Thursday, June 14

SNACK TIME celebrate flag day

Today we celebrate Flag Day, a patriotic holiday that falls right between Memorial Day and the 4th of July--giving us even more reason to break out the red, white, and blue. Flag Day marks an important date in U.S. history--the anniversary of the adoption of the U.S. flag in 1777. 

As the quintessential American symbol, our "grand old flag" deserves some special recognition. We love these patriotic after school snacks to share with the family. The fruit skewers are great for the whole clan, and these mini flags on toast are just too cute. 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Wednesday, June 13

HOW TO bbq or grill for dad's day

It's usually Dad who fires up the grill for summer gatherings, but why not reverse the roles for Father's Day and and whip up some of his favorite from-the-grill treats?  I love this primer from Epicurious packed with all the information you need to grill with confidence plus some recipes you can try out on Dad this Sunday.  Here's an excerpt:

Grilling Tips and Techniques

Who can deny the thrill of the grill? There's nothing quite like cooking over a live flame. But if you're one of the many who find grilling intimidating, that irresistible fire-kissed flavor can feel out of reach. Fear not: Whether you're a newbie or want to expand your repertoire, a little know-how is all you need for grilling success.

In this guide you'll find an explanation of how to set up your grill, the classic techniques of live-fire cooking, and extras such as grilling safety. And at right are basic recipes for everything from steaks, burgers, and chicken to whole fish, pork chops, and shrimp. Plus, see our equipment guide for the lowdown on what kind of grill to get and other essential gear.

Read on and, before you know it, you'll be the one hosting the next cookout.

Grilling Versus Barbecue

In America, we tend to call just about anything that has a red color or a red sauce on it barbecue, but it's important to distinguish barbecue from grilling. While both involve cooking with live fire, barbecue traditionally refers to food that is cooked slowly over a low (indirect) heat and flavored by wood smoke. Grilling, on the other hand, is a hot-and-quick method that uses high (direct) heat.

The distinction gets a little blurry when you start talking about grill-roasting, grill-baking, or the combo method, all of which employ indirect heat but generally not wood smoke. But to keep it straight, remember that authentic barbecue is flavored by time and smoke—the food cooks a long time and must be kissed by wood chips, chunks, or logs. Read More

Need more help?  Check out the FAQs at Girls at the Grill.

Photo from  Microsoft Office Photo gallery

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Tuesday, June 12

SHORT STORY anaheim hills 8th grade promotion

Today we said goodbye to our Anaheim Hills 8th graders in a beautiful Promotion Ceremony on campus. All of the students were dressed in their very best to celebrate with teachers, administrators, family, and friends. 

Fairmont President Mr. David Jackson addressed the crowd and congratulated the students on their accomplishments. He shook each student's hand as they came up on stage to receive their certificates. 

The class gift was a $500 donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in honor of 8th grade classmate, Shelby K. (shown above). Shelby has attended Fairmont since pre-school and was diagnosed at 2 ½ with Cystic Fibrosis.  Fairmont CEO Rob Chandler matched the $500 gift for a $1000 donation to Team Shelby USA. Shelby was honored by the donation and support from her classmates and school. The presentation was a very special moment for all. 

Congratulations Fairmont Anaheim Hills Class of 2012! We wish you all the best in high school! 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Monday, June 11

THE FAIRMONT FIVE beat summer brain drain

For a summer's worth of brain boosting crafts, like this memory keeper, check out the June issue of Family Fun magazine or visit

Woo hoo!  Summer is just a few days away.  For all those kiddos who've been crossing off their calendars, it's almost time to let loose!   And for us big kids too, summer gives us an excuse to loosen up a bit at home and at work and make time for doing, well, nothing.  It's good for all of us to escape the structure of the school year for some long overdue R&R;  however, summer's laid back attitude can morph into a vacation for the brain that's not so great for kids.  Re-think summer to turn lazy days at the beach, a trip to visit relatives, even a pick up game of baseball (with the sprinklers going full blast) into a learning opportunity.  Here are a few simple strategies for packing brain boosters into your kid's summer:

  1. Tackle a new skill--check out the summer camp and course offerings in your area and encourage your child to try something new.  Studies show that novel experiences (learning or doing something new) boosts memory, creativity and overall learning.  Don't forget Fairmont's Summer Program offers lots of great enrichment workshops
  2. Keep a journal--writing about his/her trip to the Grand Canyon seems less like a language arts lesson and more like a fun way to keep track of summer adventures.  In addition to journaling, kids can write and send postcards and create scrapbooks to keep writing skills sharp this summer.
  3. Start a small business--lemonade stands, yard sales, dog walking services...imagine the possibilities for your young entrepreneur this summer!  Creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership, these are just a few of the skills your kids will develop when they dream up "the next big thing".
  4. Research your family tree--a family reunion can become a hands-on history or genealogy lesson if you frame it correctly.  Hand over the video camera and encourage your child to make a film about the experience.
  5. Join a summer reading program--where's the coolest place in your neighborhood this summer?  Yep, the library.  Sign your kids up for the summer reading program at your local library and you'll be rewarded with weeks of reading and fun activities, plus air conditioned comfort!
Photo of camp craft memory keeper from

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, June 8


Highlights From This Week
Promotion Ceremonies 
As the end of the school year draws nearer, we are preparing for our 8th Grade and Kindergarten promotions. See the schedule below of all the ceremonies next week: 

Anaheim Hills 8th Grade Promotion
Tuesday, June 12 at 5pm 

Citron Kindergarten Promotion 
Tuesday, June 12 at 5pm 

Edgewood 8th Grade Promotion 
Wednesday, June 13 at 5pm

Mable 8th Grade Promotion 
Thursday, June 14 at 6pm 

Fairmont Summer Programs 
Summer is just around the corner! Fairmont Summer Programs is setting sail for a summer to remember, and you won't want to miss it!  Whether you are joining us for summer school, summer camp, or specialized enrichment workshops, Fairmont guarantees that this summer, adventure awaits you! Read about the benefits of summer camp in this blog post. Enroll today for a week or the whole summer at

Weekly E-Newsletters 

June Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools

Thursday, June 7

EVENTFUL hooray for rae

We look forward to celebrating with Mrs. Rae Douglas tomorrow as she prepares for her retirement. Please join us at the Citron campus to celebrate and send her your well wishes!

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Wednesday, June 6

SHORT STORY writing workshop

On Tuesday, June 5, author/illustrator Troy Howell visited Fairmont's Anaheim Hills campus for a series of events to celebrate the grand opening of the new library including this writing workshop with Mr. Bloomingdale's fifth graders. Students collaborated on a story about an orphaned narwhal named "Lahwrah" (narwhal in reverse) dealing with an identity crisis. Best seller material?  Maybe!

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools