Sunday, January 2

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT edgewood fourth grader races toward success

Some people stroll through life, while others race toward the finish line.  Megan Trivedi, a fourth grader in Ms. Del Carmen's class, pushes herself to work hard at her new favorite sport, track.  Megan has been with the running club, The Equalizers, since August 2010.  Since then she has grown to become a well-rounded and successful student athlete.  Megan meets at Citrus Grove Park in Irvine four times a week to train with her coaches and other runners ranging from 6-15 years of age.  Megan is able to run an average of five miles each practice!  She says her favorite part of running is that she pushes herself every day, and that every day she runs a little faster.  Her longest run was 8 miles straight without stopping!
Since beginning in August, Megan has already competed in five competitions.  Her favorite one was when she received third place at the Junior Olympics Regional Competition and won her first medal.  On Saturday, December 10, she traveled to Alabama to compete in the National Junior Olympics!  Megan says running helps her feel healthy and proud. Megan is a great example of how hard work and perseverance pay off.  Her parents, teachers, and friends are very proud of her. 

Contributed by Jonna, Edgewood campus 

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