Wednesday, December 4

SCHOOL NEWS coach kahlweiss wins coach of the year

Congratulations are in order for Coach Katie Kahlweiss who was recently named 2013 Coach of the Year for the San Joaquin League. Coach Kahlweiss lead the young Lady Huskies volleyball team to a second place finish in the league.  She says, "When I coach I love to teach the girls about technique, teamwork, and discipline, but mostly I enjoying teaching the strategy of the game!  I also encourage my girls to live healthy and active lifestyles which are lessons they can take with them after they leave Fairmont." 

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, December 2

BULLETIN BOARD december inspiration

Children look forward to the holidays all year long, but sometimes the fun gets lost in the shuffle.  We love these four pins from our Fairmont Pinterest boards that bring out the kid in all of us.

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, November 25

A TO Z holiday giving for kids

With so many messages bombarding us to hit the stores and buy, buy, buy, it can be hard to re-focus on a deeper meaning of the holiday season.  One way to tune out the noise of consumerism is to get involved in giving back to others through community service or philanthropy. 

The holiday season is the perfect time to "shop" for a worthwhile cause that suits your family. Whether it's adopting an animal at your local zoo or aquarium, sponsoring a child in a developing country, rounding up canned goods for charity or visiting a senior center, you don't have to look far to find meaningful ways to show genuine charity. 

The holidays can be a stressful time for children as well as parents.  There's so much going on. The expectations are high.  And Santa is making his list and checking it twice!  Slowing down and connecting with others in the community is a great way to bring some normalcy to the season.  

As surprising as it may seem to parents who are keeping track of their kids' ever-expanding holiday wish lists, children get a huge kick out of giving--they just need to be introduced to the habit by an adult who has experienced the joy of giving and wants to pass it along. It's contagious!

There are so many benefits for children who are socially conscious. KidsHealth lists these perks:
  • A sense of responsibility. By volunteering, kids learn what it means to make and keep a commitment. They learn how to be on time for a job, do their best, and be proud of the results. But they also learn that, ultimately, we're all responsible for the well-being of our communities.
  • That one person can make a difference. A wonderful, empowering message for kids is that they're important enough to have an impact on someone or something else.
  • The benefit of sacrifice. By giving up a toy to a less fortunate child, a child learns that sometimes it's good to sacrifice. Cutting back on recreation time to help clean up a beach tells kids that there are important things besides ourselves and our immediate needs.
  • Tolerance. Working in community service can bring kids and teens in touch with people of different backgrounds, abilities, ethnicities, ages, and education and income levels. They'll learn that even the most diverse individuals can be united by common values.
  • Job skills. Community service can help young people decide on their future careers. Are they interested in the medical field? Hospitals and clinics often have teenage volunteer programs. Do they love politics? Kids can work on the real campaigns of local political candidates. Learning to work as a team member, taking on leadership roles, setting project goals — these are all skills that can be gained by volunteering and will serve kids well in any future career.
  • How to fill idle time wisely. If kids aren't involved in traditional after-school activities, community service can be a wonderful alternative.
You can feel confident about being generous when you research charities in advance through Charity Navigator.  The site ranks non-profits on a variety of things including how much of your donation goes to provide goods or services and how much is spent on overhead.  To get ideas for family friendly volunteering, check out this e-book from Volunteer Spot.

This time next year that must-have gift of the season will be long forgotten but the values and memories made by getting involved in giving back will last a lifetime.

Image credit:
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, November 20

FAIRMONT FIVE holiday photo cards

It's that time of year again...time to start thinking about your annual holiday card mailing! The majority of families with precious little children to show off opt for personalized photo cards, and can you blame us!  Photo cards are a great way to reconnect with friends and family near and far.  If you're not already planning a professional family portrait, Thanksgiving holiday is a great time to snap a quick shot of your family looking your best.  Here are five options for sourcing your cards this year:

  1. Largest selection--Tiny Prints
  2. Best quality--Minted
  3. Emailable--Paperless Post
  4. Budget conscious--Snapfish
  5. Print at home--Etsy (lots of options)

Image from frankandfrida via Etsy
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, November 18

ARTS + CRAFTS leaf finger puppets

Fall is such a great time for an outdoor craft with your kids. The leaves are changing colors, the air is crisp, and you may even get some mud puddles to stomp in when you go on your fall leaf hunt!  We love this simple craft from iVillage to share with your kids on a beautiful autumn day. It's easy, in-expensive, and makes for some fun dramatic play when your nature walk is over.

Image: iVillage
Contributed by Darcy, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, November 13

FAIRMONT FIVE frameworthy kid art

We are super excited about creating a new Pinterest board dedicated to the fine and performing arts! Fairmont has an amazing arts program--from drama and music to drawing and painting. To kick things off, here are a few pins dedicated to art you and your child can create at home that you will be proud to show off. Follow Fairmont Private Schools on Pinterest to see more pins from Fairmont's art, music and drama teachers throughout the school year.

Abstract art made with black paint, cardboard/plastic and crayons

Another cool abstract art idea made with paint and cardboard paper towel rolls

Read What Snowmen Do At Night and create this oil pastel drawing on black paper

Love the whimsy of this "Catching Snowflakes" art project and your kids will too!

Get your artistic juices flowing by creating backgrounds to famous works of art.

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, November 11

SHORT STORY 2013 halloween parades

It seems like everyone has moved on to turkeys and tinsel, but we still haven't had our fill of cute students in Halloween costumes.  We think you will agree after you watch the 2013 Halloween parades!

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools