Tuesday, June 5

SHORT STORY fairmont's young scientists honored in washington dc

Fairmont's ExploraVision team preparing for their press interviews at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. 

The four winning students explaining their Hearing the World's Silent Side Project at the Congressional Science Fair during the ExploraVision Awards Weekend. 

Learn more about their project and trip to D.C. in this OC Register article

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Monday, June 4

SCHOOL NEWS fairmont prep congratulates class of 2012

Fairmont Prep's 158 seniors graduated on Thursday, May 31 in a beautiful ceremony in Historic Anaheim's Pearson Park. 100% of grads will be heading to college this fall, following a knock-out college acceptance season where seniors gained admission to over 200 different colleges and universities in 32 states (and the District of Columbia) and 5 countries. 

The nation's top colleges and universities acknowledged their merit by awarding the Class of 2012 with over $2.8 million in renewable funding and scholarships-an average of $17,722 per student per year. Particularly noteworthy in this year's graduating class are Fairmont's fine and performing arts grads who boast admissions to some of the finest conservatories in the country including the Rhode Island School of Design, the Pratt Institute, The School of Visual Arts, and Parsons School for Design. Read more about the Class of 2012 here.

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Friday, June 1


Highlights From This Week
Fairmont Summer Programs 
Summer is just around the corner! Fairmont Summer Programs is setting sail for a summer to remember, and you won't want to miss it!  Whether you are joining us for summer school, summer camp, or specialized enrichment workshops, Fairmont guarantees that this summer, adventure awaits you! Read about the benefits of summer camp in this blog post. Enroll today for a week or the whole summer at www.fairmontsummerprograms.com

Weekly E-Newsletters 

June Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools

Thursday, May 31

SHORT STORY congratulations class of 2012

Happy Commencement Day and Congratulations to Fairmont's incredible Class of 2012!
We wish you all the best in your college years! 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Wednesday, May 30

THE FAIRMONT FIVE rad grad gifts

It's time for Pomp and Circumstance, flower leis and sighs of relief--oh, and it's time to go shopping for the perfect graduation gift for the graduates in your life.  Graduation presents can be tricky since you want the gift to have meaning, be practical, and most of all be something that expresses just how proud you are of the graduates in your life.  There's nothing wrong with gift cards or cash, but there's something more thoughtful about a carefully chosen present.  Here are a few grad gifts I think deserve high honors:

  1. Charitable Gift $20+,Oxfam America
    Bet you never thought of getting your grad a goat?  But, there's a good chance that's just what your social conscious graduate would prefer.  Choose from dozens of gifts that do good and support your graduate's dreams to make a difference.
  2. Mini Plus Brewing System $100, Keurig
    For the dorm-room dweller who’s short on space (and time), this machine has a tiny footprint and brews a great cup in a minute. From the grad gift list at Martha Stewart Living.
  3. Upcycled Wetsuit iPad sleeve $28, UncommongoodsNo matter where the adventures lead, this protective case made from recycled wet suits, will guard his gear. From the grad gift list at Real Simple.
  4. Trail Cargo Shave Kit $60, Fossil
    Sturdy canvas and ample cargo pockets make this shave kit a must-have accessory for college bound dudes.
  5. Collegiate Throw Blanket $56, Stanford bookstore
    If you're sure you know where your high school graduate is headed in the fall, go online and shop that school's bookstore for gifts emblazoned with the school name or mascot, like this super versatile woven afghan from the Stanford University bookstore.
Photo from Oxfam America
Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Tuesday, May 29

summer brain drain...A to Z

Summer is just around the corner. While we definitely believe that summer should be a time for family vacations, relaxation, exploration, and memory making, we--as educations--also dread the summer brain drain that most students experience. Check out these stats from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Summer Learning, quoted in Dr. Ruth Peters' MSNBC interview about summer learning loss. 

Summer Learning Loss Stats 
  • All students experience learning losses when they do not engage in educational activities during the summer.
  • On average, students lose approximately 2.6 months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation skills during the summer months.
  • Low-income children and youth experience greater summer learning losses than their higher income peers.
  • Students may not have the same structured meal schedule and access to nutritious meals during the summer.
  • Studies show that out-of-school time is a dangerous time for unsupervised children and youth.

Important Facts 
  • Only about 10 percent of students nationwide participate in summer school or attend schools with non-traditional calendars.
  • A majority of students (56 percent) want to be involved in a summer program that “helps kids keep up with schoolwork or prepare for the next grade”.
  • Research shows that teachers typically spend between 4 to 6 weeks re-teaching material that students have forgotten over the summer.
  • At least 11 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 12 care for themselves over the summer months (unsupervised).

Yikes! So what can you do to help your child beat the summer brain drain this summer? At Fairmont we recommend a careful balance of summer fun and academic preparation. Fairmont's Summer Program offers a split-day program with summer school in the morning, summer camp in the afternoons, and off-site field trips on Fridays. This model gives children a chance to prepare for the next school year while still having a summer camp experience--complete with pool days, crafts, outdoor excursions, team building, and more. 

No matter what your plans are for your kids this summer, be sure to supplement play time with learning opportunities whenever possible so they are well prepared for the next school year. 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Friday, May 25


Highlights From This Week
Fairmont Summer Programs 
Summer is just around the corner! Fairmont Summer Programs is setting sail for a summer to remember, and you won't want to miss it!  Whether you are joining us for summer school, summer camp, or specialized enrichment workshops, Fairmont guarantees that this summer, adventure awaits you! Read about the benefits of summer camp in this blog post. Enroll today for a week or the whole summer at www.fairmontsummerprograms.com

Mable Students Honored in Water is Life Poster Contest 
Congratulations to Mable students Courtnie B., Alexisse Y., Tiffany K., and Daryuish K. for placing in the "Water is Life" poster contest which is sponsored by the Anaheim Public Utilities. The contest celebrates California's "Water Awareness Month." Courtnie placed first in the 1st grade division. For winning her division, Courtnie will receive a $100 savings bond. Fourth grader, Alexisse, and fifth grader, Tiffany, placed second in their respective grade level divisions. Daryuish placed third in the 5th grade division. The winning artwork will be displayed in the lobby of the West Tower of Anaheim City Hall. The winners were also recognized on the field before the Angel game on Wednesday, May 16. Way to go Courtnie, Alexisse, Tiffany, and Daryuish! 

Anaheim Hills JH Students Return from Class Trips 
The Anaheim Hills 7th graders took a trip to the Grand Canyon and the 8th graders visited Washington D.C. They had a great time exploring new cities and learning about nature and history. Read all about their adventures in this week's newsletter

Edgewood Recognizes Teachers with Poetry 
We love this poem from 5th grader, Huda K.:

Kind, helpful, caring and glad

teachers who never get mad
Happy and compassionate
So fair and dispassionate
Such great Leaders!
Teaching us several subjects
eloquent education preachers
Our Fairmont Teachers

Citron Performs in Spring Musicals
The Preschool Musical this past Wednesday was a smash! Thank you to all our parents for your support. Watch their rendition of "You're a Grand Old Flag" here. Elementary parents, please set aside Wednesday, May 30th at 5:30pm for the Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten performance at Mable and enjoy the musical talents that have been serenading the Citron Campus. JK and K students will be traveling to the Mable Campus next week during school hours for rehearsals. Each child will be wearing a specific costume that correlates to their classroom performance during the production.

Weekly E-Newsletters 

May Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools