Wednesday, December 12

SNACK TIME cures for the common cold

On average, children have six to eight colds per year. As flu and cold season approaches, it may be wise to stock up on some old time remedies and maybe introduce some new ones. Though you can't actually "cure" a cold, you can improve the way you feel with some simple foods --- see below for some tips that may be worth your while.

Chicken soup is a traditional favorite that has been used to soothe colds and the flu as far back as the 12th century.  Studies have shown that chicken soup can ease the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, including congestion, stuffy nose and cough. Hot fluids also help to keep nasal passages moist, prevent dehydration and soothe a sore throat.

An exotic food once reserved for royalty, mushrooms contain powerful substances including antioxidants and vitamin D that help support the immune system. The majority of mushrooms contain immune building compounds but the Maitake and King Trumpet variety are especially high in these compounds. Use mushrooms as a pizza topping, add them to an omelet or pasta sauce, or include in soups for virus-fighting benefits.

Laboratory evidence indicates that garlic contains antimicrobial and antiviral properties, however, research proving the effectiveness of garlic against the common cold remains limited. Still, it may be worth a try, especially if garlic-infused foods helps improve a stubborn appetite and gets a child to eat.

Drinking hot tea is soothing to mucous membranes while spicy tea such as ginger tea, may temporarily help “open” nasal passages making it easier to breathe.

Flu and cold season have arrived. Is your kitchen pantry cold-remedy ready?

Image via Discover Magazine 

Contributed by Leslie K. Kay-Getzinger, MS, RD, Nutrition Management Services 

Monday, December 10

THE FAIRMONT FIVE playful gift ideas

The holiday season is here!  Are you feeling the pressure?  I can't help with everything on your to-do list, but I'm happy to let you in on a secret we recently pinned to our Pinterest board (the cutest holiday gift guides for kids you'll find anywhere south of the North Pole).  Whether you're shopping for a budding scientist or a ballerina-to-be, you'll get plenty of great ideas for gifts that delight this season and for many moons to come.  Here are a few themes to guide you:

  1. Play
  2. Read
  3. Music
  4. Imagine
  5. Scientists and Explorers

Photo from A Lovely Lark

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, December 7

FRIDAY FOLDER december 7

Anaheim Hills Preschool Sing Along 

North Tustin Cheerleaders Take 1st Place in Regional Championship

Highlights From This Week
Congratulations North Tustin Cheerleaders! 
For the second year in a row, our North Tustin Cheerleaders have won first place in the Southern California Regional Championship! Now they will move on to the state and possibly national level to continue competing.  We are wishing them lots of L-U-C-K! 

CHOC Toy Drive 
The spirit of the holiday season is underway, and our Annual Toy Drive kicked off this week. We would appreciate if you could help us by donating a toy for a boy or a girl who is at CHOC - Children's Hospital of Orange County. These children would truly benefit from receiving a special gift on Christmas morning and all year long. You can drop your donation off at your campus now until December 14th. The toys will be picked up by the Orange Coast Harley Davidson's Chapter. They will come to all of our campuses on Friday, December 14th via motorcycles! Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.

Winter Concerts 
The holidays are just around the corner, and our campuses are all abuzz with holiday cheer! Our annual winter concerts have begun, and they've been a great success so far! You can read re-caps of the 1st and 2nd Grade Performances at the Historic Anaheim Campus and the Preschool Sing Along at the Anaheim Hills Campus (pictured above) in this week's newsletters. 

We still have lots of performances coming up! Check out your campus' newsletter for the dates and times.  

Wednesday, December 5

SNACK TIME rudolph sandwiches

The holiday season is a great time to add a little fun to your child's days! Make a winter break lunch extra special by serving up these Rudolph Sandwiches. They look fancy, but don't worry you probably already have all the ingredients on hand. 

What you need:
-fixings for a sandwich
-heart shaped cookie cutter
-candy coated chocolate candy (M&M's)

  1. Make your sandwich according to your child's taste (PB&J is recommended but you could also use grilled cheese). 
  2. Use your cookie cutter to cut out the heart shape.
  3. Put the pretzels at the two curves of the heart partially inside the sandwich so the peanut butter or melted cheese will help them stay in place. 
  4. Place the candy eyes and make sure to use a red candy for the nose so your reindeer can be Rudolph!
Serve this special lunch as a surprise or let your little one get involved.  The important part is that you are making memories! 

Image from And Everything Sweet 

Contributed by Darcy, Fairmont Private Schools 

Monday, December 3

BULLETIN BOARD: holiday cheer

'Tis the season to be jolly! Ring in the holidays with these festive crafts, decor, and treats. 

1. DIY Button Wreath 2. Resourceful Trader Joes Gift Wrap 3. Natural Christmas Tablescape 4. Creative Mitten Advent Calendar 5. Reindeer Cake Pops 6. Snowflake Gingerbread 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, November 30

FRIDAY FOLDER november 30

Students at our Anaheim Hills Campus give thanks for their Thanksgiving Feast! 
Highlights From This Week
CHOC Toy Drive 
The spirit of the holiday season is underway, and our Annual Toy Drive kicked off this week. We would appreciate if you could help us by donating a toy for a boy or a girl who is at CHOC - Children's Hospital of Orange County. These children would truly benefit from receiving a special gift on Christmas morning and all year long. You can drop your donation off at your campus now until December 14th. The toys will be picked up by the Orange Coast Harley Davidson's Chapter. They will come to all of our campuses on Friday, December 14th via motorcycles! Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.

Winter Concerts 
The holidays are just around the corner, and our campuses are all abuzz with holiday cheer! We are gearing up for our annual winter concerts on each campus to showcase our students' musical talents. We invite all of our parents to join us for these special shows. Please check your campus' weekly newsletter for specific times and grade levels. 

Wednesday, November 28

ARTS & CRAFTS creative gift wrapping

There are those for whom gift-wrapping is a tedious, time-consuming holiday chore.  For me, it's like being an elf in Santa's workshop. I love finding fun, unique ways to make even the most meager gifts seem extra special. With a few simple, inexpensive materials you can elevate your gifts to one-of-a-kind works of art. Here's some inspiration pulled from Fairmont's Pinterest boards:
Photo from Pinterest 

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools