The key to preparing your child for success in the high school and college admissions process is starting early. Choosing the right high school is extremely important, but it can be a tough decision. Something to look for when considering schools is a strong college counseling program with an emphasis on individualized guidance. Here is an example of what your student's college counselor should be doing each year:
- Setting out a four-year academic course of study to fulfill the required academic high school work expected of college admissions offices (includes those at the California State and University of California Systems and top private colleges and universities)
- Discussing expected levels of academic achievement and extracurricular activities for various institutions during one’s high school career in order to be competitive for admission.
- What to do with summers
SOPHOMORE YEAR - One to two meetings which include:
- Reviewing student’s academic plans to ensure college application eligibility Discussing admissions expectations and requirements of different colleges
- Advising on extracurricular and summer activities to round out the student’s high school experience, making him/her more interesting to colleges
- Introducing the latest characteristics of colleges across the country
- Reviewing the different fields of study at various colleges
- What to do with summer
JUNIOR & SENIOR YEAR - Up to six meetings per year which include:
- Beginning a discussion of different types of colleges the student could attend
- Assessing student goals and desires for college study
- Introducing resources for beginning a college search
- Discovering what colleges are really the best for the student and why
- Assembling a working list of colleges
- Understanding SATs and other standardized testing
- Generating ideas for the college essay
- Securing letters of recommendation
- Preparing for successful college visits and interviews
- Keeping track of applications
- Navigating the financial aid process and looking for scholarships
- Making a good decision after receiving college acceptances
- Knowing what to expect upon arrival on campus
- Exploring the possibility of a gap year after high school
To learn more about high school and college counseling, attend one of our upcoming info sessions with Fairmont Prep College Counselor Jonathan Dunn. He will provide an overview of the process and answer all your questions. Click on the campus name below to RSVP.
Upcoming High School/College Counselor Info Sessions
- Anaheim Hill Campus - April 17, 6:30pm
- Edgewood Campus - April 24, 6:30pm
- Mable Campus - April 18, 6pm
Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools