Monday, February 11

FAIRMONT FIVE valentine's day science experiments

This Valentine's Day gather up the conversation hearts, Skittles and pop rocks and have some fun with these sweet science experiments.

  1. The Ups and Downs of a Relationship – Candy Heart Soda Dance
  2. Skittles and M&M’s Letter Float
  3. Pop Rocks Expander
  4. Skittles Color Mix
  5. Love Potion

Image from No Time for Flash Cards
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, February 8

FRIDAY FOLDER february 8

Skiing, Snowboarding, & Good Friends - JH Ski Trip
Highlights From This Week
Re-Enroll for Fairmont's 60th Year 
The 2013/2014 school year marks Fairmont's 60th year of providing quality education. Fairmont Private School was founded in 1953 by Kenneth Holt, and we are so excited to celebrate our 60th Anniversary with you! We encourage you to return your completed re-enrollment contract to your campus Admissions Director by February 22 to guarantee your child's place for this special year. As always, we thank you for being part of our Fairmont family! 

Historic Anaheim Wins the Basketball Tri-Way League Championship! 
Fairmont is known for its basketball program at both the elementary/junior high and high school levels. This year, all of our campuses made it to the playoffs, and our Historic Anaheim Campus came in first place in the Tri-Way League, winning the League Championship title on Thursday, February 7! Our high school basketball teams are well on their way to League Championships and will be playing in the playoffs in the next few weeks. Let's go Fairmont!! 

Scholar Search OC 
Sunday, February 24 10am-5pm
We invite Fairmont parents and prospective parents to take part in the Orange County Scholar Search Educational Forum being held at Fairmont Preparatory Academy this February.  Fairmont has partnered with the Scholar Search Associates to co-host this special event.
To make reservations for the Forum go to the Anaheim Forum page on the Scholar Search site and click on "Reserve Your Spaces" located on the blue horizontal menu bar.

A TO Z: tips for picking the perfect school

Deciding where to send your child for school is not always as easy as registering at your local public school.  Many parents are considering a wide-range of options for their children's education including private and parochial schools, charter and magnet schools, and homeschools.  As you conduct your research online and in person, it helps to have some questions in mind to guide your search. Fairmont's Admissions Directors have counseled thousands of parents over the years and suggest using this list of questions as a starting point:
  1. What is the educational philosophy of the school?
  2. Is the school accredited? Does it have any other affiliations, religious or otherwise?
  3. What is the average class size? Student:teacher ratio?
  4. What safety and security procedures are in place to safeguard students and teachers?
  5. How does the school incorporate technology into the classroom?
  6. What are the most frequent discipline issues?  How does the school handle discipline?
  7. How does the school communicate with parents and how often?
  8. How are teachers evaluated? How often and by whom?
  9. How does the school use data to inform instruction?
  10. What special awards, recognition or achievements has the school won?
  11. How would you describe the academic rigor and expectations?
  12. Are special accommodations made for students with special needs? (physical, nutritional, emotional,academic)
  13. What expectations does the school have of parents? Is giving or volunteering mandatory?
  14. How would you describe the student body (demographics) and campus life?
Image from Kitchen Gardeners

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, February 6

BOOK REPORT: president's day booklist for kids

President's Day may not rank high on your kid's list of the most looked-forward-to holidays of the year, but that's no reason to let it pass unnoticed.  President's Day is a great excuse to learn a little more about the highest office in the land and about all of the colorful characters who have held the esteemed position of President. Here are some of our favorite presidential reads with reviews from School Library Journal.

by Catherine Stier
Kindergarten-Grade 2
A simple explanation of the diverse duties of the president of the United States. Beginning with campaign speeches and posters, six children of varied racial backgrounds take turns posing as the president while providing information about the rewards and responsibilities of the position. Touching briefly on various topics including the White House, Congress, the creation of laws, the cabinet, veto power, Air Force One, and the Secret Service, Stier introduces the day-to-day activities of the commander in chief. 

Lives of the Presidents: Fame, Shame (and What the Neighbors Thought)
by Kathleen Krull
Grade 4-8
Who says biography can't be authoritative and fun at the same time? This briskly written book presents our presidents as human beings first, figureheads second. Krull asserts that her intent was to look "at our leaders with a cool, contemporary eye, respectful but definitely nosy." She succeeds admirably. This is the perfect antidote to encyclopedia articles and standard collective biographies. Krull is factual, but her writing has pizzazz and her details bring the heads of state to life. The most coverage is given to modern presidents and the best known leaders of the past, but for almost any of the 42 men, tidbits of information contain insight.

by Hanoch Piven
Grade 2-6
Beginning with its wordplay title, this book exhibits Piven's flair for creativity and whimsy. Focusing on 17 U.S. presidents, each single- or double-page entry begins with the same phrase ("Presidents are made of…"), includes an interesting anecdote showing the human side of that individual, and presents a collage caricature made of inventive bits of realia that extend the metaphors suggested in the text. For example, George Washington is "…made of good deeds." The narrative recounts how he helped extinguish a neighborhood fire at age 67. His "portrait" has eyes made of small resin-coated American flags that reflect enough light to make them twinkle. The last spread has official portraits of all the presidents, their birth and death dates, and their years in office. 
Grade 5-9
This skillfully abridged and adapted edition of O'Reilly's Killing Lincoln (Holt, 2011) retains the format of the adult title with brief chapters written in a present tense, "you are there" style. It opens in the often-chaotic closing days of the Civil War, capturing the jubilation following Lee's surrender, the events of Lincoln's last days, and Booth's obsessive hatred of Lincoln and his conspiracy to assassinate him. It then describes the shooting and Lincoln's final hours and death, the manhunt for Booth and his allies, Booth's death, and the speedy trial and execution of his co-conspirators. This thriller-like adaptation captures the excitement of the Union victory in the Civil War and the shock and horror that quickly followed as the country learned of Lincoln's death and sought revenge on his assassins. 

Grade 4-8
What stands out in this volume is the writing, which presents history as an engaging and informative story. Hollihan opens the narrative with a focus on asthmatic “Teedie.” His efforts to strengthen his body are accompanied by a list of bodybuilding activities. Following the chronology of Roosevelt's life, a positive picture emerges of the man and his family, his rise to fame, and his impact on history. Activities include making a journal, building a diorama, “hunting” with a camera, and even making a dessert based on Roosevelt's insult that McKinley had “no more backbone than a chocolate éclair.” The projects are interesting and accessible, with cautions to keep an adult nearby when necessary. Numerous black-and-white photos, insets, political cartoons, and illustrations break the text into manageable and interesting bits.

Image from
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, February 4

HOW TO discover your child's learning style

Each child is unique.  It's something that parents know by heart.  Sometimes, however, we assume that "one size fits all" when it comes to how we educate children.  Fairmont Private Schools works to identify children's academic talents and aptitudes during the admissions process so we can place them appropriately and ensure their success.  Beyond the initial assessment, Fairmont's teachers are trained to individualize and differentiate classroom learning so lessons appeal to a wide variety of learners.

Is your child an auditory, visual or kinesthetic learner? There's probably no clear-cut answer   since most kids are an ever-evolving mixture of the three (with wild cards added in just for fun). For example, I'd call my active oldest son a kinesthetic/visual learner who hates sitting still, yet he'll read well into the night about dry topics such as ancient Rome--go figure!  Once again, children defy definition, but it does help to understand their leanings when it comes to learning.  Here's a breakdown of the different learning styles and their definitions provided by

Auditory learners prefer listening to explanations over reading them and may like to study by reciting information aloud. This type of learner may want to have background music while studying, or they may be distracted by noises and need a quiet space to study.

Kinesthetic learners learn by doing and touching. They may have trouble sitting still while studying, and they are better able to understand information by writing it down or doing hands-on activities.

Visual learners process new information by reading, looking at graphics, or watching a demonstration. Children with this learning style can grasp information presented in a chart or graph, but they may grow impatient listening to an explanation.

Think you have your child's learning style pinpointed?  Just for fun, here's a quiz to see if you're right.

Image by Blue Mango provided by

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, February 1

FRIDAY FOLDER february 1

Highlights From This Week
Re-Enroll for Fairmont's 60th Year 
The 2013/2014 school year marks Fairmont's 60th year of providing quality education. Fairmont Private School was founded in 1953 by Kenneth Holt, and we are so excited to celebrate our 60th Anniversary with you! We encourage you to return your completed re-enrollment contract to your campus Admissions Director by February 22 to guarantee your child's place for this special year. As always, we thank you for being part of our Fairmont family! 

North Tustin Cheerleaders Shine in Competition
On Sunday, January 27th, the Fairmont North Tustin Cheer team competed in the CA State Championships. The competition took place at the Citizens Bank Arena in Ontario, CA. The squad has been working hard with practices three times a week. Their dedication and teamwork helped to pull off a great routine that won them 2nd place in the Elementary School cheer division. Their coaches, Blaire Bradley and Joanna Yujuico, along with their parents and family are very proud of the team! The cheer team will soon be heading to Orlando, Florida for Universal Cheer Association's National Competition on February 8-11. Good Luck!

Scholar Search OC 
Sunday, February 24 10am-5pm
We invite Fairmont parents and prospective parents to take part in the Orange County Scholar Search Educational Forum being held at Fairmont Preparatory Academy this February.  Fairmont has partnered with the Scholar Search Associates to co-host this special event.
To make reservations for the Forum go to the Anaheim Forum page on the Scholar Search site and click on "Reserve Your Spaces" located on the blue horizontal menu bar.

Wednesday, January 30

ARTS & CRAFTS valentine craft round-up

Valentine's Day is a crafty gals excuse to let loose!  Every year I love gathering up supplies (lace doilies, heart shaped stickers, construction paper, glue sticks, glitter...) and sitting down with my kids for an afternoon of Valentine card making. There's nothing quite like a homemade card creation and a gift straight from the heart is especially appropriate to celebrate a holiday that's all about love.  Here are some of our favorite Valentine crafts from Fairmont's Pinterest boards.  Don't forget to follow Fairmont on Pinterest for pins related to educational content, parenting support, holiday inspiration and more.

Image from artist Susan Farrington
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools