Friday, March 2


Highlights From This Week
Orange County Spelling Bee Results!
Yesterday, the OC Register announced the top fifty-six spellers from across Orange County who have been selected as Spelling Bee finalists. These students will square off Saturday in the final of The Orange County 2012 Scripps National Spelling Bee. The winner will head to Washington, D.C. for the national championship in May, an event televised on ESPN. We are pleased to congratulate our very own Liza M., Lauren L., Nicole K. and Sherry X. for making the finals! We wish them the best of luck on S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y!  

Anaheim Hills American Cancer Society Relay Recess 
The Anaheim Hills campus is excited to be hosting the American Cancer Society's Relay Recess the week of March 5-9.  The American Cancer Society Relay Recess brings education and community service to your child's classroom in a fun and exciting way that allows students to help save lives from cancer. Through our Relay Recess program, your child will learn about cancer and steps they can take to reduce their risk of developing the disease and stay well. Learn more in the Anaheim Hills newsletter. 

Peer to Peer Days at Fairmont Prep 
On Friday, March 9th (Anaheim Hills) and March 16th(Mable & Edgewood), our 7th grade students will visit Fairmont Prep for Peer to Peer Day. Our students will get a taste of the high school life as they sit on a class, tour the campus and enjoy themed "Around the World Days" activities. Check the weekly newsletters below for the full schedule. Please be sure your student's permission slip has been signed and returned to make sure he or she can attend Peer to Peer Day.

Weekly E-Newsletters 

March Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Thursday, March 1


There's so much to celebrate this month: National Craft Month, Dr. Seuss' 107th birthday, St. Patrick's Day, the start of spring...and we're just getting started!  As the days become longer and green starts popping up all over, we invite you to get out and enjoy the cool spring weather--you might just spy a rainbow! We wish you the best of luck ;) 

1. Dr. Suess' Green Eggs and Ham 2. Leprechaun Lunchbox 3. Green Vintage Reads 4. Lucky Planter 5. Greenery in Glass Display 6. Shamrock Snack

Contributed by Alyssa and Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools 

Wednesday, February 29

FAIRMONT FIVE leap year day to-dos

As a working mom of three little kids, I often find myself wishing for an extra hour here and there. This year, my wish is coming true. Well, not quite. It's true that 2012 is leap year and that means the notoriously short month of February gets extended by one day, a Wednesday as it turns out. Unfortunately, I won't be able to horde those extra 24 hours all to myself. Children will need to be fed and bathed and readied for school.  Emails will need to be answered and projects completed on deadline.  And, the household chores I've neglected all winter will still be nipping at my heels. All that said, leap year day only comes around every four years which is a rare enough thing to warrant a little celebration. So, here are some ideas on how to spend at least a few moments of your leap year day:
  1. Take a leap of faith. According to folk tradition, women may propose marriage to men during leap year.  It was a pretty big leap of faith for a woman to take back in the day.  Why not channel all that courage into stepping out into the unknown in your own life?  Maybe it's something as innocuous as painting an accent wall in your living room or as daring as venturing into a new career.  Either way, let the spirit of the day encourage you to be brave.
  2. Enjoy a nap. Just thinking about leap year day makes my head spin with all that I'd like to get accomplished.  While you're loading up your list of to-dos, set aside an hour or two to just relax.  Take a nap, go for a long walk, enjoy a leisurely lunch.  It's okay to be a little lazy every fours years!
  3. Plan your summer vacation. You've been dreaming all winter of the perfect summer vacation. There's no time like today to start making plans.  Book early and you'll be rewarded with greater availability and better rates.
  4. Reconnect with an old friend. Most would agree that friendship is one of the most valuable things in life.  Don't let the day go by without picking up the phone to chat with an old friend you've been meaning to connect with for weeks, months or even years.
  5. Do one thing you love.  It might be starting the day with your favorite hot beverage or pulling out the craft supplies for an evening of creativity.  Whatever floats your boat, plan to do something on this special, extra day that makes you happy. Because even though this year is one day longer, life is much too short!
Cartoon copied from The Week

Contributed by Danyelle, Fairmont Private Schools

Tuesday, February 28

SNACK TIME national heart health month

February is National Heart Health Month, dedicated to celebrating healthy heart habits, raising awareness about heart disease and increasing knowledge about prevention.

To a young child or teen, learning and practicing good health and hygiene (brushing teeth, hand washing, and healthy eating habits) are life skills that foster physical and mental development. Cultivating positive food habits begins with recognizing which foods are most beneficial and having those foods available during meal and snack times.

For a recap of heart-healthy foods that work specifically to lower risk for heart disease or help promote heart health see below:
  • Whole grains: such as whole grain cereals, whole grain breads, whole grain (brown) rice, or whole grain pasta
  • Fiber: found in vegetables, fruits, whole grain products. Note: juice does not contain a significant source of fiber
  • B vitamins: (found in meats, whole grains, vegetables, and nuts)
  • Monounsaturated fats: found in olive oil, nuts, and unprocessed peanut and/or almond butter
  • Soy protein: found in tofu, soy-milk, edamame, soy-based foods such as meat alternatives, and soy-based nutrition bars
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: found in seafood, fish oil, or fortified foods. For children who don’t like to eat fish, fruit-flavored omega-3 supplements such as gummy bears or pudding-like supplements are available. See for examples.

Secondly, families who regularly eat meals together tend to eat more balanced, healthier meals. Research shows that a child's preference for certain foods is dependent on the foods availability in the home. For example, children raised in homes where fruits and vegetables are readily available are more likely to prefer these foods.

So, planning ahead and having heart-healthy foods available at mealtimes are powerful ways to nurture good nutrition habits that continue through adulthood.  You’re never too young (or too old) to make dietary changes that can influence the course of a diet- and lifestyle-related disease.

Contributed by Leslie K. Kay-Getzinger, MS, RD, Regional Dietitian for Nutrition Management Services

(Image from Heartstrong

Monday, February 27

cyber safety...A to Z

Today's children are digital natives--they grow up surrounded by and depending on technology. It's now common to see three-year-olds in restaurants playing on iPads. Times are changing, and fast! 

With all this technology available, it's not surprising that children start using the Internet at a young age. While the Internet is an incredible resource, it can also be very dangerous if kids don't know how to navigate safely. 

Check out these statistics from Net Lingo
  • 4,000,000 children are posting content to the Web everyday
  • 15,000,000 youth use Instant Messaging
  • 76% of parents don't have rules about what their kids can do on the computer
  • 65% of parents believe that kids do things online that they wouldn't want their parents to know about
  • One third of kids have been contacted by a stranger and half of these were considered inappropriate
  • 20% of children age 10-17 have been solicited sexually online; that's 1 out of every 5 kids 
  • 89% of sexual solicitations are made in either chat rooms or Instant Messages
  • 75% of youth who received an online sexual solicitation did not tell a parent
  • 9 out of 10 parents will never know that any inappropriate contact has occurred

Shocking, right? Internet safety is uncharted parenting territory, but the need for clear safety rules to keep kids protected cannot be ignored. Here are our top two tips for getting started: 
  • Define the Rules Early. Each parent and household is different, but having a conversation with your children before they are allowed to access the Internet independently is a good starting point. During this conversation you can make your rules, and the consequences for breaking those rules, very clear. 
  • Be Engaged and Monitor. Even the best rules won't stick without enforcement. Make sure your children know that you are interested in what they are doing online. Ask them what websites they think are best and why. Follow up an open dialogue by monitoring your child's activity and asking questions about anything that may seem questionable. 
To learn more about Internet safety from the experts, we invite you to join us at our upcoming Chalk Talk with Monique Nelson of Web Wise Kids, an OC-based non-profit dedicated to helping keep kids safe online. The Chalk Talk will be held this Wednesday, February 29th from 7-8:30pm at our Mable Campus. Learn more and RSVP here

(Image from

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Friday, February 24

FRIDAY FOLDER february 24

Highlights From This Week
Upcoming Chalk Talk: How To Keep Your Kids Safe Online 
Wednesday, February 29, 7-8:30pm
Location: Fairmont Mable Campus

The Internet offers limitless opportunities for young learners, but it can be a dangerous place if children lack key safety rules. Join Monique Nelson, Chief Operating Officer of OC-based Web Wise Kids to learn how to keep your kids safe as they surf the web. Young children are welcome, child care will be provided. 
Click here to RSVP

Anaheim Hills American Cancer Society Relay Recess 
The Anaheim Hills campus is excited to be hosting the American Cancer Society's Relay Recess the week of March 5-9.  The American Cancer Society Relay Recess brings education and community service to your child's classroom in a fun and exciting way that allows students to help save lives from cancer.  Through our Relay Recess program, your child will learn about cancer and steps they can take to reduce their risk of developing the disease and stay well. Learn more in the Anaheim Hills newsletter. 

Peer to Peer Days at Fairmont Prep 
On Friday, March 9th (Anaheim Hills) and March 16th(Mable & Edgewood), our 7th grade students will visit Fairmont Prep for Peer to Peer Day. Our students will get a taste of the high school life as they sit on a class, tour the campus and enjoy themed "Around the World Days" activities. Check the weekly newsletters below for the full schedule. Please be sure your student's permission slip has been signed and returned to make sure he or she can attend Peer to Peer Day.

Weekly E-Newsletters 

February Lunch Menus 

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools 

Thursday, February 23

HOW TO toy & clothing donations

Sometimes no matter how much spring cleaning you do, there's just too much stuff to organize! Between the toys, stuffed animals, clothes, shoes, books, etc., children's rooms can become cluttered in no time. Having more stuff than can fit on the shelves or in the closet can make kids feel overwhelmed and unwilling to help clean. 

Fortunately, you can avoid this conundrum and teach your kids the importance of sharing and giving back by encouraging them to donate their unused clothes and toys on a regular basis. Whether you donate once or twice a year, or every time a new toy joins the toy box, you'll help your child become more compassionate and generous by limiting his or her belongings to only the essentials and sharing the rest with others. 

There are tons of local organizations that accept donations throughout the year. Here's a quick list to get you started: 
  • Goodwill of Orange County has donation locations across the county and also offers a pick-up service. 
  • Salvation Army in Anaheim accepts all donations and will send someone to come pick them up. 
  • Children's Bureau of Southern California accepts specifically kids toys, clothes and educational activities. 
Click here for more donation locations, and remember that friends and family members are also great for re-appreciating an underused toy or sweater. 

Image from A Child Grows in Brooklyn

Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools