflective of a private school environment. The new uniform includes a beautiful custom plaid that has been developed just for Fairmont, and we've loved seeing our students sporting the new uniform items this week. This year is a transition year when both the new and old uniform items will be allowed, and the new uniform policy will be fully enforced in the 2013/2014 school year. 

Additionally, we welcomed a few new teachers to our Fairmont family and had a few teachers transition campuses and positions. Please be sure to welcome the new faces on your campus. 

There are many exciting things to look forward to this back-to-school season, including sports try outs, picture day, Parent Night, and more. Please check your campus newsletter below for all the important details and dates. 

Again, welcome back and have a wonderful year! 

Weekly E-Newsletters 

September Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, August 27

BULLETIN BOARD back to school

It's that time of year again--time to sharpen those pencils and pull out those backpacks. We're heading back to school at Fairmont, and we can't wait for another fun-filled year! Even for parents, back to school is a time of nostalgia and new beginnings. We hope these school-y picks help you start the new year out right. 

1. Printable 3-D letters make learning the alphabet fun 2. Remember each 1st Day of School with this adorable picture idea 3.  Give your child something to smile about at lunchtime with these creative sandwiches 4. This colorful backpack is just the right size for your little bookworm 5. There's nothing sweeter than these back to school themed cupcakes 6. Add a little vintage school decor to your child's desk space 

For even more Back to School inspiration, check out last year's Bulletin Board as well. 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Tuesday, August 21


Fairmont student from the 50s looking prim and proper in her school uniform
School uniforms have long been the norm for private school attire. That collegiate, preppy look is nearly as synonymous with school life as backpacks and pencils. Here at Fairmont, our school uniform has changed fabric, colors and styles over the decades, but our "look" remains classic and focused on function as well as form.

This year, we have introduced changes to our uniform policy that we believe aligns better with Fairmont's culture of excellence and high expectations.  We have adopted a dress uniform for boys and girls and created a custom plaid for the girl's uniform that is unique to Fairmont. During this transition year, students may wear both old and new uniform pieces; however, starting the 2013/2014 school year, all students must adhere to the new uniform policy.

It has been our collective experience that children perform better in school when they are in uniform. Students who feel confident about how they look tend to rise to the occasion by putting forth their best effort in school. They also encourage others to treat them with dignity and respect when they are dressed appropriately.

We believe that uniforms:
  • create a sense of unity, belonging and school pride
  • limit distractions and focus attention on learning
  • reinforce character building and encourage good etiquette
  • limit cliquishness and encourage students to find other ways of expressing their uniqueness
If these reasons aren’t enough to make you a fan of school uniforms, consider this practical fact. Uniforms make it so much easier for kids to get dressed and ready for school each day. That’s reason enough for this mom to LOVE school uniforms!

Contributed by Danyelle

Tuesday, August 14

ARTS & CRAFTS chalkboard notebook

Something about school supplies brings out my inner teacher's pet.  I love the timelessness of a yellow No.2 pencil, the speckled cover on a fresh composition notebook, the opaque blackness of a pristine chalkboard....  And speaking of composition notebooks and chalkboards, I loved this clever DIY project (complements of warmhotchocolate) that marries two of my favorite things. This craft gets an A+ for simplicity since all you'll need is chalkboard paint, a sponge brush and a composition notebook.

Photo from the blog warmhotchocolate

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Thursday, August 9

SUMMER week 8 - a pirate's life for me!

Citron's Associate Director Mrs. Jansen plays pirate ship with our little campers during their field trip to the Mable Campus

Edgewood campers show off their dance skills in the annual talent show

Highlights From This Week
Yo-ho, yo-ho, a pirate's life for me! The summer heat is finally here, but we're staying nice and cool at Fairmont Summer Programs with some awesome indoor activities like Captain Hook's Holographic Diffraction in science and Sand Art Key Chains during art. Our little pirate and pixie campers also got to go for a swim on Tuesday to beat the heat!

Today is Thursday Theme Day, and our theme is Superhero Day. Get ready to save the world dressed as your favorite superhero! 

On Friday, we will be taking an adventure to Camelot for our weekly field trip. Campers will enjoy miniature golf, laser tag, arcade games, and a water slide! Be sure to put sunscreen on your child in the morning, and check out your campus' newsletter below for details on what to bring and wear. 

Weekly Newsletters 
Anaheim Hills Campus
Citron Campus
Edgewood Campus
Mable Campus

Summer Orientation Videos 
Anaheim Hills Campus
Citron Campus
Edgewood Campus
Mable Campus

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools