Wednesday, July 29

HOW TO: prepare for back-to-school

With family vacations and lazy days by the pool coming to an end, the new school year is just around the corner. Here are some great tips to prepare you family for the back-to-school routine:

  1. Sleeping Schedule - Children love summer because of the relaxed bedtime schedule. To encourage a school year bedtime, try getting children to bed early and setting their alarms for a school morning two weeks before the start of school. This will help children acclimate to the new sleeping routine that’s sure to start with the new school year.
  2. Family Calendar - Before school starts, gather as much information about sports schedules, class times, special events, etc. and outline everyone’s schedule on a calendar posted in a highly trafficked area of the house. Develop a color-coding system using highlighters or colored pens to help make dates and times clear for each family member. Tech-centered families can use calendar apps, such as iCloud Calendar, Google Calendars, or Sunrise Calendar, to seamlessly coordinate and synchronize schedules.
  3. Streamline Cooking - Gear up for back-to-school season by making freezer meals one-to-two weeks before the start of the school year. Prepare as many healthy meals as possible before the new schedule sets in. Don’t forget that freezer meals are not just for dinner, but breakfast, too! Check out Fairmont’s Snacktime Pinterest board for great freezer meal ideas!
  4. Fall Cleaning - Start the school year off with a clean house! After the upheaval of family vacations and summer activities, take time to put away all items and clothes that won’t be necessary during the fall and winter months. Clean up areas of the house that become easily cluttered, and try out a new organizing system with color-coded paper files, whiteboards, storage bins, etc. Don’t forget to clean out the family car before carting kids to and from school and events.

Taking the time to prepare your family and home before the back-to-school rush will help make a smooth transition into the school year!

Contributed by Rebecca Stokes, Fairmont Private Schools

Image by HAAN

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