Wednesday, April 25

SNACK TIME toddler approved

We know that good nutrition habits help children to stay healthy, develop properly and become healthy adults. How can we help create healthy eating habits or get picky eaters to try new foods?

There's a variety of visual tools you can use to make nutritious meals pleasant and even exciting for children. Get creative about how food is actually presented. Try using bright colors, unique shapes, and special plates and be sure to discuss the benefits of good eating right from the start.

Strawberry Rice Cake Stacks
Begin with a mini-rice cake and add a dollop of flavored yogurt (dairy or soy). Top with bite size strawberry or blueberry for color or make a funny raisin face. This quick and easy bite-size snack has a nutritious dose of dairy and fresh fruit -- and kids really enjoy it.

Kids love finger foods and anything that's made miniature. Use tiny buns and fill with a scaled down hamburger, veggie-burger or lunchmeat. Mini-veggies on the side such as cherry or grape tomatoes or cocktail pickles would compliment the entrée! Bite size chunks of cheese will surely please even finicky eaters.

Special Tableware
A colorful bowl, placemat or fancy fork or spoon can make a child feel special at meal time. A personalized plate or dish set with the child’s name or favorite color or cartoon character can enhance the eating experience and encourage a few extra bites. (

Sandwich Shapes
Use cookie cutters to transform ordinary sandwich bread into special shapes for snacks or lunches. Make the sandwiches the usual way by using two pieces of bread and filling (almond butter and jam, cheese or grilled cheese, or lunchmeats), then cut them with a fun shape cookie cutter to make a child-friendly sandwich.

Use cookie cutters in the shape of an airplane, animal, hat or another shape, depending upon the cookie cutters you have available.  If you don’t have cookie cutters, use a regular drinking glass to make a circle shape.

Meal planning and preparation activities provide an opportunity to engage children to use all of their senses as they learn in meaningful ways. Children can help select foods when grocery shopping. Young kids can retrieve things from the pantry, garden or refrigerator, help measure ingredients, and stir or mix various foods. Older children can help read recipes.

Grocery shopping and meal preparation engages children and helps them to develop physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language skills. Studies show that when children are involved in meal planning and preparation they are less likely to be picky eaters and much more likely to try new foods!

(Image from Lunch Punch

Contributed by Leslie K. Kay-Getzinger, MS, RD, Regional Dietitian for Nutrition Management Services

Tuesday, April 24

THE FAIRMONT FIVE preschool readiness

How do you know your child is ready for preschool?  The answer really depends upon your child. In my case, I noticed that my children were becoming more independent and enjoyed spending time at grandmas without having me close at hand.  They talked about school and were curious about colors, shapes and learning their A,B,Cs. And (here's the biggie) they were confident about going to the potty.

Preschool paves the way for a lifetime of learning.  Here are five questions to ask yourself to determine if your child is ready for those first, important baby steps:
  1. Is your child potty-trained? While not all preschool programs require that children be potty-trained, at Fairmont we believe that giving up diapers is one clue that your tot is ready for the big kid world of preschool.
  2. Can your child separate from you without melting down? Every child has moments when leaving mom, dad or another caregiver can be particularly tough.  If your child is ready for preschool, you'll notice a burgeoning independence as your little one looks forward to striking out on his or her own.
  3. Can your child properly feed him/herself with utensils and remain seated in a chair while eating?  Preschool-aged children are notoriously "wiggly" in their seats, and that's okay.  But he or she should be able to feed him/herself without needing adult help.
  4. Can your child play with other children, or alone, for at least 15 minutes without requiring constant adult intervention?  Playing well independently and with others is a skill that builds as preschoolers mature; however, they'll need to start moving in this direction before it's appropriate to enroll them in preschool.
  5. Can your child follow other adult’s directions?  If you're the only one who can get your child's attention, he or she may not be ready for preschool.  Make sure your child has the opportunity to experience other caregivers--family members, friends, etc.--before starting preschool.
Want to learn more, join us tomorrow, Wednesday, April 25th, for a special Chalk Talk: Week of the Young Child Workshop at the Fullerton Main Library.  Sheila Rafa, an early childhood educator from the Citron campus, will share tips and tricks for potty training and ways to prepare your child for preschool.

Photo from Microsoft Office clip gallery

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Monday, April 23

SCHOOL NEWS week of the young child

At Fairmont Private Schools, the Week of the Young Child™, an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), is packed with fun and learning designed for the early childhood years.  Each of Fairmont’s elementary campuses has plans for commemorating this special week (April 22–28) with events and activities including an outdoor concert with Nick the Music Man at the Anaheim Hills campus, a Bubbleology performance at the Edgewood campus, an international fashion show at the Citron campus and buddy story time at the Mable campus.

“Research and our own experiences at Fairmont have proven the importance of early childhood for laying the foundation for academic and life success,” said Fairmont Director of Education Sandy Cosgrove.  “We look forward to the Week of the Young Child each spring to bring awareness to Fairmont’s youngest learners and celebrate the teachers whose nurturing and instruction prepare our students to excel.”

The purpose of the Week of the Young Child™(WOYC) is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.  Fairmont’s third annual WOYC celebration perfectly aligns with NAEYC’s 2012 theme: Early Years Are Learning Years®.

In addition to the on-campus events and activities, Fairmont will be hosting a special WOYC Chalk Talk at the Fullerton Library on Wednesday, April 25 from 5:30-7pm. This complementary workshop is open to the public and is designed for children ages 1-3 and their parents. Starting with Potty Training 101, parents will learn simple potty training tips and tricks. Next, one of Fairmont’s seasoned early childhood educators will provide insights into how to prepare children for school with a comprehensive Preschool Readiness presentation. Parents can RSVP at

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools 

Friday, April 20


Highlights From This Week
Upcoming Events 
Chalk Talk: Special Week of the Young Child Workshop 
Wednesday, April 25, 5:30-7pm 
Fullerton Public Library 
Are you ready for preschool but not sure about your toddler? To celebrate the Week of the Young Child, we invite you to an Early Childhood Education workshop. Beginning with Potty Training 101, our expert will help you breeze through the process with some simple potty training tips and tricks. Our next topic is a comprehensive Preschool Readiness presentation from a seasoned early childhood educator. This event is geared for parents with children ages 1-3. Children are welcome! 

Fairmont's summer program offers summer experience packed with adventure, academics, friends, and memories! Save 10% on Fairmont Summer Camp and School registration through April 30th! Discounts are not valid for enrichment workshops and are only valid online. Look for additional online promotions via Facebook and Twitter! 
Enroll Online Today!

Special Announcement: Fairmont Family Night @ Angels Stadium    
Don't forget, this Friday April 20 is Fairmont Family Night at Angels Stadium! We can't wait to see all our Fairmont families there. As you may know, we have a star baseball player at Fairmont Prep this year named Felipe Perez. He helped lead the USA Baseball 16U Team to victory against Mexico in 2010, and he has already accepted a position on the UCLA Baseball team for the fall. We will be congratulating him during the game with the message CONGRATULATIONS FELIPE PEREZ. FAIRMONT TO UCLA up on the stadium screens during the 4th inning. We invite you all to show your Fairmont pride and stand up to cheer when the message comes up!   

Mable Students Add Up Awards at Math Invitational 
On Saturday, April 14, nine Mable Junior High students and students from the Orange County area participated in the 2nd Annual Sage Hill Math Invitational. The competition was held at Sage Hill High School in Newport Coast. Read the whole story here

Weekly E-Newsletters 

April Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Thursday, April 19

ARTS & CRAFTS tin can herb garden

With Earth Day just around the corner, we love this practical Kaboose craft that recycles and creates new life! The kids will enjoy helping paint the can and watching their plants grow week by week. And the fresh herbs just might inspire some new recipes! 

What you'll need:
  • Empty aluminum can
  • Screwdriver and hammer
  • Liquid gesso (recommended: Liquitex Basics Gesso)
  • Acrylic craft paints in colors of your choice
  • Acrylic sealer spray, matte finish
  • Craft stick
  • Thin cardboard
  • Pinking shears
  • Black permanent marker
  • 5-10 small rocks, stones or pebbles
  • 1.5 cups potting soil
  • 4-inch potted herb plant
  • White craft glue
  • Water
  • Flower stickers (optional)

How to make it:
  1. Completely wash and dry aluminum can. If necessary, sand off any rough edges from opening of can.
  2. Turn can upside down. Parent should use screwdriver or other pointed object to poke holes in the bottom of the can. Use a hammer to tap the end of the screwdriver to make the holes.
  3. Paint outside of can with one coat of gesso. Let dry completely.
  4. Paint can in the desired color, repeat coats if needed.
  5. Decorate however you like. Use a thin paint brush for long lines, dip the end of the paint brush into paint for polka dots.
  6. Decorate with stickers if desired.
  7. In a well-ventilated area, spray the outside of the completed can with acrylic sealer spray. Let dry.
  8. Place enough rocks or pebbles in the bottom of the can to form a single layer.
  9. Add enough potting soil to fill the can two-thirds full.
  10. Remove potted herb from its container and transplant into the can.
  11. Fill edges with remaining potting soil, gently pat down so that plant is firmly in the can but not compacted so much that it’s too tight.
  12. Place can on a plate (to catch any water drainage) and add some water to the newly planted herbs.
  13. Paint craft stick whatever color you like. Allow to dry.
  14. Cut a piece of thin cardboard into a small rectangle (about 1.5 x 3 inches) using pinking shears.
  15. Paint both side of the cardboard with gesso, let dry.
  16. Glue the rectangle to the top of the craft stick.
  17. Use a black permanent marker to write the herb name onto the rectangle.
  18. Insert your plant marker into the soil, being careful not to crush any roots along the way.
  19. Place your new garden in a sunny window and remember to water them!
(Image from Kaboose)

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Wednesday, April 18

FAIRMONT FIVE creating a backyard habitat

Since I was a kid, I've loved digging in the dirt. My mom was an avid gardener.  My grandfather and his father and his father...were all farmers, so I guess I come by it naturally. So, when I arrived in the concrete jungle that was LA county, I was determined to start digging.

What began as a beautification project soon grew into something more meaningful.  As I researched native and drought tolerant plants, I discovered that they were not only more economical than my thirsty lawn, they were also beautiful.  And as I set about transforming my front and backyard spaces with Mediterranean plants, succulents and California natives, I discovered an unexpected bonus.  My yard became a mecca for bees, butterflies, dragonflies, many different bird species and even a few lizards.  In fact, one year a pair of ducks nested near the water feature.
These days there's lots of talk about transforming our lawns into green spaces that embrace our natural habitat. Up for the challenge this Earth month?  If so, here are a few tips to get you started.
  1. Do your homework before you dig. The CA Native Plant Society is a wonderful resource offering tips, plant lists and garden plans. Visit nurseries that specialize in natives, like Tree of Life nursery in San Juan Capistrano.  You'll have access to master gardeners and a greater variety of natives than at the garden variety garden center.
  2. Start with container plantings. Not ready to rip up the front lawn?  Who can blame you.  You may be surprised how successful you can be in attracting butterflies, bees and hummingbirds with a native plant container garden.  Half wine barrels can even support shrubs and small trees.
  3. Get your kids involved. Children love to get dirty and this is a perfect opportunity to play in the dirt!  They can help with every stage of the process from shopping for plants to helping maintain your new backyard habitat. 
  4. Add a water feature. Don't worry, you don't have to be an engineer to figure this one out. A bird bath or large plant saucer works fine as long as you keep it clean and refresh the water often. 
  5. Avoid herbicides and pesticides. It goes without saying that you won't attract animals to your yard if you're busy killing their food. Stick with organic gardening practices and don't worry if you see the occasional aphid or ant.  A pest to you is a meal for others!
Need more convincing that a backyard habitat is for you?  Check out how a native garden boosted test scores at an LA elementary school.

Photo from CA Native Plant Society website.

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Tuesday, April 17

SCHOOL NEWS mable students add up awards at math invitational

This past Saturday, April 14, 2012, Mable junior high students participated in the second annual Sage Hill Math Invitational, a team-based competition for local middle schools. The goal of the event is to promote and celebrate mathematics by providing a fun environment for middle school students to collaborate and share their interests. There are six competitions based upon the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards: Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis and Probability, Reasoning and Proof, and Mental Math. Seventh graders Han C., Ejay C., Tara F. and Ronik K. and eighth graders Jonathan L., Tarek S., Jimmy W., and Nathaniel Y. represented Fairmont at the event, bringing home several top awards!

Take a look at this impressive showing:
Mental Math (7th grade)--First Place, Han C.
Mental Math (7th grade)--Third Place, Ejay C.
Mental Math (8th grade--First Place, Tarek S.
Algebra (7th grade)--First Place, Fairmont
Algebra (8th grade)--First Place, Fairmont
Logic and Reasoning (7th grade)--First Place, Fairmont
Overall Winner (7th grade)--Second Place, Fairmont
Overall Winner (8th grade)--Second Place, Fairmont

Congratulations to our individual award winners and to all of the students who contributed to Fairmont Mable's exciting team awards!  And a special "thank you" to their teacher Michelle Paraiso for all of her hard work in preparing our students to shine!

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools