Highlights From This Week
Last Chance to Save 10% on Summer Camp & School
Fairmont Wins Big at Orange County Academic Pentathlon
Fairmont's summer program offers summer experience packed with adventure, academics, friends, and memories! Our 10% off discount was extended through tomorrow, May 5th, so be sure to enroll online today! www.fairmontsummerprograms.com
Last week we shared some preliminary results from the 2012 Academic Pentathlon, however not all of the Fairmont awards were accounted for. We apologize for not including everything, and are happy to provide an updated, comprehensive list of all of our Pentathlon results below:
Anaheim Hills campus
7th grade team - 2nd Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
31 individual awards
8th grade team - 5th Place Super Quiz
8th grade team - 5th Place Super Quiz
14 individual awards
Edgewood campus
7th grade team - 5th Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
21 individual awards
8th grade team "Talons" - 3rd Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
28 individual awards
8th grade team "Eagles" - 1st Place Overall; 3rd Place Super Quiz
33 individual awards
Mable campus
7th grade team -1st Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
47 individual awards
8th grade team - 2nd Place Overall; 4th Place Super Quiz
37 individual awards
Fairmont Debaters Excel at the National Level
On Saturday, April 21, 27 middle school students from the Orange County Debate League (OCDL) competed in the 10th annual Middle School Public Debate Program (MSPDP) National Championship held at Claremont McKenna College. Several teams of Fairmont students were among the 100 teams and 300 students who participated in the national competition. Fairmont's debaters came away with a number of team and individual speaker awards. Fairmont's Anaheim Hills campus took "Best in League" as the top performing school from the OCDL. Click here to read more about the tournament.
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May Lunch Menus
Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools