Friday, May 4


Highlights From This Week
Last Chance to Save 10% on Summer Camp & School 
Fairmont's summer program offers summer experience packed with adventure, academics, friends, and memories! Our 10% off discount was extended through tomorrow, May 5th, so be sure to enroll online today!

Fairmont Wins Big at Orange County Academic Pentathlon
Last week we shared some preliminary results from the 2012 Academic Pentathlon, however not all of the Fairmont awards were accounted for. We apologize for not including everything, and are happy to provide an updated, comprehensive list of all of our Pentathlon results below: 

Anaheim Hills campus
7th grade team - 2nd Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
31 individual awards

8th grade team - 5th Place Super Quiz
14 individual awards

Edgewood campus
7th grade team - 5th Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
21 individual awards

8th grade team "Talons" - 3rd Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
28 individual awards

8th grade team "Eagles" - 1st Place Overall; 3rd Place Super Quiz
33 individual awards

Mable campus
7th grade team -1st Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
47 individual awards

8th grade team - 2nd Place Overall; 4th Place Super Quiz
37 individual awards

Fairmont Debaters Excel at the National Level 
On Saturday, April 21, 27 middle school students from the Orange County Debate League (OCDL) competed in the 10th annual Middle School Public Debate Program (MSPDP) National Championship held at Claremont McKenna College. Several teams of Fairmont students were among the 100 teams and 300 students who participated in the national competition. Fairmont's debaters came away with a number of team and individual speaker awards. Fairmont's Anaheim Hills campus took "Best in League" as the top performing school from the OCDL. Click here to read more about the tournament. 

Weekly E-Newsletters 

May Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Thursday, May 3

HOW TO save on your summer vacation

Can you believe it's May already?! That means summer is just a few short weeks away.  If you haven't made your plans yet there's still time to benefit from Parents magazine's money-saving vacation pointers.  I've already enlisted a few of them in planning my family's whirlwind tour of So Cal's theme parks.  Here are a few of my favorite tips:

Rent Lodging from the Owner
Score a deal by seeking out by-owner rentals when you need overnight digs -- and be ready to negotiate. "With people not traveling as much this summer it's a great time to call up the owners of vacation condos or mom-and-pop type hotels to ask for a deal," says Ellie Kay, mother of seven and the author of A Mom's Guide to Family Finances. "You'll speak directly with the owner, and because they're used to being full at this time of the year, they're more likely to offer you a discount."

Theme Parks: Go Local
A trip to a theme park doesn't have to include long car rides, flights, and hotels -- chances are your kids (especially younger ones) will be just as thrilled with a great local park. Hit up your park's Web site before you go. Many offer discounts on tickets purchased online, have printable coupons for deals on food, and offer information about reduced fares for afternoon admission, season passes, and group ticket sales.

Give the Kids a Budget
Prevent post-vacation credit card bill shock (and teach your kids a thing or two about budgeting) by thinking about how much each day will cost in advance -- and then giving your kids (over age 7) a reasonable amount of cash as their daily spending money. Let them know they can keep anything that's left over so they'll think about whether or not they really need both the cotton candy and the jumbo lollipop -- or if they can make do with one or the other and pocket the rest. Be clear and stick to you guns -- if the money runs out, that's it. No bailing out your spendthrift kid.

Photo from

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Wednesday, May 2

SCHOOL NEWS 7th & 8th grade pentathletes continue tradition of wins

Anaheim Hills pentathletes strike a proud pose with their coaches and Mr. David Jackson at this year's
Orange County Academic Pentathlon awards ceremony held Tuesday, April 24.
It's a tradition that stretches back more than most of us at Fairmont can remember (21 years, in fact) and this year, Fairmont's teams not only placed in the prestigious annual OC Academic Pentathlon, they brought home some of the top team and individual awards.  Of the many highlights of the awards presentation on April 24th was the discovery that six of the eight students who earned perfect scores on the 8th grade math test came from Fairmont Schools!  Way to go, Fairmont!  Special thanks goes out to all of the Pentathlon participants, including their coaches, for their hard work and preparation for the 2012 OC Academic Pentathlon.  Here are the highlights from each campus:

Anaheim Hills campus
7th grade team - 2nd Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
31 individual awards

8th grade team - 5th Place Super Quiz
14 individual awards

Edgewood campus
7th grade team - 5th Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
21 individual awards

8th grade team "Talons" - 3rd Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
28 individual awards

8th grade team "Eagles" - 1st Place Overall; 3rd Place Super Quiz
33 individual awards

Mable campus
7th grade team -1st Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
47 individual awards

8th grade team - 2nd Place Overall; 4th Place Super Quiz
37 individual awards

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Tuesday, May 1


May is a special month to celebrate springtime and to recognize the person in our lives who helps us through all of life's trials and tribulations--MOM! We've dedicated our Bulletin Board to ideas for showing mom you care every day in May. 

1. Pancake Hearts Make the Perfect Breakfast in Bed 2. Forget the Venti, This Month It's All About the Madre! 3. Make-It-Yourself Vintage Tea Cup Candles 4. Today's Headline: World's Best Mom 5. This P&G Tribute to Moms Video Melts Our Hearts 6. Gardening-Inspired Flower Arrangement

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Monday, April 30

SCHOOL NEWS debaters win top awards in national championship

Fairmont Edgewood Debate Team
From left: 
Sonali Narang, Lauren Lee, Amanda Madden
On Saturday, April 21, 27 middle school students from Orange County competed in the 10th annual Middle School Public Debate Program (MSPDP) National Championship. The MSPDP has leagues in locales across the country, including New York, New Orleans, Washington, San Francisco, and several in Southern California. Only 27 of the roughly 200 students from the MSPDP-affiliated Orange County Debate League (OCDL) earned the chance to compete in the National Championship.

We are very proud of our OCDL debaters. The students from Fairmont Anaheim Hills and Edgewood did a fantastic job. About 100 teams (300 bright students) came to participate in this event. As a group, the OCDL students won roughly 65% of their debates! Clearly, some of the BEST competition in middle school debate is right here in Orange County (and at Fairmont Private Schools)!

Team Awards
Anaheim Hills PPL (Kyle Patel, Nikasha Patel, Zeke Levin) 4th place
Anaheim Hills RTC (Nick Crosson, Sabrina Tawfik, Jack Renton) 15th place

Speaker Awards
Anaheim Hills - Zeke Levin 6th place
Edgewood - Lauren Lee 16th place
Anaheim Hills - Nikasha Patel 23rd place
Edgewood - Amanda Madden 24th place

Best in League (Given to the top performing school of each league)
Anaheim Hills

Contributed by Ben Hughes and Danyelle Knight, Fairmont Private Schools

Friday, April 27


Highlights From This Week
Last Chance to Save 10% on Summer Camp & School 
Fairmont's summer program offers summer experience packed with adventure, academics, friends, and memories! Save 10% on Fairmont Summer Camp and School registration through April 30th! Discounts are not valid for enrichment workshops and are only valid online. Look for additional online promotions via Facebook! 
Enroll Online Today!

Fairmont Wins Big at Orange County Academic Pentathlon
The 2012 Academic Pentathlon results are in, and Fairmont took home awards in every category! See the complete list of awards below: 

Anaheim Hills campus
7th grade team - 2nd Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
31 individual awards

8th grade team - 5th Place Super Quiz
14 individual awards

Edgewood campus
7th grade team - 5th Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
21 individual awards

8th grade team "Talons" - 3rd Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
28 individual awards

8th grade team "Eagles" - 1st Place Overall; 3rd Place Super Quiz
33 individual awards

Mable campus
7th grade team -1st Place Overall; 2nd Place Super Quiz
47 individual awards

8th grade team - 2nd Place Overall; 4th Place Super Quiz
37 individual awards

Weekly E-Newsletters 

April Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Thursday, April 26

SCHOOL NEWS fairmont takes first place in national exploravision competition

Four fifth graders from Fairmont PrivateSchools’ Mable Campus in Anaheim demonstrated their top-notch talent for scientific innovation in Toshiba’s ExploraVision Competition. ExploraVision is the largest student science/technology competition in the world, with 4,807 competing teams this year.  The Fairmont team, led by science teacher Kathryn Baham, was named the national first place winner in the 4th-6th grade division for their project “Hearing the World’s Silent Side.” The team members include Chloe S. of Fullerton, Taylor T. of Orange, Riya B. of Buena Park and Raj S, of Anaheim.

As first place winners, each student will receive a U.S. EE Savings Bond worth $10,000 at maturity. Additionally, the students, their parents and their teacher Ms. Baham will receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. for the ExploraVision Awards Weekend May 30-June 2, 2012. The weekend will include a visit to Capitol Hill to meet with members of Congress, a Science Showcase during which the students will display and demonstrate their winning ideas, a Satellite Media Tour and a Gala Awards Banquet.

The ExploraVision competition challenges Kindergarten through 12th graders to propose how a current technology might be used 20 years in the future. Fairmont’s team of students studied the cochlear implant (hearing aid) and was shocked to discover that with today's technology doctors are still unable to help patients with deafness caused by auditory nerve damage. To find a solution, the students looked to the technology that is currently being tested for spinal cord injuries and wondered if that technology could be re-purposed in deaf patients. The answer, it turned out, was yes.

Applying this creative thinking, the students came up with their product: “Hearing the World’s Silent Side” [HWSS]. HWSS is a mixture of two components: nanofibers used in Spinal Cord technology and a 2012 Cochlear Implant. In HWSS the nanofibers are used to coat the auditory nerve. When sound waves enter the ear they are able to bypass the nerve damage. Combining this nanofiber technology with the regular cochlear implant results in a perfect solution for any type of hearing loss. 

Congratulations to our young innovators! 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools