Sunday, January 2

FACULTY LOUNGE edgewood teacher strikes a chord

Junior High English teacher Ms. Denise Miller was born and raised in Portland, Oregon.   She was involved in many different clubs and organizations growing up, including soccer, basketball, Girl Scouts, and band.  Not only was she a part of her high school marching band, but for three summers in high school she was part of a band from the Northwest called Northern Lights. She has visited most states in the country as a result and has participated in the Portland Rose Parade, Starlight Parade, Junior Rose Parade, and Disney Magic Music Days at Disneyland.

Ms. Miller earned her BA in English from the University of Oregon where she was part of the Oregon Marching Band, Symphonic Band, and Concert Band. While at UO, she participated in many activities, including the Holiday Bowl and Parade, Fiesta Bowl and Parade, the Sun Bowl, and the Seattle Bowl. After graduation, she enrolled in Pacific University’s Masters in Teaching program, graduating in December 2004 and spent the next six months in on-the-job training as a substitute teacher in Eugene and Springfield.

The summer of 2005, she relocated to California where her brother was living. Her first job here was in Riverside County at a school called Harvest Valley Elementary. She taught junior high English and computers there. In 2006, she began here at Fairmont teaching computers K-8. In 2007, she added junior high English to her responsibilities.

On weekends and holidays, Ms. Miller enjoys watching college football and basketball games, visiting Disneyland with friends and family, and watching movies. She enjoys reading and watching most genres, but science fiction is her favorite. Ms. Miller still visits her family in Oregon and Washington once or twice a year, but she also loves to travel to other states.  Her next goal is to visit either Florida or Hawaii.

Contributed by Jonna, Edgewood campus

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